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jim payne

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Everything posted by jim payne

  1. If your using wing nuts and are not tightening them with a plier atleast a quarter turn from finger tight then you are not doing it right. Never leave battery teminals finger tight.
  2. Does that mean they are not good products?
  3. The amount of power that is going to put into a battery is so small you will never charge a big battery with it. If you battery is almost full it might maintain the charge but don't buy it to charge a low battery. I wish they would because I have wanted to use them with our products for the longest time but they would have to be as big as your boat to work. Just the facts and nothing but the facts. I am not trying to be a smart a&& about it just know they won't work.
  4. Alot of motors were built that way awhile back. I would just leave it on 24 and use it that way.
  5. I would like to be at that lake and see how we could charge all those batteries hahahaha
  6. Stayncharge is the Original system that does charge from the truck and if Stealth is making one they don't have a patent on it because I hold the patents and have for almost ten years now. With both Stayncharge systems together you can charge all your batteries from your truck and you will charge the trolling batteries from your outboard and you can keep the onboard unit you have now and charge them all through that. Here is the deal for you. We offer a full 90 day money back guarantee and if our products don't do what we say they will do I will give you your money back. We also have a full three year replacement warranty. I hope this helps.
  7. If you are not hooking it to the start battery of the boat the just hook it to one of the batteries + to + and Neg to Neg doesn't matter which one.
  8. What year and make of boat?
  9. If you are trying to keep the battery charged just while you are on the water and using the motor this would never work. If you are leaving you boat on land for two weeks without using it then it might bring it back some but not all. Better idea if your battery is not lasting you all day then you might want to put a second battery in the truck and switch them and charge them when you get home. I wish those solar panels would work because I would use them with our products.
  10. I have been doing that for ten years with a single charger or off the truck too. Single charger will work fine if it is a good charger.
  11. How often do you fish and how are the batteries hooked up?
  12. You can go to Wall Mart or Sears and pick up the same charger for about the same money also.
  13. Contact BPS and see what they say about replacing it. It's not like they build them them selves and they should be able to get the manufacture (? hahaha) to do right by you.
  14. Just hook them together plus to plus and neg to neg and you will still be at 12 volts. Let me know if you need anymore help.
  15. www.carolinaelectricboats.com little more money but man is this thing sweet.
  16. Don't know were thst 25% came from but if the batteries are good then you would get twice as much trolling time with two batteries.
  17. Well atleast I got to take the covers off the snowmobiles last night hahaha now just have to get all the augers and Ice Fishing equipment put together and tied down on the little trailer so we will be ready for some ICE FISHING. Come on out guys and lets have some winter fun.. ;D
  18. I thought he said he had it check out by a Motor Guide dealer and they said there was nothing wrong with it. Maybe I miss read it.
  19. Was the motor off the boat when they checked it? The breaker should either work or not work. It should not cause what is happening. You can bypass the breaker for a short time and that would answer that. If the motor does it again then just bypass the breaker and see if it still does it and as long as the wires are not getting hot you will be OK.
  20. There are one bank,two bank ,three bank and so on chargers. I am assuming a bank means a battery. Here is my question if you have three batterys all 12volts and two of the three are wired parallel would you need a two bank or a three bank charger? Would the batterys that are in parallel count as one battery or will each battery need its own bank on the charger? Does your outboard keep the starting battery charged pretty well? If it does then you can still just use a single bank charger from your garage to keep the other two charged up.
  21. Two bank is all you need but the two batteries that are hooked together are just going to take longer to chaarge.
  22. Never heard of that but I would call Dual Pro before doing it even though it should not hurt it either way.
  23. Which bank isn't charging? Is it the one for the start battery or deep cycle? Take the bad one off and change it with one of the others and see if it is still not coming on. This will tell you if it is the charger or the battery. Make sure you clean the connections when changing them.
  24. Pretty sure your talking about a Dual Pro CSI charger.. What is it or not doing?
  25. www.twintrollerboats.com just a thought for ya. The owner is a friend of mine.
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