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Everything posted by jdw174

  1. Agree. Some really decent articles in FLW Outdoors. As for BASSIN', IMO it's way better than it used to be. The articles were short, and basically didn't say much at all. Today, it's quite a bit better. Not a premier magazine, but not all that bad, either.
  2. I agree with this one . Go back and look at the videos of the older Classics and look at the bags caught with the old "round reels" and shorter pistol grip rods. Finding fish has been made easier thru electronics but you still have to put the right bait in the right spot with the right technique to CATCH them.
  3. If you can get a Veritas for this price............GO FOR IT!!!
  4. I picked up an issue from TW when I placed an order. Frankly, I wasn't too impressed. It seemed to be centered around California lakes....nothing else around the country.....didn't get much out of it. I agree on it being a bit on the steep side for just four issues.
  5. Frankly, as long as I'm catching fish I don't really care about size. They're ALL fun as far as I'm concerned. My two PB's are both over 8 and I just consider them a bonus for a good day's fishing
  6. Well, it outlasted every other knot that got thrown at it. It's surprising to me since there's only one loop of line through the hook eye compared to two on several others. Has anyone here ever tried using this knot? Seems simple enough to tie.....
  7. Just about nothing! 15 years ago the WalMart here had a great fishing department. Now it's a couple of short aisles with mostly empty hooks where merchandise should be. A few Rapalas, couple Bandits, Strike Kings......it is however where I buy my YUM Dingers at $3/bag.
  8. Christina Aguilera singing the national anthem? You gotta be joking me > . If you want to see the national anthem the way it SHOULD be done....EVERY TIME.....check this out.
  9. Patience, patience, patience
  10. Well DUH : , ya got me on that one. My bow unit is a Lowrance 334ci moved from the console and it doesn't have DI, and yes, I use it for dropshotting. My DI/sidescan is at the console.
  11. That's what I'd like to know. I can't see any advantage to colored blobs over seeing what's there.
  12. jdw174


    Couple of months ago I was going to order a spool of hi-vis PowerPro from them (only place I could find it). When I went to check out, the cost of their shipping was almost equal to the price of the line itself . Needless to say, the order was cancelled.
  13. How many of you actually use the 2d feature on your sidescans when you have down imaging available? The one shows blobs of color, while the other shows you what actually is down there. I get a kick out of running a split screen with both showing. I'd never have guessed what those colored splotches was without having the DI to actually show me. Am I missing something?
  14. I would go with the large RAM mount ($100) if you have a heavier unit like the 898, and mount it where that small unit is setting now next to the console. You'll want the GPS receiver mounted as close to the location of the xducer as you can get it. You can get an 898 online for between $1200 and $1300 so you save over catalog/instore costs. Some places ship free and no sales tax depending on where you live.
  15. Does it just plain catch your eye in a catalog or on the shelf? Is it because of something you read in a magazine article? Or is it just an out and out attack by the bait monkey? ;D I already have more lures than I need for my kind of fishing. When a new catalog comes in the mail these days, I usually just flip thru it and put it in the magazine rack. However, in the last couple of years, I've taken a writer's (or pro's) word on something and have actually done rather well on what I bought. Strike King RedEye Shad. Up until KVD started winning with it, my lipless go-to was a Cordell Super Spot, Chrome/black back. I got pulled in by the RES/Sexy Shad craze, and frankly it's been a total winner. Sexy Shad/Chartreuse Sexy Shad/Ayu have all been great colors for me here on Ky Lake. Hag's Tornado. Picked up on these from a magazine article. It was one of those things that caught my eye from the photos and videos I watched. I grabbed a few bags online and it quickly became my favorite lure for shakeyhead fishing. KVD 1.5/2.5. Ok, I swallowed the KoolAid again and picked up two of each (they were free...won a gift certificate). Don't know if they'll work as good as advertised, but first chance I get they'll be in the water. YUM F2 Shakalicious. One of those things that just jumped at me from a catalog page. Looks like they will work very nicely on a shakeyhead...so I popped for a couple bags. Swim Jigs. Popped for three of the Uncle Josh Swim Stalker Jigs. Couldn't help it after watching two separate fishing shows, one with Edwin Evers and one with KVD, both instructing on fishing a swim jig. Had heard about it, but never tried it. Now I will. Any way, I'm about out of money for this years fishing supplies, so hopefully nothing else is going to grab me before it's over
  16. Hag's Tornado, SK Finesse Worm do about 98% of my shakeyhead fishing.
  17. I quit trying to carry a lot of styles/colors. One color that I always look for in whatever I buy is Watermelon Candy. Other than that, it's black/blue, Green Pumpkin, Watermelon/Red Flake and a few in Junebug. Haven't found a need for anything else.
  18. 5 1/2 to 6' rods used to be the standard for bass fishing. Kinda hard to find them these days. They would work great for placing accurate casts in thick cover with spinnerbaits and shallow cranks. Don't think I'd want to go back to one for worming....or anything else for that matter ;D
  19. 20lb PowerPro and 12lb copoly leader.
  20. So you misplaced the strap that was included with the motor or you don't want to loosen the mounting bolts it to install the original strap? I have a Fortrex and never had a problem. Strap is always unhooked when the boats on the water, even for long rough runs. I do strap it down when trailering. The only thing I misplaced was my memory when I totally forgot about the strap :-? . I ran a MG for 12 years without one and didn't have a problem. The Fortrex is a LOT sterner stuff than that MG was so I really don't anticipate any trouble...just thought a BB might head some off. The 101 comes with one attached, the 80 doesn't.
  21. Braid: PowerPro or Spiderwire Stealth Copoly: SilverThread Flurocarbon: Just loaded up a reel with 20lb Seguar InvisX. The jury is still out on this one due to weather.
  22. I carry seven BC's in the boat. Two older Curados, two older Castaics, one Caenan. Wouldn't part with any of them. One is a Daiwa that I bought in a fit of madness, although I admit that it casts beautifully with the dual braking system. The last is an OLD Quantum Iron4 with a 5:1 retrieve that I use for cranking. It does great on shallow/mid-range lures.
  23. I use copoly line from spools that I keep in the closet of my den......and some of them have been in there for almost TWENTY YEARS . It retains it's strength, abraision resistance, and in all those years I have never, ever lost a fish due to line failure. Take it for what it's worth.......
  24. I thought I'd give it a shot, so yesterday I downloaded it and tried it out. It's fast....maybe faster than Firefox. It worked rather well and I was considering using it as my main browser until......... After installation and using it for a bit, I decided to see if it brought any unwanted goodies with it, so I ran SpyBot and found my computer loaded with spyware . Thinking maybe it was just in the initial setup, I cleaned out the bad stuff and ran it again but just on a couple of sites that I frequent regularly (this site being one of them). I closed it, then ran Spybot again and I was once again LOADED with spyware. Needless to say, it's now gone from the HD. I occasionally have the same problem with Firefox, but nothing like Chrome.
  25. ^X2. The only worms I've ever used that I would prefer over the Culprit. edit: I don't know if this is current, but... http://www.fishingworld.com/ZetaBait/Details.tmpl?ID=1088021944876592 Tom Thanks. Might have to give them a call to see if those are current. Details on Zetabait on Google are pretty sketchy.
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