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Everything posted by AustinHellickson

  1. I have seen a few different types of material for rod blanks, which do you guys prefer? why? Thank you !
  2. Thank you for the info! How many total rods have you built?
  3. I will do, just waiting for my order to get here for some reason there was no tracking info yet, it says pending billing even though i paid with a car with money on it just waiting for a response to my message from them
  4. What's the website to sign up?
  5. Thank you for this!! with the kit i think i am going to buy it comes with a rod dryer... have you had any expirance with these?
  6. for hand drying do you just let it sit for approx. 24hrs
  7. thank you, i will look at it and see what i can do, your the best!
  8. Awesome, it looks to be a little out of my budget for now. is the epoxy good enough quality? (propaste brand) i am watching youtube videos on how to make rods right now.... my main concern would be making sure the guides are lined up... what is the easiest way to be sure they are lined up? the guy i am watching now looks to be lining up on the spine of the rod.
  9. awesome, thank you! lol no problem man, thank you for your help, i am the same way as you are, i rush to get things done and slowing down will definitely be hard for myself if you got a chance can you help me see if these are a good value, never looked at anything like it... it looks to be an all in 1 kit
  10. Awesome man thank you so much! i may do this because it looks like a good deal and includes a lot: http://www.mudhole.com/CRB-2-Piece-Freshwater-Turnkey-Rod-Kits?quantity=1&custcol_kit_application=1&custcol_kit_handle_assembly=2&custcol_kit_guide_set=2&custcol_kit_equipment=1 or i may just do the blank with eyes and grip, thoughts? was guide wrapping hard? what was the most difficult part for making the rod?
  11. Thank you for your input! have you ever build a rod? if so how hard was it, and what was the trickiest part? are there any things not included in the kit i should get?
  12. Hello, i have recently been interested in making a rod. i have never done anything like this, closest thing was making a wooden canoe. what should i look into as i start? what is a good, cheap rod blank to look into as i start? any advice will be looked into! thank you all (would make either bait caster or spinning)
  13. Hello! I have seen and heard different gear ratios are better for different things. What is a good ratio for a bait caster going to be used for plastics? and when would you go down to the 6's rather than 7's for gear ratio? Thank you!!!
  14. I think I am going to get the motor early spring
  15. I currently only fish on the banks, I would get a canoe wheel set to take to the lake whenever... I want to be able to skip docks and not just be stuck on the bank and be able to actively fish.
  16. Ok, I had been talking to my dad about this as well... He doesn't want me to spend the money and then not use the motor. He doesn't think I will use it a lot ... If I had gotten the trolling motor, battery, and battery box ($250 about) and worse case if I didn't use it re sell it? Maybe only lose $50 with <1yr old stuff?
  17. Hey guys I have been trying to figure out ways to catch more fish. I haven't bank fishing all my life and I am trying to get my canoe better suited for fishing. I am thinking of getting a fish finder or a Trolling motor. Any thoughts? The fish finder all in would be about $100 it is a hummingbird matrix 17. Or Minn Kota Endura C2 30 for all in $260 ish. Please tell me what you are thinking and pros and cons Have a good day!
  18. Anyone have thoughts? New vs used?
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