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Everything posted by Rpratt

  1. Not 20-50 MPH LOL! Power setting...20-50 %. I don't own a Garmin Ghost ? Think what I am getting at is what strategy should I employ to get at those fish. The water is usually probably to stained to try drop shotting. Maybe my trolling motor is spooking the fish? I normally will just keep it running as I go down the bank...?‍♂️
  2. Sorry, this happens all the time. If I can see fish on my graph, which I do all day, I am not catching fish that I graph. I meant to say it pretty much covers all situations. It's just odd, and my buddies I fish with, are all confused as to that problem too.
  3. I have had my boat for 4 years now, and I admittedly am primarily a bank beater (mainly to the type of lakes I fish). It's time to expand but I have some questions that I hope can be answered. Ok, so let's do example A. I am cruising along on the trolling motor 20-50 and I can see fish on my graph. I have decent idea that those are probably bass by the way they are spaced out. They could be 5-30 deep. Why can I never ever catch those fish? Did I spook them by going over them? Do I need to let them rest a few minutes before bombs away? Or would it be something I am missing? (Besides you stink as angler...)
  4. It's not so much a hey I gotta have this new shiny thingy, as to I have this, and it works for me..but... Ooooh! Look at the purty colors! I must buy many many multiples!
  5. It's very interesting but until I get my electronics up to par, there is no way I would be able to compete on these lakes. Especially since it would be tough since all lakes are quite the distance from my home. But who knows, maybe in a few years I would be able to give it a shot your odds of qualifying are actually not that bad.
  6. The person you bring along that has his cell phone blowing up non-stop because his wife wants to know every 5 minutes when he is coming home, or he decides that 30 minutes on the lake is too long and needs to go home right now...... Yeah, I am sure most of you know THAT guy.... ?
  7. I have 4 of them. -They are sensitive. -They are durable. -I have caught Hundreds upon hundreds of fish with them . -For the people that follow what pros use. Ott Defoe does use these (along with the rest of the BPS line) -Buying another one in a few weeks. IMHO one of the best buys in fishing period.
  8. I was FINALLY able to score some OG Slim 06's at Bass Pro today. Picked up 3 to try out for now. Doubt if any will be left when the yearly sale hits later in February. Also snagged a few Rapala Shad Rap 07's and a few of the newest colors of DT-6's. I wanted to purchase so much more, however the Bait Monkeys ultimate arch nemesis, aka my wife....well, you all know how that goes....?
  9. My Boat rules either weekend fun fishing or tournament. Section 48.3 Back seat boater must bring deer sausage or that angler may not get in the boat. I didn't make it up, but the rules are the rules and I strictly enforce them..?
  10. At my age, it would be so hard not to want to fish with somebody I have related to for most of my life, and that would be Bill Dance. After that without a doubt it would fall to the next 5....Hank Parker, Clunn, KVD, Hackney and Swindle.
  11. I am back and currently ranked number 1 in the BR division (at least on my phone). Bet ya that only lasts for one tournament ?
  12. The old Abu Garcia Ambassador. No fancy smancy tech on that reel for sure!
  13. Last Cast! Literally happened 3 times last year. And it was to be my last cast of the day. What really makes it just freaking awesome is hearing my buddy in back of the boat filling the air with explitive remarks....
  14. I have had alot of success using a 7" medium Carbon-lite paired with a Quantum Smoke (gear ration is eluding me at the moment, but I think it's 5:4-6:3 I think) over the last 4-5 years. I mainly throw squarebills and Rapala DT-6's with that combo. I normally use 10-12 lb Suffix mono. I am not particularly a flourocarbon line fan. I would venture to say any decent reel with that ratio would work. But the rod is the key. It's not real bendy and just seems to have that perfect feel for crankbait fishing. My buddies that I fish with always jokingly say that if the day is going badly or not how I like it, that if I pick that rod up, things just got real lol.
  15. When one of my batteries died and I don't feel like buying a new one to use just once or twice during the winter.... ?
  16. Well I guess this answers this year's earlier thread about Hackney and Christie fishing opens ?
  17. Isn't Newton a 10 horse limit lake? I have wanted to make the trip from the St Louis area there, but if that is correct, my motor is way above that. I think that lake has been on BASS top 100 for the last few years too.
  18. You can fish power plant lakes in Illinois. Just be mindful there is engine size limits (usually 50 hp) on some. Lake Egypt does not have that restriction. And usually the weather will turn semi warm for a week or so around mid February that gets myself on "normal lakes" a few times.
  19. And what famous actor/cowboy was in The Sons of Pioneers? ? I am an outlaw fan. Ya know, Waylon Willie and the boys. I grew up with my family owning a few bars and I was raised on jukebox country music. I do however love the 90's country like Garth, Alan Jackson, Vince Gill, Dwight Yoakam etc. Today's, well not so much. I do listen to Brad Paisley, Eric Church, Chris Stapleton and a few others. But if a Luke Bryan, Sam Hunt or Florida Georgia Line song comes on.... Well I just wanna hurl! ?
  20. Alright James, here is the situation that unfortunately, I have to deal with alot. It's mid summer. Morning (5 am until about 10). Bright blue bird skies. None to very little wind. Humid and outside temps are 78-90). Water is stained to muddy from recent rains. It also seems to be stagnant. These are strip mine lakes, and because of this the depth ranges are all over the place. There is alot of laydowns etc, but they just do not seem to be where you would think they would be. How would you approach fishing in these conditions and what would you be throwing because I tell ya. If we do catch anything, it's nothing to write home about ?
  21. Lol! That's a great prescription, and it's probably what my issue is. In reality they are topwater fishing waiting for a blow-up. I know, I have been fishing frogs waaaaaay too much this year. Don't worry sports fans, my wife called me an idiot last night too when I commented on it. ?
  22. ....that while watching Air Jaws on Shark Week. That while they are pulling that decoy seal around that a popping seal would work much better out in open water, rather then a standard seal. And if then if they could master walking the seal, they would get alot more bites. Livetarget? Are you listening? ICAST 2021 would be yours to win yet again! Just saying...
  23. A little over 40 years ago, my brother caught a 3lb bass with a Rebel Humpback (of which I still own) which started my bass addiction. I think the line was discontinued and just in the last few years made its return.
  24. LOL! You are preaching to the choir! It seems like FOREVER since I have fished with some cloud cover. I went out a month ago, no wind, dead still and extremely humid. I laid onto what I thought was the biggest bass I had ever caught on a Shakey head right off the bank. Then I realized it was not coming up. Ok, I got a BIG catfish..... Nope. It was a giant freaking carp! I fought that thing for over 5 minutes before I got it the side of the boat. And then I did something really really stupid. I grabbed my line to pull him a little closer. My line wrapped around my finger... I prayed right then and there as I was looking for my pliers that the carp would not make another run. It did not. Lesson learned. However after that fight I was exhausted, over heated and got off the lake at 8am. That never happens. Not to mention that by the time I got to the boat ramp I was feeling so sick, that when I went to trailer the boat, I forgot to pull up my trolling motor and slammed it into the trailer. Got lucky I did not damage it.
  25. Yep, definitely try to make it hit every piece of cover possible. A tactic for that is to let it deflect off and then give it a pause. Will get alot of strikes doing that. Don't worry too much about hanging up. They tend to back off and un-hook themselves if they do hang. I can't even remember the last time I lost a squarebill. If you are in a boat I would parallel the bank and try to keep it in that 3-5 foot zone as much as possible.
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