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Everything posted by jdw174

  1. Two more that you can walk are the Pop-R and the Chug Bug.
  2. In my gunwriting days, I had one of the first Glocks to test for a write up. I fired 3500 rounds thru it without cleaning, including a ton of lead bullet reloads. It jammed once at around the 3500 mark due to the slide failing to fully go back into battery. Cause was a small ring of lead from the reloads that built up around the chamber mouth. I flicked it out with a pocketknife and fired another 3K rounds without problem. I bought the gun when I finished the testing and won a lot of "mouse gun" matches with it at the local IPSC club. I'm not a fan of "crunch-tickers" (DA first, SA followups), but the SIG is definitely the best of that lot IMO. Had a little P226 that I wish was still around. Fine firearms.
  3. I carry a Kershaw Scallion. Kershaw is an excellent US made knife and holds an edge nicely. I also have a Columbia River M16 Carson that I carry from time to time.
  4. If you can handle it, I suggest the 10 footer, both for stability and the extra room. I also suggest the addition of a fixed rudder to the rear to keep it from being blown around as much in a breeze. You can make one from a piece of plexiglass added to a bracket and fastened to your stern with a c-clamp.
  5. When Lake Erie was my home waters, the Hopkins spoon was a staple in my box for vertical jigging smallies. Also, don't forget the Silver Buddy/Sonar type lures. The 1/2oz Buddy is my favorite vertical jigger for smallies.
  6. At that price, I'd have bought all of them too. It's my absolute favorite lipless CB. Wallyworld here usually has very little in the way of closeouts that are worth diddly :'(
  7. Even if I were 21 again (and I'm LONG past that), I simply don't find Taylor Swift all that great...JMO of course . 8 hours on my home lake with KVD.....Priceless 8-)
  8. I've been watching the trailers on this one and will definitely grab it when it hits DVD.
  9. IMO, get one with GPS that allows you to use a chip like the Navionics. I have one that I use on Kentucky Lake and love it.
  10. I just had to replace my trailer tires. I was going to get the same Marathons as were on it, but the local tire dealer didn't carry them. He recommended the Carlisles so I got two ST215/75R14's mounted and balanced for $180. They're 6-ply radials and good looking tires.
  11. While I seldom use the old DH in calm water, when there's a wicked chop and I want to fish topwater it's the first lure I'll tie on. I work it fairly fast with sharp jerks to make the water fly. Works great that way.
  12. Don't know if it's the color or the lure itself. I do know that it's about the only lipless I toss these days and it's worked/working very well.
  13. I work on a golf course on the shores of Kentucky Lake. Around here, we're "blessed" with corn snakes, black racers, king snakes, ring snakes, garter snakes and a couple of various water snakes. None of these are harmful and will do their best to get out of your way. If I see one trying to get across the paved cart paths (on a warm day they can't grasp the slick asphalt to move very well), I'll stop and get it on it's way. The King snakes are very welcome as they'll kill and eat Copperheads which we also have around. We've even spotted a couple of big Cottonmouths near the lake. These last two get dispatched with whatever we have available. And did I mention the Black Widow and Brown Recluse spiders???????
  14. I don't watch that many fishing shows anymore, but the two that I really like are The Bass Pros and Classic Patterns. Used to watch Day On A Lake, but this year they're all fishing the same water. As for City Limits, I refuse to watch anything with Ike. Can't stand the screaming, and if I hear him scream "IT'S A GIANT" while winching in a 2-3 pounder one more time....I'LL SCREAM! If I'm watching BassMasters and he comes on the screen, I hit the skip button on the DVR. If he's still there....I hit it again. He might be great in person, but on TV?,........not a chance.
  15. Just thought I'd post this for those of you coming to fish Ky Lake. Last Sunday there was over an inch of snow that came down Sat nite. The first bass tx of the year went out of Paris Landing...snow and all. Winning stringer for 5 fish was 23+. Just thought you'd like to hear that
  16. My boat is now 11 years old, bought brand new with a Dual Pro 3-bank installed. That charger has run 24/7 for all these years and still continues to work like when it was new. If it ever goes sour, another just like it will go in the boat.
  17. I wouldn't call this a single fight, but rather a single morning. I was fishing Lake Erie, just trolling around a spot looking for a rockpile when I spotted what looked like a layer of "hooks" on the bottom in 20' of water. I tossed out a marker buoy and picked up a rod with a 1/2oz Silver Buddy. In the next four hours, I landed 24 smallies. The smallest was 4lb, the largest almost 6. This isn't counting the ones that I hooked and lost. The school never moved and neither did I. I stayed within 10' of that buoy the entire time 8-) . By the time I quit, my right arm was like a limp noodle. The power of those fish are amazing. I've had several 100+ fish days on that lake, but nothing to equal this one in size of fish caught. For a single fight, I was fall fishing on Kentucky Lake, throwing a Spook along a drop off when I got a strike. I simply could not get that fish in the boat and it actually towed my Ranger around. When landed it was only a 5 pounder, but I've never had a LM give me a fight like that before or since.
  18. Personal preference is the starboard side. I fish most shorelines counter-clockwise but I have been known to differ from time to time. My graph (which I use for depth only) is built in in the center.
  19. Normally, if I'm looking in a tackle store, I already know what I want, so variety is the key for me.
  20. Under normal conditions, Kentucky/Barkley will begin filling to summer pool on April 1, and be up to full pool by the last of the month. Heavy rains can alter that. If we get excessive rain and the lake fills earlier, they usually drop it back down to whatever level it was before the rains and begin slowly filling it again. For those of you fishing Barkley, if there's been high water/storms, watch out for floating debris. I've seen picnic tables, dead animals, etc floating in there in the spring. When I fish Barkley I usually hit the lower end and I've had to drive like a drunken sailor to miss the floating garbage.
  21. I've owned a couple, including a '63 409 Impala, but the one that I still regret selling all these years later was my '65 Chevelle HT with the L72 engine (327/350hp) and 4-spd. That car was definitely built on a Monday. It was an absolute runner 8-) . Sold it one day and the guy I sold it to trashed the motor and tranny two weeks later. :'(
  22. I began using SeaFoam in EVERYTHING , from vehicles, motorcycle, lawnmower, weedeaters....EVERYTHING! Available at Walmart for $6.44/pint. Most auto parts stores want about $8 for the same thing.
  23. I use the screw-lock type. Never tried the other.
  24. What it is is a fish catcher. I caught many fish this year on that color when they wouldn't the old standards or anything else. I bought just one of the RedEye Shads in Sexy Shad last spring and that's about the only CB I ended up throwing. Bass absolutely wore that lure out on Ky Lake. Guess I'll have to pick up a couple more 8-)
  25. Outside of a fishing license, probably not much. I've got a boatload of tackle that functions perfectly, including lures that have never even seen water! Last year I bought one lure that turned out to be one of the hottest I've ever used. Guess I'll use it again this year
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