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jim payne

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Everything posted by jim payne

  1. What size trolling motor is it? WHat year is the boat? How many wires are already there that are hooked to the trolling motor plug. There are other ways to use that charger if you have the right wires already in the boat.
  2. If you are using 2 sets of batteries before you go out and buy the charger you need I would do a few test on them after an average day(for you) fishing. Make sure they are topped off , test them and then go fishing, When you get home test them again to see how much they have gone down. Now you will know how much power will be needed to top them back off. way3slow could be right about how long it could take but it all depends on how big the batteries are, what condition they are in and how much you use them. Just a good way to find out for yourself is to test them by using them how you use them and then decide how you will need to charge them. Good luck.
  3. What size is the battery you have now?
  4. Like I said you cannot charge a 24volt battery set up with a twelve volt charger, it just can't be done. You can use your garage charger like anglers did for many many years and they had less problems then they do now(I will get it for that one haha) there are charge from the outboard units that are less then onboards money wish.
  5. If you are using a 24 volt trolling motro then you need a two bank charger(unless you have a 24volt charger which most people don't have) just for them and you need either another charger or a three bank for all three. You can not charge 24volts from a twelve volt charger
  6. The twin troller is everything they say it is . I had one here for about a year trying to help Frank and them get going in Minnesota. I took that thing out and tried all the things they had on the vidio and I am as big or bigger then that guy on the vidio and that thing was a blast. I got with Frank because we were talking about charging the battery on it with our Original stayncharge.The only draw back if you fish by yourself and are loading it into the back of the truck alone it is not that easy to load. Two guys would be better to put in the bed of a truck. They are built solid and Frank is a great guy to do business with.
  7. I kind of know hahaha sorry. You need to have a good size 27's if you are trolling alot during the day. Now I wouldn't go out and buy new batteries because I would use the two 24's you have now until they are done. When your batteries are done then i would look to your local battery guys and do your homework on the company your buying from and get to know them and make sure they really know batteries before you buy, Good luck
  8. The problem is the size 24 battery is why your not getting enough trolling time, You can hooked the up together and it will get you alot more time and as far as your electronics, try it and see if you get interfrence or not and if you do then I would put all the electronics on the boat start battery and see how that does. Some anglers have problems with interference and others don't so if I were you I would try it for yourself and see what happens. Good luck and keep us informed of how you are doing.
  9. Are you using the accessory battery for your starting battery on the boat too?
  10. If the wires are 6awg ou should be able to just use two of the wires and put the 70 lber on there if you wanted and the plug should be fine too. Biggest thing is you need to make sure you have a good circuit breaker on the batteries.
  11. You would be able to use the same wiring for the 55lb as you did as you did with the 30lb but it would depend on what size wires your boat already has seeing it was already set up for a 12/24, I would find out what size they are now and go from there. You also need to find out what size the plug on the boat is and make sure it is rated high enough before you throw the 70lber on there. what year and make is the boat?
  12. That doesn't sound right at all if they are only hooked to the trolling batteries unless you have a common ground between them some how. Might want to go to there site and see what they say. Good luck
  13. 8awg will do fine or 6awg is better just depends on how much you want to spend on wire but both will do a good job
  14. Black and decker from sears is a good unit for about $89 and they work well. The only reason I suggested this is because you can charge each battery from this without having to mount it to the boat and it will work easier to charge the start battery on the boat also.
  15. How many prongs on the plug? How many batteries are you using? Post pic of plug would help.
  16. The guy that asked the question is not arguing with anyone. He hasn't been back on since he asked it and probably won't be because he doesn't want to get between the two doing all the talking
  17. Man I must have been tired last night because my post didn't say what I was thinking hahahaha. You are right the starting battery should be running everything except the trolling motor. The trolling batteries should only be hooked to the trolling motor. Good coffee in the morning can make you see much better.
  18. Did you get he batteries figured out? The starting battery is just for the starting of the boat and running lights and the trolling battery is for all the rest?
  19. Opps sorry re read your post and you are running three batteries. What you probably read from KVD deal was they added one extra battery and used the start battery as the fourth. You can do that but you take the chance of being stuck on the lake with a dead starting battery.
  20. As mentioned before you can add two batteries one to each side of the motor and you can get double the run time. Are you running two trolling batteries and one starting battery now or are you using the starting battery as the two for the trolling motor?
  21. We make the Original harness both ways, 1. comes with all the wire and circuit breaker to wire the 99 and older trucks. 2. 7 prong plug for the newer vevhicles. But still if you are leaving the boat somewere you can't get to it for long periods of time you should take them home and service them and charge them there and you will get a good season out of them for next year.
  22. That is not true, what year and make is your truck. If your boat is in a storage you are not able to go into and charge them then the only smart thing to do is to take them home and keep them charged there.
  23. You can hook two batteries together positive to positive and negative to negative and you will be fine and it is called parellel not series.
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