I would take a glance at the Rangers aluminum boats as well. They are a little more pricey but worth it in my mind. They are basically the same hull with better fit and finish, as well as, multiple engine options and more storage. I was dead set on a RT 178 with an Evinrude E-Tec. The only reason I ended up with a PT 175 TXW was a matter of the 175 being in stock and about an 8 week wait for the RT 178. Tracker makes a fine boat these days and by no means am I disappointed in it, but ultimately only you can decide what boat is right for you. I would highly recommend upgrading the electronics as I have found the Elite X-3 that comes standard is garbage in my experience. They seem to be hit and miss, but some people have reported they work great. I have found the depth finder on mine is rather inaccurate in shallow water. I bought the Tracker with standard options with intentions on upgrading the trolling motor and electronics with-in a year with the realization that I'm having to upgrade the electronics sooner than I hoped for. I would also upgrade the trolling motor if you go with the 190. The 45# that comes standard will get the job done, but I think you will find yourself wanting more on breezy days. I hope the info I have given has helped you and if you have any questions feel free to ask.