This was also posted in "Smallmouth Bass Fishing"
Took a trip up to the Dan River, close to the Virginia line, to do some fly fishing for trout. I was fishing an epoxy ant in a deep hole, when I caught a small creek chub. While I was reeling him in something was attacking it and trying to eat it. I couldnt exactly make out what it was, but I assumed it was a trout. After seeing that, I tried to find a fly that would match the creek chub. The closest thing I had was a conehead kiwi muddler. I was letting the fly drift along the bottom when I felt like I had a snag and then my line took off. My first thought was that I had a nice sized trout. After getting him closer to the surface I saw that it was a nice sized smallie. He was an awesome fighter, now I know why people enjoy catching them so much.