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Lanier Sealy

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Everything posted by Lanier Sealy

  1. I would do it but I'm only one person. Plus me being a full time student, and work full time as well doesn't exactly give me too much time. One man vs unknown number of fish isn't exactly the best outcome for that scenario. Multiple still the same thing. Scott F you just came up with a brilliant idea! I'll definelty use it as well!
  2. I am the owner of a 34 acre pond, but our ratio (mainly the size of bass too many small ones) of different species of fish is way out of whack. Like its getting out of hand. What good predator fish can we put in to take out most of the small fish such as crappie, bream, small bass. Call me crazy but I need to take action I fish there quite a bit but I need something to put a big dent in it. Keep in mind I'm only doing this to get the big boys back as they are struggling with how many small fish eating all the bait fish. I'm located near Atlanta Georgia. 30 minutes south to be exact.
  3. Yeah it's bizzare! We were well above average with rain last year then it's like Mother Nature flipped the switch on us! I can completely understand Cali and Texas and what they have been through as I have relatives in both states. I don't typically fish lakes I have my private pond but it's down significantly and will admit I've caught a few hogs from the drought.
  4. Same here it's crazy! It's killing my fishing I'm not having any luck with what I'm throwing. I've had huge success with plastics in the past. That's actually all I throw most of the time it works very well.
  5. Here where I am in Georgia we have not received hardly any rain. It's making the fishing harder for sure! What are some pointers on drought fishing?
  6. Yes FLS is Florida Largemouth Strain bass sorry I like cut my messages short. I've been really looking into braided line recently. I've just haven't made the decision yet. Plenty of my friends have that braid setup and all love I have to say so too, it's just I'm not great at tying my knots so I don't want my knot slipping of I do a braided/fluro setup.
  7. Well tis the season for upgrades. And I'm upgrading my line. Now I've been looking at different lines but am unsure about it I see some that colored but not real sure about the color like red for an example. I have FLS bass so I have to have strong fishing line. I was looking at sterns extreme fighting power big game line. Only downside is its bright green. Are any of these visible to fish very clearly? As you and I both know big boys don't get big by being stupid. Anyway my overall question is what line would you prefer? P.S. Sorry if you get confused I had to edit somethings.
  8. I was about to say this went from interesting stories to a debate over a black panther.
  9. Thats normally what I throw but I'm Texas rig kinda guy, but will look into the other for sure as they may turn more heads than the rig I'm using. Junebug is one of their favorites too, crawdad, moccasin, and black are what they normally go after but haven't been able to catch them on those colors lately.
  10. I've heard many stories from the Glades and you are absolutely 100% right on that! I've never been but have been wanting to go for awhile now.
  11. I hear ya on that one! Also it's a pretty steep hospital bill for anything heat related (I know from experience from sports). I can tell you several things I've picked up most from my trainer. He said drink plenty of water and keep your electrolytes balanced, also carry around a jar of pickles. It may sound silly but trust me on this if at any point you feel nausea, pale skin, cold sweat. Immediately eat some pickles and make sure to drink all the juice as that will replenish your body with sodium chloride. I think there's something else I'm forgetting and hopefully someone will back me up on it. I think it's saltines but I could be wrong. Anyway stay cool and happy fishing.
  12. It's funny you should say topwater because nearly all the activity I've been seeing is near the top in the first place. From jumping to swirls. That could be the case. I've always used soft plastics in my pond just cause if you do tie on something with treble hooks 9/10 you will get it stuck guranteed. There's more structure than you can ever imagine. I've tried deeper water too no success but will admit I didn't fish it all that hard. I'll go to the store and go outside and try something you suggested such as crawdads, shiners and such. Unless, do you guys think the bite is only at nighttime? Has that ever been a case for any of you?
  13. It has more fish than you can shake a stick at. I've fished it my whole life and never have had something like this happen before. Last decent day I had fishing wise was 2 weeks ago.
  14. I've thrown literally everything in my tackle box. Oh and just for a little info about my pond tons of structure and very shallow in most parts 4ft deep in my most parts, deepest is by the dam that's around 12ft.
  15. The fish aren't bitting at the pond now. Everything I throw is not being hit haven't had received a decent rain in awhile and seem to be more active in the late afternoon. What do you suggest I do?
  16. Sounds like the same experience I had. Except it was when I was duck hunting and it was a beaver. I swear it came 5ft away from me slapped it's tail and scared the mess out of me! Not to mention I was in waders in a swamp so not ideally the best conditions for a stumble. Yep I fell and had to call it early thanks to mr. B (that's what I named him).
  17. What's the most bizzare thing you have had happened or seen happen while fishing? Mine was finding an old car that fell into my lake about 30 years ago. The only reason why I now it was from that time is cause someone car went missing around the area my lake is in.
  18. Had one following me on my private pond, 12 gauge with size 6 birdshot took care of it. Owner found out real quick I don't like people snooping around me on my own property.
  19. My fellow anglers, what baits do you have most success with on the Chattahoochee River? I'm starting to fish it now more often and want to know what y'all use? I'm over by the Franklin Boat Ramp. Also I fish the flint a few times and put in a Gay GA.
  20. Thanks guys for all the great answers! I went with the St. Croix mojo bass. Loving it so far! And happy fishing!
  21. Some of y'all on here! ?? I'm crying cause I'm laughing so hard at this! Hince the fact I said guesstimate it's not rocketsciene now c'mon man!
  22. Everyone has that one enormous bass that got away. You know the kind that keeps you awake at night just by thinking of it. What's the biggest bass you've ever miss (guesstimate) that still haunts you to this day. Mine is a 14lbs I missed at my pond last month. Had it at the boat and was about to get it when it bent my hook straight and swam off. What's yours?
  23. In your personal opinion, what rod would you prefer for light weight plastic worm fishing? It's going to a spinning rod as I have a baitcaster rod I like already for heavier lures. Please be sure to include brand, action,etc...
  24. Thank you for all the great answers! I'll most definitely be looking into the knots you have suggested for me to use.
  25. I'm generally tying on mono. I grew up using the clinch knot, now don't get me wrong it's reliable but it's time for something new. I like to change tactics to improve myself in other ways, such as knots.
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