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Everything posted by Rpratt

  1. After 3 good tournaments in a row, I tanked the last one. Par for the course I guess since not only did I finish in 666th overall place in the Drain the Lake league, but my paycheck this week was also 666....
  2. Sorry if there has been another thread, bit I searched and couldn't find one. 13 Fishing Jabberjaw.... Slays bass! If you don't know what it is, it is a hybrid squarebill. It has a metal lip that wiggles. Your line is tied into a snap just like a chatterbait. The lip moves as it's fished and makes it have very erratic movement. Especially if your vary your cadence and give it jerk here and there. The metal lip also puts out ALOT of flash. It came thru cover just like a squarebill. It bounced off everything like a champ. I only got it snagged once, and just a couple of pops and it backed off. It is a floating bait that runs 2-4 feet deep. Btw, the hooks are solid! It is a little pricey at 12 bucks a pop (I got a few of them at Academy) but yesterday I had the best day of fishing I have had in years with most of my fish (alot of fish in the 3-5 lb range) coming from this bait. Maybe because it is something different that the fish have not seen, or maybe I was just in the right places at the right time, but all I know is...The Jabberjaw flat out catches them.
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  3. Oh boy.... Wasn't doing badly the first day. Respectable. Day 2.... Wow never had all 5 guys drop so badly at the same time. Ah well, on to the next tournament lol
  4. Megabass 110 and the new 13 Fishing Squarebills. So hard to pull the trigger with that kind of money. And AJ.....DON'T! Just don't tease me again with your 110 box..!!! ???
  5. The biggest problem for me is trying to find rods. When you goto Bass Pro and they tell you at the START of their Spring Classic that it may be 3 months before they actually get the rods they just put on sale you have issues. I have looked for several crankbait specific rods all over the internet. All out of stock. What you have to remember that right now anchored out and in Los Angeles is over 800,000 cargo containers waiting that is shipped by rail all across the country. They have been held up for months. I guarantee at least a few of those has alot of the things we are waiting for delivery. And I know more and more are on the way. It's gonna take awhile to clear that log jam though.
  6. This is the Heavy Hitters event. Only half the field of anglers fish this event. Kind of an answer to "We are not a Dinkfest"
  7. Been a great tournament so far. Felt sorry for Otter yesterday. Knew he probably wasn't going to make the cut, but lost that 25G in the last period.
  8. Not required at all. Just another new league to play in with different rules
  9. Don't forget to set your rosters for the new Drain the Lake fantasy game they are now starting! To find it, right next to groups on your roster page is the link Drain the Lake. Click that link and it will take you to it. This one is quite different. You pick 8 anglers, but the kicker is, you may not use those anglers for the rest of the year. So choose wisely....?
  10. I drive a truck all week, I like to stand up ?
  11. No activity alot of times just means out of cell phone range. I also notice alot of times they just give a guestimate of what they caught. No scaling the fish, just toss in the live well and oh yeah, that's a 6 pounder! Should be rocking it this week, but there seems to always be that ONE guy that kills me....
  12. Thank you I will definitely try one ?
  13. Yeah I bought it at Bass Pro a few weeks ago. It walks really easy, but if you stop it rolls on it's side or goes upside down.
  14. So I just recently bought the Luckycraft Sammy 118 and took it for a test spin on my sister's pond, and uh...have you ever seen them just lay on their sides or upside down? I have never had a walking bait do anything like that. Bad lure? I am using 50 lb braid with about 8-10 inches of 17lb mono as a leader.
  15. Checking in. So far for me, all waters I have fished on are VERY muddy. Not much to report....yet.
  16. It's all about location location location!
  17. Who is gonna make the Toro cut line today? My side picks for this tourney with my buddy were Defoe, Thrift and Tak.
  18. Go home or head to the next tournament site. Sometimes if they are near a lake that is on the schedule, and if it's within the limit of time (usually cannot fish 30 days prior to the tournament to be held there) they will go practice at that lake. There is also sponsor commitments they may need to attend.
  19. Heavy Hitters is next. Last round fish must be 3 lbs.
  20. I am warning you all now. Going out on a limb this tourney and I am either gonna whoop all of you handily, or you are going to see the most epic fail of all time....
  21. It definaltey was a slow year. No spring fishing except for the few times I was able to travel a few hours away to fish. The lakes in my area once they opened were HEAVILY pressured. The baits that produced were mainly frogs and the ever trusty DT-6. Hopefully this year will be much better, but my first time out this year was shall we say.... Not so good.... Chocolate Milk water and no wind. I did catch a 3 inch bluegill on a little John. Have no idea how he got that hook in his mouth....
  22. Pretty sure alot of the guys are not just sponsored, but are more like actual employees for those companies. I have seen some articles about the anglers "salaries", and it's um, well I wish I had those jobs.
  23. Well I did not throw it as much as I would like because of water conditions, but one thing that stood out to me right away is I did not realize how heavy they felt when casting and coming thru the water.
  24. That's all I caught yesterday lol! First day out this year. The water temp did get to 49 but the water was dead calm and very muddy. We could not see our lure no deeper then 2-3 inches down. I did hook into a very heavy fish with a Little John, but it came off. Never even got to see it ?
  25. I do have my neighbor who is very religious and will also swear on all the bibles in the world that he was attacked by bigfoot while fishing in a kayak. That story is on this site somewhere...
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