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jim payne

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Everything posted by jim payne

  1. You can do it just like you do with your RVs and if you are charging a 12 volt system you can hook the truck straight into the bow plug and it will charge through the wires in the boat. And don't worry about working the truck system because the trolling motor is not draiwng anything while you go down the road so it is not going to over pull the alternator.
  2. was told I was FOS. No one used those words at all and I also never said to use the Stayncharge system because he doesn't need it. I was not trying to sell him our products at all. I was just stating the facts that you were making comments on units you have never tried and thought that was the end of it. There is not a Stayncharge unit that will charge a single trolling battery from a outboard. We only charge 24 or 36 from the outboards and I am sorry if I hurt anyone feelings because it was not my intent. The original question was about putting a switch in the boat and the answer was yes you can do that and see if the batteries are brought up from the outboard. We also don't sell switches. Good luck
  3. To answer your question, there are a number of systems out there made to charge your TM batteries from the motors charging system. It's just they are usually worthless because the motor can't keep up with the cranking battery, much less the TM batteries also. Back to top That is all I was talking about and I to do not want to get into that here,I was not wanting to start anything and I will leave it alone. You have a great weekend also. Using a second battery is a good idea and you can also hook them together plus to plus and neg to neg and you will get double the time on the water that way also, good luck
  4. Man i am glad you have all the facts of the world on how these systems won't charge on the water from the outboard. It has been almost ten years I have been charging batteries on boats from truck while on the road and only around six years we have been charging batteries on boats while running up and down lakes. Everyone has there opinions and I will not argue about yours but whenpeople ask questions on subjects that people use everyday and they really know first hand how the systems work I would suggest other let the people that use the systems help the people who want facts and not just opinions. We have over 4000 units on the market today as well as other companies that do this that have alot more out there then we do and for someone that has not used our system to tell other they don't work is just a lie. We give our customers a full 90 day money back guarantee on our products if they don't work and I have never had one returned yet for that reason. Not wanting to get into a talking match over this so if your not using the products first hand let other that do help the people that are looking for information. Have a saafe weekend to all.
  5. You can charge the trolling battery from the start battery and it depends on what size the outboard is. If the outboard is not keping the start battery up then you have a problem or you just need to run the outboard longer. If you have a battery gauge on the boat it should let you know what is happening. You can put a switch between the batteries and you can charge them both that way. they have a switch that has batt 1 batt 2 and both that can be used. Or you can make your own wire jump set up and just hook them together as you make longer runs. It all depends on how much you run. Good luck
  6. I know some guys that use that one (not sure is exact model) but they leave it on because it is suppose to be automatic and should be ok. If not sure I would just walk by it everyday and maybe make sure the fluids are not boiling and it should be fine. I would google it and see what ou find. Good luck
  7. Curious as to why you would think doing this will damage your batteries??
  8. Send me a email and I will send you something to try and see if it will help. No cost to you. Merrry Christmas
  9. One more thing. Our staff program is new and we have already talked about how we will reward more units being sold. We are a very generous family and anyone that knows us will tell you that. The program is set up that a Staffer(saleperson) make almost $80 on every set of units the sell. That is alot of money for the weekend warrior. Like I said though it is not for everybody. I thank you all again for all the ideas and concerns. After we get someone on this site using our products all will change here anyway. Thanks all and have a great day.
  10. Man I did not have any intentions of causing people heart pains here or anywere else. I have been in business for almost nine years now and I have been hit by every board I have been on so what happened here was not a surprise to me and I am a open book to the public on these boards. Now as far as Bass_Cat you have good ponits and I thank you for them. I take these things as a positive for the members to be able to have protections from scamers and such. Alot of other companies would have ran and said screw it but I have my families future wrapped up in these products and how they do in the future. As far as me giving away units to people to use and let them sell them deal, It never works for me. My company has went that route and almost lost everything because it is human nature that if a person des not have a vested interest in something they do not do as well when it come to promoting things. I have done that probably more then a hundred times. For a company to give away a hundred baits that cost a couple dollars each is alot easier then to give away units that cost well over $100 each. We are a small company that could sell out to more then 5 major companies today and get screwed like all the other family companies in the past. Our program is designed for the angler that wants to really have a chance to earn extra money instead of a bunch of bags of baits. I thank you all for your concerns and your ideas because everything we do is because anglers told me what they wanted and needed. It is not for everybody but everybody will see by this upcoming year and then we will know hoe it works,
  11. click on WWW
  12. Stayncharge and the products are all made in the USA.
  13. Here is what we are also doing with our Staffers(salesmen). We offer to them just like we do everyone else as well as dealers, If after 90 days they do not want the units and or they do not want to be on our staff any longer we will buy the units back with no problems. We have been in business for almost nine years now and we have tried our hardest at making a good name for us and a product that is a benefit to all. In nine years I have never bought back one unit. We are the only company I know of that gives dealers 90 day money back guarantee. The anglers I have met over the years are really great people with dreams just like I have and very few ever make it to there dream place. Just like anything in this business I guess the people that aren't trying new things will just have to wait and see what the Staffers have to say at the end of 2008 and then we can all move in the direction we want to go.
  14. Are you using a 24 volt motor all the time? And you are using a two bank charger corrct?
  15. You really do need to conect all those electronics to the boat running battery for a bunch of reasons. And no you should not see sparks hooking up any electronics. It could of sparked just because the unit was turned on before wired too.
  16. Most anglers I see do what your saying to promote there sponsors now, the only differance in the thing I am trying to do is let the staffers actually make money for what they do. pyramidal???????? Most sponsors only give anglers a discount on there product and then they want them to do shows and all kinds of other stuff. I have not seen any sponsors out there that really let ther staffers make money.
