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Fisher of Men

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About Fisher of Men

  • Birthday 04/14/1970

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  • Gender
  • Location
    DFW Area, Texas
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. Clayton, Do you ever think about getting your alternative teaching certification in Auto tech or other related vocational field and getting paid a full time teacher's salary? You're experience as an aide in the field should help you get a job (or could be a foot in the door there where you work).
  2. This was brought up a couple of years ago and believe it or not, someone posted a US map with names of soft drinks shaded in different colors by regions. Don't know about the rest of the south, but growing up in Texas everything was "coke", like you said. However, in Oklahoma it is called "pop". While attending sporting events and the like, it seems that the word "coke" is being replaced by "soda" here in Texas. Kind of sad.
  3. I don't see one thing wrong with eating rabbit on Easter. I used to enjoy fried rabbit and rabbit stew when I was a kid growing up. More recently, some of my Vo-ag students would share some of the meat pen rabbit meat with us on the grill. . . very tasty! I agree, if the relatives don't like it, they don't have to show up to your table.
  4. I saw that one too, but there's an even better one that was made about 10-15 years ago. He talks about growing up in the 70's. Funny stuff!
  5. Sure you don't!
  6. Would be coffee on the keyboard if it was morning. I gave you a +1 for that!
  7. I've noticed it on everything from canned vegetables (14-15 oz. now instead of 16) to pop tarts (WM brand package is still the same and tarts are shorter). I just wish they would raise the price and not try and fool us into thinking we are buying the same amount. More that come to mind are bacon (12 oz. instead of 16) and coffee.
  8. Yes, I guess it was (like Glenn said) a setting in the circuits of the box. There were certain words that were flagged regardless of the context in which they were used. Once we caught on, we laughed everytime my daughter watched it.
  9. OK, so the front or back TP debate gave me the idea to share this. Anyone else notice that over the last year or two that TP rolls are narrower by a 1/2 inch or so? I have also noticed that some manufacturers (Quilted Northern did for awhile) have made their cardboard rolls bigger in diameter, while some others are rolling the paper less tightly. Who do they think they are fooling?
  10. Just had the TP conversation with co-workers this morning! My wife and I used to debate whether or not you fold the paper or roll it around your hand. She looks like she's reeling in a deepsea fish when she uses it. After realizing that they are using the paper for an entirely different purpose, I quit giving her fits about it.
  11. Funny. When my daughter was little we bought one of those "Curse Free TV" boxes. It would censor bad words, mute it and replace it with a caption. We were watching an Elmo VHS one time and everytime the farm scene came on the screen would mute and the phrase "clown-a-doodle doo" would appear! It took a few times to realize it was the rooster crowing. The word "clown" was used in place of several other expletives, too.
  12. Reeses eggs are good, but my favorite Reeses used to be the cups with peanuts. I haven't seen any with peanuts in a long time.
  13. While surfing the channels Tuesday night, I came across this reality show on the We (women's entertainment) channel (OK, don't give me too much crud about it). I haven't laughed so hard in quite awhile. Just like many other "family" reality shows, it followed he and his family around in their day to day lives, but Sinbad is really funny. I actually set the DVR to record next week's episode. I've always enjoyed his comedy routines in that they are not filled with expletives and remain funny none-the-less. Anyone else admit to watching this? I found it quite entertaining.
  14. Also depends on if they are dirty or not or if I've been sweating or not. If I wear a pair to school (my work) or church, I will probably fold them back up and put them on the shelf.
  15. No plug. . . been there done that. When I was a teenager, I caught my Dad's cap with my crankbait and cast it into the water. What made the matter worse was that some jerk in another nearby boat was laughing his tail off. I wanted to punch him at the time, but I'm sure it was pretty funny to see. I think the dumbest thing I've ever done was after I had loaded the boat and pulled it just out of the water. When I got out of the truck to put the motor toter and straps on, I accidentally hit the truck door lock with my elbow. Of course the truck door slams with engine running and NO ONE around the ramp to help me out. My wife had some keys in her purse, but the purse was still locked in the truck. Here I am blocking the ramp and my truck is running. The nearest phone (no cell phones) at the time was over a mile away. Fortunately, there was a flat-head screwdriver in the boat and I learned real quick how to break into a sliding truck window. :-[
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