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Everything posted by Rpratt

  1. Andy Montgomery with a 9-6 takes the lead!
  2. Kriet has moved up! Or should I call him Mr. Mayor? ?
  3. Am I reading this wrong are the Daiwa reels not falling under the trade in deal this year? If not a reel that did catch my eye was the Quantum KVD Smoke 3 reel. I noticed it's a little different then the regular Smoke 3's but would they really be that much of a difference? For example 11 bearings to 9
  4. I actually enjoyed what I saw, which was pretty limited. I can see where it could be boring where you watch a guy flip to the same place time and time again, however that also gave me more insight on the issue. I always hear that you need to do that, but in my personal application on that, well I tend to probably give up to easy. For example I watched Drew Benton go after one Bass over and over and over again, but he explained why. And he said, he keeps picking it up, I should get him on the next cast and he did. One thing that has been talked about between the two tours is that MLF talks over the anglers too much. BASS did not do that and I like that. Favorite line of the day though.... Mark Zona. "Ya know, from this angle, Bernie Shultz looks alot like Don Johnson when he was in the movie Tin Cup". Tony Saunders came back saying something like "yeah he is rocking that hair" ?
  5. He got T-boned. It tore his truck all up. He has a video of it on his Facebook page
  6. I really enjoyed what I saw of the coverage this week. Alot of drama, comebacks, some nice fish caught, and you got some really colorful unedited um, well I would say real life "situations" of your favorite anglers. ? The worst is what happened to Brandon's truck today! It made me shed a tear!
  7. I wasn't Bass fishing, I was out on a pier in Alameda fishing with some buddies for sea trout or something rather. Well, I was crushing them. The ONLY guy on a crowded pier pulling in fish left and right. And I um, well I was hamming it up with everyone. Well I threw my line out and ran to the bathroom. When I came back my rod tip was bouncing up and down and my buddies were all gesturing to me to hurry up. And I did.... Ran to my rod, set that hook and the fight was on! My line was jumping and I knew I had a big one! Of course when my line came out with it came 4 of those BIG triangle shaped weights my buds had slipped down the line while I was in the can. Talk about a whole bunch of hootin and hollering that this at the time young man suffered ....
  8. My fishing style? To quote Gerald Swindle.... "First I throw the black jig. If that don't work, then I throw the brown jig. If that don't work, then I throw the black jig..."
  9. Rpratt

