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Everything posted by mattkenzer

  1. Nice work .... They will catch em!
  2. Now that is the life Mike .....
  3. Great fish just the same .... Congrats.
  4. Weightless just below the surface. Retrieval is similar to a jerk bait but less aggressive.
  5. x4 .... The Shame LOL
  6. I would think I could count on one hand, the number of seasoned bass fisherman who haven't at least tried Zoom Soft Plastic Baits.
  7. Catt has written this on more than one occasion so I spooled up a couple baitcasters. Conclusion: Don't knock it until you try it ...... Works Great. Thanks again.
  8. If you search Zoom Baits with either Andy Morgan or Gerald Swindle, that will get you started. My hunch is all the baits with natural colors.
  9. I am a firm believer in A-Jay's statement above. Quick story .... I fish in a local smallmouth tournament every year, basically a bunch of buddies trying to get bragging rights for a year. Small lake (500 acres) and 20 boats. I have placed in the top three for the last 4 years and the best fish have not come from the same spot even once. So yes, in the summer I run and gun, returning to the same spots 3-4 times throughout the day but I don't spend more than 20 minutes per spot if I don't get a bite. Remember, other boats have hit the same spots. Ok, I am done rambling .....
  10. Very Interesting .... Thank you Catt. Thank you Brad ... Appreciated.
  11. Hi Tom, Is there any data on time duration between her first drop of eggs to the next? Is the multiple egg release due to egg maturity? Thank you sir.
  12. Yup .... me as well. My brothers must think i get them for free because they take some every time they are in my garage.
  13. You the Man Big Mike .... Congrats on a Dandy!
  14. Well now, I have to steal this one as well ..... I got three great ideas today. Thanks for this one Tom.
  15. It is not as easy as A-Jay makes it look ..... Thanks for sharing. I have always added a little chartreuse dye to the tips but that sneak of orange I am stealing ....
  16. Well I'll be darned .... Going to steal this one.
  17. That is what I am thinking ..... May need to see a few samples.
  18. Are the Painted Bugs A-Jays Secret Formula?
  19. I understand completely. My Dad controlled the quantity of Nightcrawlers removed so that we would not affect Lawn Aeration.
  20. I thought everyone waited for a rain day, a few hours after sunset, went out on their front lawn and picked up all the Nightcrawlers you need ...... PS: There is a skill to catching them which is taught at a very young age in my part of the World.
  21. Very sad .... God Bless
  22. Big Lake Trout!
  23. I don't see anything that wouldn't catch em ...... I can only assume that this list has your experience in it ..... we are all a little different.
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