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Everything posted by jdw174

  1. For protection from spyware and virus, I would definitely go with AVG. I just bought a new computer and the tech installed a 30 day trial of AVG's MalWare program. Super program and I purchased a two year subscription after trying it out. $44 for two years vs $60 for one year of Norton. I'd avoid Norton and McAfee like the plague. Had Norton on my last machine and it slowed it horribly. To read more about AVG, go to www.grisoft.com .
  2. Absolutely fish in cold weather. Go during the warmer part of the day rather than early. Use a jig or crankbait a LOT. Keep in mind you're most likely fishing for maybe 3-4 bites, but those bites can be BIG this time of year. If your lake has a winter drawdown this is a good time to go and see some of the cover that's been under water during the spring/summer.
  3. I agree. A Helix seems more of a "waking" bait. No bubbling or burbling, just kind of a bulging wake from the blade. Seems almost silent to me. I can get the same thing from waking a spinnerbait....and catch more fish doing it.
  4. I bought just one to try it out. I have to crank it like mad to keep it on top where it's supposed to be, and I've never had so much as a sniff from a bass. I give it two thumbs down.
  5. I'm going to have to agree with George on this one. There's absolutely no way you'll ever get this thing on plane with a 35hp, and from the looks of that transom I wouldn't even consider putting money into a larger engine for it. Like Cart7, I've never heard of a Sterling. I know you want something better than your tin boat, but you'll be far ahead to wait until you can afford something better (and newer).
  6. If you're lacking in water to run a larger bass boat and don't plan to travel to where you can, I say by all means go with the tin boat. There are some very nice aluminum bassin' rigs out there.
  7. WOT has never been a problem for me. I constantly cruise just over 4000rpm, occasionally I'll punch it up to 5800 just for the heck of it. Any motor test I've ever read shows that your max mileage will come around 3500-4000. The oil isn't cheap these days, but the DFI outboards with oil injection seem to use a lot less oil. As for the Carbon Guard, the oil being sold nowadays for Bombardier engines already has it in the oil. Yamaha's Ring-Free is cheaper and uses a whole lot less per gallon than the Carbon Guard does so that's a savings right there.
  8. Absolutely. Last time I did that was 12 years ago in Presque Isle Bay in Pa. Temp was -27 and I drilled through 27" of ice. Set up the hut and never moved and had a limit of BIG bluegills, crappie, and perch.
  9. I've used those on crappie rigs but never on bass lures. Never lost a jig on the crappie pole, though.
  10. Jumped 14 cents a gallon here yesterday. Now paying $3/gal.
  11. Mine has lasted for almost 10 years, running 24/7/365. If it ever quits you can bet another Dual Pro will replace it
  12. Around the golf course where I work, we're blessed with Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders (gotta watch where you put your hands). Also more ticks than the law allows (can't stand those &$(#)$*^ things). Don't have a fondness for coyotes, either. Also have the occasional rattlesnake, copperheads, and near the lake (course borders Kentucky Lake) there's always a chance of a cottonmouth. Never a dull moment.
  13. Italian boys confession "Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl". The priest asks, "Is that you, little Johnny Parisi?" "Yes, Father, it is." "And who was the girl you were with?" "I can't tell you, Father, I don't want to ruin her reputation." "Well, Johnny, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may as well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?" "I cannot say." "Was it Teresa Volpe?" "I'll never tell." "Was it Nina Capelli?" "I'm sorry, but I cannot name her." "Was it Cathy Piriano?" "My lips are sealed." "Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then?" "Please, Father, I cannot tell you." The priest sighs in frustration. "You're very tight lipped, Johnny Parisi, and I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself." Johnny walks back to his pew, and his friend Nino slides over and whispers, "What'd you get?"......................................... "4 months vacation and five good leads.
  14. Night Court was great (loved Dan Fielding character), and Markie Post...WOW But my all time fav would have to be Married With Children.
  15. Absolutely one of the top shows ever. I can't help thinking that somewhere down the line somebody is going to try to get them again. The reinstatement seemed almost too easy :-?
  16. YOu may want to check the fuel pump diaphragm. It could need replacing.
  17. Casting downstream and retrieving into the current isn't a good idea. Bass will habitually face INTO current, therefore you'd be dragging the lure past them from behind. Not to say you won't catch any fish that way, but it's far better to bring it into their face from the front. Any cover on the shoreline can be fished the same as on a lake, but the fish will often position themselves on the downstream side of any structure. Check out any eddies and backwaters as well.
  18. '05 Tacoma 4-dr, V6, 5-spd auto tows my 20' Triton with absolutely NO trouble at all. 15mpg while towing, 20mpg in everyday driving and 24 on trips.
  19. Goodfellas, Casino, and check out "Heat"....all starring DiNiro. Great in all of them. For the "non-DiNiro" flicks, "The Departed", and "10th & Wolf" aren't bad either.
  20. At the same time these are running, "Bones" and "House" are running on FOX. Thank heaven I invested in a dual line DVR earlier this year. When Tuesday night came around, I punched a couple of buttons and recorded both networks at the same time while watching a previously recorded episode of "The War" being shown on PBS. Ain't technology great!!! 8-)
  21. It's handmade by a bait shop in Texas. I saw the name/address on another site....now I can't find it > If I run across it again, I'll post it here.
  22. BassStalker's all the way.....
  23. PM sent
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