  17. That is always the norm for boards for people to automatically think the worst and that is fine. We have been in business for almost nine years now and are pretty well known around alot of the circuits like the WBT and the Elite series and if a company can make a living on 100 products sold then more power to them. As I stated before the Pro Staff deal is set up to put the profits in the hands of the anglers were it belongs instead of the bigger stores. If you will research our company you will find out we give alot to the industry and our customers. We also give our retail buyers as well as our small business owner a 90 day money back guarantee so if it doesn't work for anyone there is no risk except for my families risk. I hope that helps and remember the worst thing that can happen to an angler doing business with us is that there batteries are always going to be charged up. If this offer is scaring anyone please just remove it. Thanks and have a great day.
  18. Pretty much something like that only we are going to carry it much farther then that. Our pro staff are going to be able to make alot more money for themselves then by just getting discounts on products. They are going to be able to help us bring alot of other products to market for other companies like ours. It is a win win for us both. If I need to bring more info for anyone please contact me. Thanks and From my family to all of yours have a great weekend and be safe.
  19. Here it is in a nut shell. About two years ago I stopped doing business with Cabela's and Gander and now we are only going to promote our peoducts through our pro staff. The deal is built around letting the angler(pro staff) make the same profit as the big stores did. If there are any more questions you will find out I am always available. Thanks Jim Payne Retrotec Pro Staff Welcome to Retrotec Inc.'s elite Pro Staff! Retrotec Inc. is the manufacturer of the Stayncharge Battery Charging systems. As a member of the Retrotec Pro Staff, you will be representing the Stayncharge Battery charging products. All Pro Staff members must meet the following requirements: 1. At all times the Pro Staff must represent Retrotec, Inc. in a professional and sportsmanlike manner. 2. Pro Staff member must be using the product to maintain Pro Staff status. 3. Pro Staff member must be familiar with the Stayncharge system(s) and how they work. 4. All Pro Staff members must be active competitors in tournament fishing, guiding or in an active role to promote the product to the angler community. 5. Pro Staff member will appropriately advertise the Stayncharge products, i.e. boats and shirts. 6. Pro Staff member must be familiar with Retrotec pricing guidelines and never sell product for less than retail pricing. 7. Pro Staff member will be responsible for servicing of their customer base. 8. Offer suggestions on product improvements as found through system usage experience. 9. Pro Staff member will work with the Pro Staff Director regarding the Pro Staff requirements and process. The Pro Staff Director will be your first line of communication. 10. Acknowledge by signature your agreement to the terms as noted below. Retrotec, Inc. will: 1. Provide appropriate sales and technical assistance as needed. 2. Provide current pricing guidelines. 3. Maintain all sales and shipping documentation. 4. Take care of any and all product service or replacements. Ordering Process: 1 As a Retrotec Pro Staff member you may purchase product at our Wholesale price to be sold at or above retail pricing. All orders will be paid in advance and must allow 5-7 days for shipping. 2. Shipping is not included in the price. Sales tax will be applied as appropriate. 3. A 7% commission will be paid on any orders received from retail stores where you have set up and managed the account. This is a team effort between you and Retrotec. We are a small family business and want to build relationships and not just business deals. We are growing at a very fast pace and welcome you to grow with us. Please read, complete requested information and sign below: I agree to represent Retrotec, Inc. and its Corporate Officers, manufacture representatives, dealers and customers in a professional and sportsmanlike manner. I understand that if I am found to have misrepresented Retrotec, Inc. and their products in any manner or am not fulfilling the requirements as outlined that my position as a Retrotec Pro Staff may be terminated with no obligation for future compensation. I agree to grant Retrotec, Inc. the unconditional right to use my name, photo, likeness, biography, contact information and testimonials on the Retrotec, Inc. website. This agreement does not establish an employer employee relationship between Retrotec, Inc. and me. __________________________ __________________________ Pro Staff Member Print Name Pro Staff Member Signature __________________________ __________________________ Date of Signature Retrotec Approval Signature Information to be provided: (all information may be posted on the Retrotec website unless notified in writing not to do so): Name: Address: Contact Numbers: Home:____________________ Cell:______________________ Email address: Please mail completed form to: Retrotec, Inc. 244 county rd. 42 Apple Valley, MN 55124
  20. Retrotec Inc. Pro Staff for Stayncharge Products Retrotec Inc. (Retrotec), the makers of Stayncharge products, is ready to reach the top of the market and we think we have the idea and momentum to move forward. To do this we need your help and are looking for anglers who are committed to working with us to achieve our finest goal. Our goal for the start of the 2008 season is to have 100 pro staffers around the world. We have started a new program that is unlike any other in the fishing community. The program is not just for the top pro fishing anglers - of which we have many using our product - it is for the weekend angler as well. The program will put the profits where they belong in your pocket. We are looking for 60 to 70 additional anglers to round off our program. If you are interested in becoming a new member of the Stayncharge family, Take the opportunity to contact us at stayncharge@msn.com We look forward to having you join our team! Jim Payne President
  21. The age of the unit would be my guess. The other stuuf on the battery should not be any problem with the motor getting hot. If the unit is hooked direct to the battery then the only thing to check is the connectors really need to be cleaned and tightened really well and if the cables look old and cracked they might need to be replaced and if the circuit breaker is older then you probably want to replace it. Besides those things the only other cause would be the motor itself is the problem. Good luck.
  22. JB On the starter of the Honda should be the only big red cable there. If you can't find it let me know and i will call a freind that is a mech for Lund down the road and see how he does it. Good luck.
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