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Everything posted by GORDO

  1. Go as far up river as you can safely. Be careful for logs.
  2. GORDO because im YYYUUGGEE... jk im 5'9 and 155 lbs. My name is Gordon and GORDO is just a nickname.
  3. Sharing information isnt a problem to me. Maybe if I was on a 300 acre lake I would be more tight lipped but Ill share pretty much whatever you need to know. I cant count how many times ive followed a boat down a set of docks and caught fish on the dock they just flipped to. All I want to know is are they shallow or deep and ill figure it out from there. Thats half of the fun of fishing is trying to find the fish!
  4. Hey Guys, Im looking to expand my horizon to the big boy lakes. The 2 on my hit list are banks and potholes. Which lake is more productive in the spring and which area? Im not asking longitude and latitude or what lures, just general areas to find some prespawn fish. I understand what Im looking for (deep water with shallow water near by) but the lakes are intimidating, i dont know where to start and any information to put me in the right direction is all Im asking. Feel free to private message me any information. Also guys Im not a fish eater. Unless I magically catch a walleye or channel cat haha
  5. Long lake is an amazing fishery for smallies. Its rare to get largemouth out of there but when you do, they are always big. Also, the occasional pike is a nice treat. I dont personally care for Eloika in the summer but spring time is a good place to be. Newman is fantastic year round and thats a small, manageable lake. If you dont know the drop shot, you need to get familiar.
  6. I have actually been using the same rod for both applications and have no reason to change it. I love the 7' MHF. Im only 5'9 on a good day and dont like rods much bigger than that. It just gets unwieldy for me. Ive never had a problem ripping a spinner or jig free from any sort of vegetation or avoiding the anchor line with a 7' rod and Im just as accurate as anyone out there with it too. I like the pline cxx (green moss co-poly) in 15lb for it. I throw into pads, a lot, and a lot of riprap, laydowns, rock points and you cant break that stuff if you tried. Ive had pike eat the entire spinner bait, have the line through their teeth and still land them with that stuff. The memory is crappy about that line but you can a 1/2 spinner or swim jig a mile and when the line is tight it doesnt matter at all. You asked and Im bored at work. God I wish the snow would go away.
  7. Rage Tail - Structure bug Zoom - Mag Worms.. they are 9 or 10 inch worms and are killers! yamamoto - 4" grub worm for the smallies 4" straight tail roboworm for the drop shot
  8. Here is an idea that you can run with... Take an old crank bait and put a heavy split ring and then use that for a broken zipper handle on your tackle bag or backpack. The smaller ones make for a cool accessory on a key chain and adds even more buoyancy to your boat keys. In the garage if you have a pull string for the light you can attach a chartreuse crank and makes it a little easier to find the light.
  9. Eastern Washington State For bass, December-February. Once the water unfreezes and you can throw jerkbaits over grass beds and its money but super boring with 45 second pauses.
  10. Typically in the fall, in a lake ecosystem, the bass go shallow. Im not an expert on ponds like a lot of people on here but it sounds like youre already doing well on the pond! When I want a big bite, in shallow water, I like to throw swim jigs. Just a personal favorite of mine! As for slip float and live bait, you can never go wrong with that especially if catfish are in the pond.
  11. Why are yall hating on golf!? Golf is definitely a competitive sport that deserves to be in the Olympics. It might not be physically demanding as many others but the skill to shoot with the best in the world is extremely difficult. Yall arent arguing that shooting shouldnt be in the olympics because we all know how difficult that is. As for fishing, there is just no way it can be in the Olympics but if it ends up there, ill support the Americans for sure!
  12. I was gonna say tackle warehouse is always a good first stop.
  13. ^^ I always run 50lb braid.
  14. The thing about trout is that they are usually stocked to replace the eating size. People mainly fish bass for the thrill of outsmarting a predator into biting a lure. The other problem with eating bass is that people usually keep the big bass and throw the little ones back which is problematic for the gene pool. The small bass are the good ones to eat anyways. I dont care if you eat bass at all but there are A LOT of people out there who do not share the same view, especially in a spot that they told you about lol Regardless, I would talk to locals and get their input on what works in your waters. You have you have caught bluegill, thats always a good thing since largies eat those. Dont go blowing your money on technique specific sets ups either. Get online and search what lakes your local bass clubs are fishing and then you will know what lakes are a productive. You can always look up guides and see if any of them are willing to speak with you as well.
  15. Welcome to the forum and the wonderful sport. I would try to talk to people at your local tackle stores for a little input and do not mention you plan to eat some of the bass you catch, not a lot of people are going to give you informaiton if you tell them youre trying to eat the fish lol also, youtube is fantastic to learn new techniques but take everything with a gran of salt with them. It doesn't always apply to your specific area. Nothing beats research and time on the water. I would detail your conditions (water clarity, temp, cover/structure, and weather patterns) and take it from there. If youre in NY I would ask questions directly relating to your state.
  16. 3/8oz Dirty Jigs swim jig, crappie color with a Keitech swing impact fat for the trailer.
  17. I wont be bass fishing this month, maybe a little. Here in Washington state its salmon/steelhead time. In november and december there are a couple ice fishing lakes that have some giant brown and rainbows but for bass, its pretty much over until the lakes thaw
  18. Imagine being that bass. You already know he got hooked and was thinking NOT AGIAN! LOL
  19. I doubt that you all suck lol when the water rises, which makes the water muddy, I always try to fish as shallow as possible.
  20. Here is a good read!
  21. There are so many good articles on the pressure changes! When the pressure is changing it usually brings a front, wind, clouds and that is what affects the fish. You can see what the pressure is on your weather apps but I like weather underground personally. A lot of people have great success just before or after a storm and a lot of people suspect its due to the pressure changing in the air. Ill try and find a link to another article on here for you
  22. I had a 6ft ml rod with a 1000 reel that I use for smallies, I normally use 6lb line but ended up buying 4 and spooled it. hooked a 5lb smallie in a river on a jighead and little grub worm. It didnt take me to my knot but darn close.
  23. A fishing tip I wish someone would have told me was how to balance a girlfriend and fishing time.
  24. As long as the barometric pressure is rising or falling ie. not holding at 30 the fishing should be golden regardless of rain or shine!
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