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Everything posted by mattkenzer

  1. Does anyone have a Skeg Replacement Size Chart? I damaged my 150 HP Mercury Outboard EFI 2000 .... lost half of it. I can have a replacement made and welded on but not exactly sure of its dimensions. Thank you.
  2. Forgot to unplug the on board battery charger and towed a 50ft extension cord 40 miles.
  3. Thanks for the replies Bluebasser and Toxic. Is it fair to say that the Largemouth will hold to speciific spots more than Smallmouth? Toxic, i know that i am not on the best spots based on weigh-in (LOL) but a few of my competitors certainly are close. I am aware of these " Bass Holes" but have not joined in as of yet.
  4. Power Pro Hi Vis Yellow 10-20 lb on Spinning Reels c/w Maxima Fluorocarbon Leader. Power Pro Green 30-50 lb on Baitcasters c/w Maxima Chameleon Leader.
  5. I agree fishballer. Creates many boats fighting for a few good places.
  6. Thanks Mike .... that is my thinking. With these small lakes, it is hard to find new spots that hold large fish. I guess that is the fun .... searching.
  7. Welcome to Bass Resource Fritz!
  8. On lakes 2,000 acres or less, would summer bass tournaments (July and August) be won each year on the same "bass holes" or are new locations and patterns being developed by the club leaders each year?
  9. X2 on the Super Spook Jr. in Bone Color - 7/16 oz. - 3-1/2" Yamamoto Shibuki Popper in Black Bone - 1/2 oz. by 3"
  10. Thanks for the reply. May have to get a Rage Swimmer wet.
  11. What presentation would you start with for this situation? ..... If your not effective, then plan B? Largemouth are spread out and near bottom (15ft deep) in what we can call a large inlet stream to the main lake ..... 30 yards wide x 1 mile long. Bottom is mud and silt with very little cover. Your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated.
  12. Shore Lines .... Study offshore structure but like a magnet, i am throwing in 2' to 10' within the first hour.
  13. Never seen that solution coming .....
  14. Now that you know she is there ..... time to pull the sleeves up. Good Luck.
  15. An absolute beauty .... congrats.
  16. Hello and Welcome Aboard.
  17. One other question if you would Wayne. As you know, the Helix 5 and 7 use a micro card. Will the Helix 9 and up read the micro card in a SD adapter? Thanks again.
  18. Thank you for your help Wayne ..... greatly appreciated.
  19. Good day to all. I hope Wayne P doesn't roll his eyes when he reads my question but i need to ask for certainty. Can i take my brothers Zero Line Card from his Helix 7 DI GPS G2N and use the information in my Helix 7 DI GPS G2N? I will be doing the PC work so can I download the information from Auto Chart Pro to any Zero Line Card to be used in any compatible machine (legally)? Thanking everyone in advance.
  20. I have thought about a back pack - may be the route i take. I am already carrying three tackle bags with the accessories spread out in all three. I can store the tackle bags in the boat but i am always looking for the accessories so i thought a bag or box specifically for those items could stay on the deck with me.
  21. Lol .... That it would.
  22. Great Site. I fish tournaments on my brothers boat. I am looking for ideas on a bag or box to store / carry all of my fishing accessories which will keep them at the ready. (scents, many types of pliers, scale, scissors, Knife, markers, dies, sunscreen etc. etc.) Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Not a hair jig but I am working on a few drop shot rabbit zonker leech patterns to try this summer. Undecided on how to finish the head.
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