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Everything posted by Fish4bigfish

  1. Ouch!!!! I would say a little bigger maybe 5 or 6
  2. Ok man good luck but I would seriously consider asking guys on here and researching your position on that. Oil and grease are very important parts of reel maintenance! It's not about how often you do it. Grease has different viscosity than oil.
  3. Ok no oil should really be on anything except a tiny dot on the bearings and worm shaft. Grease goes on gears and drags. Grease stays put oil tends to travel. Try taking the gears and drag stack out. Remove all lube off the gear stack, including the anti reverse ratchet gear the lower drag washer, the main gear, the carbon drag washer and the pressure plate. I would use simple green or lighter fluid. Reapply grease to the main gear. I grease no more than half of the gear. I run my reels with no drag grease if you do use grease on your drag just barely put some on. Do not put oil on this system. You may have too much lube on your drag causing it to not want to hold
  4. Did you grease the drag washers?
  5. no..check the tension washers and make sure they are curved towards eachother. Also some reels have a washer used as a spacer either before or after the drag star. A single misplaced washer can cause extra space and not allow your drag to function correctly. Is the drag engaged? What I mean is as you turn the drag star can you feel it tighten at all?
  6. Dead stick anything you want. Senkos to swimbaits lol it all can work
  7. Looks like a dink largemouth to me
  8. If the pond has gills, and it probably does, and I knew there are big fish. I would throw a mattlures gill or a weedless Huddleston gill.
  9. Thanks fish was 21 inches
  10. Me first! Lol I just can't spend 2 or 3 grand on a yak!
  11. Drop shot Sometimes I just cast out to deep water lol But if I catch something I investigate the area I always count my lure down
  12. Thank you tom! We are talking the same language! This post wasn't about points or basic structure vs cover. I appreciate your time! I am looking for spots to double anchor and spend some time. Also will big bass suspend over these bottom changes. I caught a 8 lb bass this summer, suspended 15 feet off the bottom in 42 fow. I can't figure out why that fish was there.
  13. The Dobyns fury 734 c is VERY versatile. The tip of these rods are designed to cover a bunch of techniques. They specifically excel at throwing moving baits from 1/4 to 1 oz. I have thrown jigs, bubba shot, frogs, spinnerbaits, and small swimbaits with mine. The only reason I traded in my fury 734 is because I bought the rod to throw jigs and the champion line is better for that!
  14. 130 I use a dobyns 795 fury sb rod, a tatula had 6:4:1 and 20 lb cxx. Same setup I use for small swimbaits.
  15. Actually it is this book that has me asking these questions. Thank you I think I'm understanding you
  16. Looks like a bait with a wire rig to hold multiple lures together to cause a schooling bait effect to me lol I will meet ya in the middle and call it a Alabama buzz rig lol tight lines boss
  17. I think the op is talking about salt all over the outside of the bait. Salt in the plastic effects the sink rate as well as the time a bass will hold on to the bait. I have no idea why some companies like jakal cross tails have so much salt all over the outside of the bait.
  18. I am blown away how hard it is to research this type of structure! Everybody talks about points, flats etc. Can anybody help me? I think I understand that big fish will sometimes hold on structure relating to the main structure but not on it? Is this correct? So if I am fishing a main point that stretches out into deep water and I find a small rock pile 20 feet off of that point. That would be the structure I want to spend time working. Thanks for any help. I am trying to wrap my head around this. I have a knack for big fish. I have caught several fish this year in the 5 to 8 lb range. I want to get better.
  19. I use a very small hook But to each his own if you read the info from the big bass hunters they are all very particular. The persuit of giant bass by me Murphy has got me changing a few things
  20. I was thinking of trying a swiveling hook but being a perfectionist I don't like the added visible hardware lol pretty sure I am going to be runnin the sunline 7 lb
  21. You are welcome lol
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