New to forum, but everyone seems very helpful on here, so I thought I'd join. I think I know pretty much every pond in the Derby/Hamburg, West Seneca and Orchard Park areas. I did live in West Seneca, now recently moved to Orchard Park. Quickly breezing through this thread, I don't think I saw two ponds mentioned, so I'm wondering if anyone knows more.
First up, right down the street from me is Chestnut Ridge Park, which has a pretty big pond, with a fishing platform where people are always catching crappie and bass. But I'm wondering if anyone actually worked their way around the pond (which has access around the entire thing), if so, how'd you do?
Second up, in town of Langford NY theres a huge pond off Sisson Hwy, I believe a man privately owns it, but he has sculptures and site seeing areas, I THINK you can fish there, but wondering if anyone has? I tried to attach pictures, but the files are too big. If you google map these, you cannot miss them.
Lastly, tonight I might be going near tonawanda creek near border of Amherst and Pendleton, can anyone give me a solid spot to catch some bass? Thanks guys. I'll be contributing more since I'm home for the summer. I have a pond in my backyard, and there are a couple ponds down my street in OP, but mostly all smaller largemouth, crappie, nothing to write home about.