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Everything posted by Fish4bigfish

  1. I will hit you up. I'm getting promoted and my work is moving me to Redding soon.
  2. Yep nor cal. Lake Oroville, bullards bar (unofficial world record spotted bass), the Sacramento delta and clear lake are all areas I fish.
  3. Where are fishing out of the nw
  4. It's a good size. Your pic is impossible to judge. You held it out so far it's as long as you. Lol No judgement lol I do it to. It just makes it hard to tell.
  5. Uni is in my opinion the best fluoro knot. I have never had it fail me.
  6. If your scale said 8...????
  7. Dobyns champion extreme 702 medium light! I've heard majorcraft make a finesse bc
  8. I didn't get a weight. I rarely weigh them to tell you the truth. This fish was just a hair under 23 inches
  9. Get a reel with a better frame. Dobyns rods are what I like. If you like shimano maybe look at the citica I. Dobyns fury rods is where I would point you but lots of manufacturers make good rods at around 100 bucks. Welcome to the forums.
  10. Lol I don't know what happened! The pic is normal on my phone.
  11. The uni knot is outstanding for fluoro Carbon. It is also a great drop shot knot
  12. Just a note... The spool on a baitcaster is a precision part and one of the most expensive pieces to replace. You can damage your spool by pulling to hard. Pulling by hand is fine. Just something to think about. I use a uni with about 6 or 7 wraps for fluoro
  13. I agree! And I am also a tatula fan.
  14. Lol hmmm Bill Murphy said in his book there are no rules to bass fishing and therefore no absolutes! Bass fishing is freedom. Freedom to choose what lines, lures and colors to use. To catch big bass I have to have no absolutes. I absolutely must fish 3 days minimum a week. I must use the best gear I can afford and learn to maintain it. I never cheap out on line and hooks!
  15. Replace the line to start with. What knot are you using. Tie a good knot, lubricate with spit and tighten slowly.
  16. Lol didn't even think about it lol you definitely called me out! I do my own reel service and upgrades so I can fix it so I did kind of thing I just thought it was weird. I usually end up replacing factory lubes any way because they are far inferior to the products I use. Bearing are all upgraded at my reels first cleaning. Pflueger uses a strange gear grease that is clear like daiwa grease. I prefer cals.
  17. Brand new 25 size president. Took it out and it had a ruff feel so I went home and flushed the bearings and gear lube. I replaced with daiwa precision oil for the bearings and shimano cal grease for the gears. Reassembled and boom SUPER smooth!!!! These are usually great out of the box!?!? Anybody have problems like this recently?
  18. Hey but I have caught 32 fish this year over 21 inches
  19. Another vote here for a dobyns 734 or 735. A high speed baitcaster of your choice and 50 lb braid!
  20. Hit up the delta
  21. Didn't weigh but I'm guess 5 to 6
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