    H2O baits

    My fishing buddy was so excited last year when he picked up one of the H2O squarebills for 2 bucks a few weeks before our big trip we had been planning for a few months. Not only that but he had a new rod and reel and was just beside himself that he was gonna catch em. Well we got to the lake and the very first cast he launched that squarebill 25 feet up into a tree. Great distance! So I really don't know how good the lures are, but they sure do catch big trees extremely well ??
  10. Oh I see what I was looking at. You can see angler leaderboards with all zero point totals and rankings for the year. Heck James Watson is even listed on it.
  11. Looked last night, they still have guys like Wheeler and Ehlers listed in their buckets.
  12. Just saw the new Berkely Lightning rods at Walmart last night. Look sharp, I use them as a backup and will probably pick one up for my wife who uses mine all the time.....when I can get her out of bed to fish that is ?
  13. Marty Stone and the others usually only do the commentating when the select rounds are done.
  14. What works for me in my boat really well is I have 3 plastic bread containers from Wally World. I can stack about 15-20 bags of worms, craws swimbaits or whatever in each one and easily find everything when I need it.
  15. 1st tourney I ever fished, within the first 20 minutes of lines in the water, I caught 3 bass that weighed a total of 11 lbs on spinnerbaits by bumping them off logs. The boat owner said I was done, moved the boat out into open water and stayed out there for the rest of the tournament. This was early 90's to where light line was starting to really take off, however I had nothing then to compensate for it. Lesson learned there. It just stunk to go from total excitement of being in your first tournament and doing well, to bottom of the barrel what the heck are we doing? We caught no more fish being out there for the next day and a half either.
  16. That is true, but as I said, it normally only concentrates on the leaders. I guess what I am trying to say is thru MLF, a casual fan can get to know the whole field. The example I use, my wife, can now recognize and tell you about everyone on the show. You can't do that with the format BASS has used. They wanted to, ESPN even described turning BASS into the new NASCAR, hence the leap into sponsor logos everywhere etc etc. It just did not work on the same level as the MLF format.
  17. I really believe that the MLF has done one thing that BASS as a televised format did not really do. And that is promote the anglers. The MLF made it a point and maybe it was just by default by the format itself, to get you the viewer to get to know the anglers. My wife loved the show even though she doesn't fish much just for this reason alone. She was able to sit there and say this one was her favorite, or didn't really like this guy because of his personality. Shaw Grigsby is her favorite if you were wondering. It created a I care about this angler because with the format they were featured or SEEN more. My wife (and myself) when the show started were wondering ok who is on this week, and who are they fishing against. As mentioned the show in it's initial startup already had some sort of initial tension buildup. And they keep it going the whole show. BASS as a televised format, well they normally only focus on who is ahead, and really not much I guess you would call any kind of affinity towards the angler. Last small point is although when both are televised, the tournaments are already played out. The difference is we know the BASS results are already well known, however you have no clue as to the MLF. Again, can't build up tension or much real drama or an audience except for the hard core who want to see the replay of a fish caught a month or so earlier.
  18. Just saw alot of the stuff on Bassmaster website. Berkely has really stepped it up! I am gonna be so much broker then I am now soon....
  19. Sorry to hurt anyone's feelings on this thread, but my nephew who is 3 and half years old and hopeful future board member has outdone all of us. He called to inform me he caught his first bass the other day. I asked him how he knew it was a bass and said it was green, white, had a really big mouth and had black spots on it. It was also 3 feet long.... That has to be the record or he has already mastered the art of telling larger then life fishing tales ?
  20. Bought 5 bags of Havoc Pit Bosses yesterday at Dicks for 10 bucks. Went fishing this morning, now already down to 4 bags....
  21. My friend and I have been sitting around trying to figure how the particulars of how they, meaning the professional Angler, make it in fishing. You hear about the tremendous amount of travelling, fuel cost hotels, entry fees, etc that it's hard to wrap around just sheer number of dollars that it takes. Not to mention raising families and all the costs associated with what would be considered a normal life. Are the sponsors paying the anglers that much? Are they paying entry fees? I understand that the big boys would maybe get larger sums, but to cover all the costs associated? Are they getting alot of money thru fishing/speaking engagements or just showing up to support sponsors? And lastly it just seems almost impossible to stay on the tour if you are not in the money at some point often. For example how is the guy that is not necessarily finishing in the bottom but maybe in that 60-90th area making it? I am looking at guys on tour now that have either not pocketed a check or maybe just 1 check. That does not even seem remotely close to any kind of sustainable amount of money to stay on tour. And yet, they do it. No illusions, too old anyways to even dream about touring, just really curious ?
  22. It helped for me to cut one side of the "legs" shorter then the other.
  23. There is no doubt that the KVD square bill is my confidence bait. The only thing I don't like is how easily the hooks get bent or break. So those get changed out quite a bit after a little bit. The only other one that I have used that has caught fish consistently for me is the Berkely squarebills. And their hooks to me seem to be much better.
  24. Does telling your wife that work is gonna be slow tomorrow so the boss said to take the day off, and then tell her you are going fishing count as something bad? ??
  25. Very common. Get yourself some large swivels, a 3 to 4 oz sinker that you can attach to your line, and drop it down. Bounce a few times and your lure should pop free. Learned that one from Hank Parker ? Or just buy a lure retriever for about 10 bucks. I have seen people take those off the rope it comes with and attach them to retractable dog leashes. Although not totally fool proof but saves you alot of money that's for sure.
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