Here it is in a nut shell. About two years ago I stopped doing business with Cabela's and Gander and now we are only going to promote our peoducts through our pro staff. The deal is built around letting the angler(pro staff) make the same profit as the big stores did. If there are any more questions you will find out I am always available. Thanks Jim Payne
Retrotec Pro Staff
Welcome to Retrotec Inc.'s elite Pro Staff!
Retrotec Inc. is the manufacturer of the Stayncharge Battery Charging systems.
As a member of the Retrotec Pro Staff, you will be representing the Stayncharge
Battery charging products.
All Pro Staff members must meet the following requirements:
1. At all times the Pro Staff must represent Retrotec, Inc. in a professional and sportsmanlike manner.
2. Pro Staff member must be using the product to maintain Pro Staff status.
3. Pro Staff member must be familiar with the Stayncharge system(s) and how they work.
4. All Pro Staff members must be active competitors in tournament fishing, guiding or in an active role to promote the product to the angler community.
5. Pro Staff member will appropriately advertise the Stayncharge products, i.e. boats and shirts.
6. Pro Staff member must be familiar with Retrotec pricing guidelines and never sell product for less than retail pricing.
7. Pro Staff member will be responsible for servicing of their customer base.
8. Offer suggestions on product improvements as found through system usage experience.
9. Pro Staff member will work with the Pro Staff Director regarding the Pro Staff requirements and process. The Pro Staff Director will be your first line of communication.
10. Acknowledge by signature your agreement to the terms as noted below.
Retrotec, Inc. will:
1. Provide appropriate sales and technical assistance as needed.
2. Provide current pricing guidelines.
3. Maintain all sales and shipping documentation.
4. Take care of any and all product service or replacements.
Ordering Process:
1 As a Retrotec Pro Staff member you may purchase product at our Wholesale price to be sold at or above retail pricing. All orders will be paid in advance and must allow 5-7 days for shipping.
2. Shipping is not included in the price. Sales tax will be applied as appropriate.
3. A 7% commission will be paid on any orders received from retail stores where you have set up and managed the account.
This is a team effort between you and Retrotec. We are a small family business and want to build relationships and not just business deals. We are growing at a very fast pace and welcome you to grow with us.
Please read, complete requested information and sign below:
I agree to represent Retrotec, Inc. and its Corporate Officers, manufacture representatives, dealers and customers in a professional and sportsmanlike manner. I understand that if I am found to have misrepresented Retrotec, Inc. and their products in any manner or am not fulfilling the requirements as outlined that my position as a Retrotec Pro Staff may be terminated with no obligation for future compensation.
I agree to grant Retrotec, Inc. the unconditional right to use my name, photo, likeness, biography, contact information and testimonials on the Retrotec, Inc. website.
This agreement does not establish an employer employee relationship between Retrotec, Inc. and me.
__________________________ __________________________
Pro Staff Member Print Name Pro Staff Member Signature
__________________________ __________________________
Date of Signature Retrotec Approval Signature
Information to be provided: (all information may be posted on the Retrotec website unless notified in writing not to do so):
Contact Numbers: Home:____________________
Email address:
Please mail completed form to:
Retrotec, Inc.
244 county rd. 42
Apple Valley, MN 55124