I can’t tell ya where I caught my giant largemouth, but I caught my PB smallie in the Quabbin. I hooked another absolute giant smallie at the Q, on a 6 inch hudd in 15 feet of water. Inhaled it. Wachusett and the Quabbin are the best chances for records for both species and a variety of others too. So much food, structure and water in those places
I’ve had some giant pickerel inhale swimbaits too. I had one inhale a 7 inch real prey whole, I have a problem with hook sets when I see the fish bite. My brain is a bit slow. Same place a few days later, I was using a 10 inch real prey, set the hook when I felt the bite, thinking it was a giant bass. Wrong a d**n pickerel ate a 10 inch swimbait. Didn’t get the hook though, it ate the tail to right behind the hook