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William Rossi

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Everything posted by William Rossi

  1. Actually 350 is the magic number only for the first time you heat raw plastisol. Subsequent reheats do not have to be as hot.
  2. Yammy Senko formula 4 oz med plastisol 2 heaping tablespoons pickling or popcorn salt from Walmart 1 tablespoon softener
  3. I'm old school. Rattle Traps.
  4. Ty all. For these Traps I scanned one and used the shape to make a mask in Photoshop. the mask is about 500 x 170. I go to Google image and find a fish pic. Can be a photo or artist drawing. I crop it down and resize image to 500 x 170 (turn retain aspect ratio off). It will stretch it a bit. I then add the mask and make the background white (Color printers wont print white). I add images to MS Word and change the size so they print full size. Do a test print in black and white first. I have an ink jet so get the proper clear decal paper for that or lazer. Print left and right image. Ink jet is not waterproof so a clear gloss laquer clearcoat is needed. When dry cut the inage close so no border is showing. Apply waterslide decal as recommended. Let dry. Airbrush back and belly to blend in. Add eyes and clearcoat. abbream.bmp Oh and here is a Perch.
  5. Some baits melt OK and others wont. You may get foaming from moisture. Especially salted baits. Just stir a lot. Short nuks when it starts melting. 30 secs. Did I mention stir a lot? Do not melt Powerbait.
  6. Bet you have never seen a Peacock bass pattern before
  7. Depends what baits you want. Some can be open pour and molds are cheaper or you can make your own. Others need to be injection which means more expensive molds and added price of injector.
  8. Few more. I am having alot of fun with this
  9. Yes good seller. Cheapest KVD Triple grip trebles around
  10. I have one of these -1 blanks but have not tried it yet.
  11. There is a KO blank available. Just add eyes and hooks http://cedarrunoutdoors.com/baby-1-style-blank-2-1-4/
  12. More bulbous lures with compound curves seems to be another story. Tryin to work it out so I dont get wrinkles.
  13. Ty. Im havin alot of fun with it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/321636892152?_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT You need to get for either ink jet (what I have) or laser. Then after printing them you need to clear them with a couple light coats of clear gloss lacquer spray.
  14. Still learnin about Airbrushin. I tried these Rattle Traps with images on the side. I print the pics on decal paper.
  15. Thanks for the tips. I am enjoying this
  16. First is a simple kinda pro blue color to get used to sprayin on a clear KO blank. Second is an old one knocker walker I had that I redid. I'm learnin.
  17. That Sunfish color on a wart is worth good money. Not sure about the Thin Fins
  18. Good guys here who know their stuff. https://www.facebook.com/groups/431998317006414/
  19. Fisher in Trees I like those. Very nice Darren. I made some similar to that for wacky rigging using shrink tubing. I think the mono I used was not heavy enough tho. Def hook getting snagged most times. Not specifically fishing wood but do hit brush occasionally. Ty all
  20. I agree. I cast right hand and reel left hand both spinning and baitcaster. Never made sense to me people that cast right hand, switch rod to left, and reel right.
  21. Anyone try these? Seems like it would work. http://www.bassmaster.com/gear/gear-review-landum-outdoors-trapper-hook
  22. Mostly wood here and my dropshot hook gets snagged pretty easily when casting. No as bad when verticle where you can feel your way through the branches. I use braid and a leader so retying is a pain, especially with my bad eyes. I tried the Gammy Finesse Wide Gap Weedless #1 for wacky rigging and dropshop with poor hook up percentage. http://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_10051_18819_-1?cm_mmc=pla-_-Fishing+Terminal+Tackle+Hooks-_-Google-_-Gamakatsu+Finesse+Wide+Gap+Weedless+Hooks+5-Pack&sku=012035564&gclid=CKSZoerpxdECFcaLswodizACEg&kwid=productads-adid^70247939238-device^c-plaid^18283950120-sku^012035564-adType^PLA I can get a really good deal on these Gammy Weedless Split Shot/Drop Shot hooks #1 https://www.walmart.com/ip/41498062?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227029194262&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=62895676449&wl4=pla-99409053129&wl5=9008362&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=41498062&wl13=&veh=sem Anyone tried these or is there a better choice? Ty
  23. Didn't realize they were that new. I got a deal on one on Ebay.
  24. Cant find much info on these. Anyone try it? Sure looks good Unless you speak Japanese LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hxw6wHmxyY&t=588s
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