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About MattStrykul

  • Birthday 02/27/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Arlington VA
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Occoquan Reservoir, Lake Gaston

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MattStrykul's Achievements


Keeper (5/9)



  1. Was out Tuesday and caught 6 total, largest being 3.5 lbs. Found some clear water and it paid off! Water temps dropped roughly 4 degrees since I went out last Tuesday, and the water is up about 8-12 inches. Funny story, I set the hook on a fish and the line dug into itself pretty good. I didn't realize and sat down to retie, and the very next cast I pitched toward some grass and as soon as the line his the spot where it had dug into itself POP goes my rod into the drink. Fished for it for 45 minutes and decided to move on because I had a buddy on the boat and didn't want to waste anymore of his time. Went back yesterday with some more appropriate snagging tools and caught it after 45 minutes.
  2. Ace is a beast, all I can say is I'm glad he's on my team. The kid is clutch! I'm excited for the next event myself, hope we can just get bit more honestly. Haven't really had any "numbers days" out there. Thanks! Gotta grab that net quick! haha
  3. Well guess I'm the idiot then.
  4. I got a humminbird 899 from them, all was fine EXCEPT that my Transducer was not in factory sealed package. I wanted to trade it in for the HD ducer but since it wasn't sealed I couldn't do it. Never said anything and just used the compact si transducer. Just thought I'd chime in.
  5. Trust me, you will be plenty fine! My brother and I grew up fishing out there in a 10' plastic coleman crawdad. We'd take 2-3 batteries with us and TROLL across the lake from Peahill. We stay at Sherwood Forest campground just down from Washburn's. We graduated to a 14' vhull with decks and a 9.9, then finally a 17' nitro. It will definitely be a little rough, but just take your time and really learn the boat and how it handles, you'll be fine. Be safe, have fun, and catch some fish! Love Gaston!
  6. Added videos from the past 2 tourneys out on the rez. Caught most fish shallow, no site fishing though. Nothing giant but still a fun time out there as always. Give me some tips on making these videos better please! Hope you guys enjoy Matt
  7. Thanks Nitro I will come back after next week(s) tournament(s) and fill you guys in on where and how I was catching these fish. I'm sure some of you will already be able to figure it out, but all in due time.
  8. Some prefishing from yesterday, check it out! Let me know what you guys think, Matt
  9. Slowly learning my friend
  10. Here's the smaller of the 2 big ones yesterday
  11. It died 10 minutes before catching this and I forgot my adapter to be able to charge it! I did get one of the 5lbrs on the GoPro though!:)
  12. Hoping for some run good and pulling a #1 chip so we can be the first ones out!! Jokes aside, bite will most likely be completely different. I'm just hoping to catch some fish on Sunday.
  13. Close, but a little further down and to the right
  14. Had an awesome day before work, got out around 8, grabbed 2 immediately on blade and chatterbait that went around 3.5 and my buddy's was 5lbs...went 2 hours without a bite, then grabbed a 2lbr, then another 5lbr, and topped it off with this giant...I am guessing around 7lbs. Unfortunately no scale, but I'll let you all be the judge. About 22 lbs for 5 fish
  15. I caught 7 Sunday with 4 keepers, nothing too exciting. Spoke with a few others and they seemed to smash them downlake though!
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