Ok, here is my opinion for it's worth from my observations, mainly from the responses here on the reasons why people are so against MLF. And as a side note I am gonna say straight from the hip, I do NOT in any way mean any disrespect to any person on this board! We are all anglers and have our own minds and feelings, and I respect those opinions.
1. Some people just do not embrace change. Dinkfest is a term that is thrown around quite a bit. And some times I do agree with that. Alot of people just want the best 5 limit and that's it. That's fine. I get it. MLF started the tour as the 1lb minimum as a different format, opposed to the other. What's so wrong about that? It's THEIR tour. Just different rules for the same sport. I find it at times just amazing that they can go-to these lakes and just catch so many freaking fish in a day/week that consistently. Anyone here IMHO that says they do it all the time, well I agree you can go out and catch alot, but to be that consistent? On all these different lakes under the pressure of that scoretracker? Come on....
2. People are kind of miffed that guy's they grew up or have followed for years jumped ship. Oh I get that one. The Classic is coming up and I totally agree. The Redcrest is NOT the classic. Not even close. At least not for a long while. I want to see the biggest and baddest at the Classic. And although BASS does have some great sticks, it's just that a majority of them we are just getting to know. Again, it's not the same. Not yet.
3. We have seen a couple of anglers go back. Will we see more? I don't know. Swindle from an interview I saw said he just wanted more free time. I can speak for that comment to possibly being completely true. Why? I just spoke not too long ago to Brent Chapman, and actually I was berating him for not having me on his show Pro vs Joe. I know he is scared of me, but.... Well he told he could not even film the show last season because he just do not have time. Think about it, you have the 8 or 9 tournaments, plus if you qualify, 4 cup events for the MLF TV show. You are looking at alot of time from home and I have not even talked about the other commitments for sponsors, travel and such. Either way, I don't lose any respect for any angler of they go or stay because they are doing what they feel they need to do not only as a profession, but for their families. Alot of times it is about the money. Can't fault anyone for that. An old example I have used on the past is this. Let's say you caught Mark McGwires record setting home run ball. Do you return it or sell it for a few million? At first I would say oh heck I do the morally correct thing and return it and get an autographed ball and bat. However how do you go home and tell your wife, hey I caught that ball and instead of us being financialy set for the rest of our lives, I got this cool autographed ball! I am pretty sure she would make me feel really stupid in 5...4...3...2....1...
The same would apply in most anyone's home. Do the best you can financialy and what's best for family. They are yours, take care of them when you have the opportunity to do so.
The BPT tour is making a few changes. Hopefully that helps them avoid being the dreaded Dinkfest. I don't think it's going to mollify the 5 best crowd, but again, if that is what ya like, then support the tour that does. I plan on supporting all the tours. Because I just honestly love to watch.
/Me steps off my humble soap box