Does it just plain catch your eye in a catalog or on the shelf? Is it because of something you read in a magazine article? Or is it just an out and out attack by the bait monkey? ;D
I already have more lures than I need for my kind of fishing. When a new catalog comes in the mail these days, I usually just flip thru it and put it in the magazine rack. However, in the last couple of years, I've taken a writer's (or pro's) word on something and have actually done rather well on what I bought.
Strike King RedEye Shad. Up until KVD started winning with it, my lipless go-to was a Cordell Super Spot, Chrome/black back. I got pulled in by the RES/Sexy Shad craze, and frankly it's been a total winner. Sexy Shad/Chartreuse Sexy Shad/Ayu have all been great colors for me here on Ky Lake.
Hag's Tornado. Picked up on these from a magazine article. It was one of those things that caught my eye from the photos and videos I watched. I grabbed a few bags online and it quickly became my favorite lure for shakeyhead fishing.
KVD 1.5/2.5. Ok, I swallowed the KoolAid again and picked up two of each (they were free...won a gift certificate). Don't know if they'll work as good as advertised, but first chance I get they'll be in the water.
YUM F2 Shakalicious. One of those things that just jumped at me from a catalog page. Looks like they will work very nicely on a I popped for a couple bags.
Swim Jigs. Popped for three of the Uncle Josh Swim Stalker Jigs. Couldn't help it after watching two separate fishing shows, one with Edwin Evers and one with KVD, both instructing on fishing a swim jig. Had heard about it, but never tried it. Now I will.
Any way, I'm about out of money for this years fishing supplies, so hopefully nothing else is going to grab me before it's over