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Wannabe bass angler

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About Wannabe bass angler

  • Birthday 02/09/1953

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Fairfield Bay, AR  
  • My PB
    Between 2-3 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    All three
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Greer's Ferry Lake
  • Other Interests
    Right now, retirement has my undivided attention. Having recently departed the big city(Houston) and relocating near the shores of Greers Ferry Lake in Arkansas, I can focus on fishing.  I may have to pick-up golf again, as well.  Homebuilding and remodeling have always been my primary way of life, so it's hard to avoid doing a home project around the house now and again.

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  • About Me
    I was born and raised in the upper Midwest. Most of of my fishing experience was in Minnesota, chasing after Walleye, Northern Pike, and Smallmouth. I never got any good at it. Now, I finally have a quality boat and equipment, and I'm striving to be more successful in my fishing pursuits.

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I purchased my "Neptune Shallow Water Anchor System" at a fishing show or Bassmaster Classic when it was in Houston several years ago. It appears their website no longer exists. Sorry I can't be of more help. I purchased my "Neptune Shallow Water Anchor System" at a fishing show or Bassmaster Classic when it was in Houston several years ago. It appears their website no longer exists. Sorry I can't be of more help.
  2. I have 2, bow and console. I have no complaints.
  3. USN, ADJ2, 1975-1979, VT-21 NAS Kingsville, TX
  4. For those that might be interested in an update to my Xi5 GPS issues, I needed to have the GPS module replaced. Apparently, it has been a common occurrence with the Xi5. The shop I take my trolling motor to says they see the problem often enough to keep the module in stock. Fortunately, it is a warranty item. Hopefully, Motorguide has taken steps to address this seemingly common problem.
  5. To those Xi5 users out there... have you had any issues acquiring satellite signals? If so, was it hardware issues or software, and what did you have to do about it?
  6. I'm running the Xi5 with 2 Elite 9Ti's. Feel free to ask, but I'm not sure how much help I can be.
  7. I changed the settings on my units to include seconds. I'll see how it works when I get on the lake this weekend.
  8. Thanks for your replies. I found the coordinate settings on my Lowrance units were Degrees/minutes and not Degrees/minutes/seconds. Makes a big difference.
  9. Has anyone taken satellite map coordinates from Google Earth and entered them into a Lowrance unit with a Navionics card, and accurately created a waypoint? Can this even be done, or can waypoints only be created on the water?
  10. I replaced my factory installed transducer with a TotalScan on my 2016 175 in the exact location of the original, and it works great.
  11. Thanks for your advice. I'll probably wait on this upgrade as going fast is not really an option with my 60hp.
  12. Forgive me if there is another thread on this subject elsewhere, but I did my due diligence and searched high and low to no avail. In my never ending quest to spend money upgrading my '16 Tracker Proteam 175TF, I'm looking at installing a Hot Foot pedal. Is it worth it, has anyone installed one on their Tracker, and has anyone seen/made a video on its installation? Thx
  13. Although my experience is limited, I feel like an expert on this subject. Go with size, and bigger at the bow. Try not to let $$ be the final determining factor. I started with a 3 or 4" on my new boat 2 years ago. I upgraded to a Lowrance Elite5TI shortly after getting the boat, mainly because I was watching the $$. Although the unit worked perfectly fine, I could not see the screen details unless I was right in front of it at the console. It didn't do me a lot of good when fishing from the bow. I have upgraded again, bit the bullet on the cost, and put 2 Lowrance Elite9 Ti's, one at the bow and one at the console, and have the linked both to my Motorguide Xi5. The upgrades weren't cheap, but I wish I hadn't done the in between step. If you can wait and save some money, I'd hold off so you don't make the same mistake that I made.
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