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Everything posted by dsqui

  1. I have never thought about doin that lol do they still run true??
  2. I was at my local bait shop and they had a Top water 802 fiber blend Loomis rod.(the reddish colored ones) it's 6'9" m fast. Are these decent rods. I'm not familiar with them at all or any Loomis rods for that matter. The rod is $245 On Loomis website but the local shop has it marked down to 160. So the price is right but what about the rod. I will be using it for strictly Top water poppers like splashits pop x and pop max
  3. Made it out on clear Wed not a whole lot go in on allot of boat traffic was about it. Through a keitech most of the day managed one smallies that threw the hooks boat side. probably should have picked a different lake because I have a love hate relationship with clear I love to go there and fish I just always hate the results lol
  4. I'm looking for a good weighted hook for the 3.8 fat swing impact. I recently bought some vmc ike approved SB hooks but there is no clearance and alot of fish come un buttoned. They work great on the standard just not the fats. Any recommendations I'm leaning towards owner beasts so I know I have the clearance I'm looking for but was wondering what everyone else might be using. Kinda hard to tell just looking at pics online.
  5. Wow I cast isn't open to the public kinda messed up
  6. It's just a little further but I think it would be worth it for you it's just north of cold water mi and it's called camp potowatomi it has access to three lakes two of which are electric only and the third well ill just say ive never seen a gas motor... there is a river to kayak and fiah as well here is a link http://www.michigan.org/property/potawatomi-recreation-area
  7. What's the skinny on these any one using them. I have splash it's pop rs pop x and pop max now that I use frequently how do these compare. According to tackle your they fall somewhere in between a pop r and a splash it but have more weight for better castability. But what are your thoughts from on the water experience
  8. If u plan on wacky rigging ild use different hooks. But thos will work. They are just not ideal. U can also use those hooks to throw them t rigged weightless or run a bullet sinker out in front for some weight.
  9. I hate say it but I think u are sol on getting exactly what u are looking for in the orochixx line...if u are dropping some serious coin like it sounds u are willing to do ild lean more towards Loomis they kinda specialize in bottom contact rods and I feel I would find something that suits your needs alot better then with megabass. Mostly has to do with the length issue any more 7'+ rods are the norm and anything shorter seems to be more of a specialty rod and less manufacturers are making them
  10. Last time I was out about two weeks ago I hammered the crappie on a vision 110 they were still full of eggs
  11. Price range..lure weight?
  12. Talk to dvt on here or try mudhole.com. any local shop should carry what u need as well to install it and get old one off all u need is a lighter and hot melt glue
  13. This usually results from user error due to reeling up to far. Tips are cheap replace the whole thing. Daiwa has nothing to do with the line guides they buy them in bulk just like st Croix or any other rod manufacturer.
  14. I do not lol after every use I maybe oil once a month unless I'm on a good bite and fish more often then I will oil more often. I think the type of oil u use is more important then how frequently you oil them with in reason. Now I don't fish salt since I'm in indiana but if I did and had to rinse them after every trip then yes I would def oil them after every trip
  15. Ahh yes those megabass are awesome they will catch anything
  16. Dreaded for the fish maybe lol I can't wait for a good frog bite here
  17. Shimano makes some very cheap musky rods like $50 I think it's the compre series maybe sojourn the problem with using bass gear is Muskies are probably the biggest most power pansies you can fish for it don't tAke much to exhaust one and kill it. I know everyone has an opinion and bass gear is totally legal to use but I look at it like this how mad would you be next time you are out on one of your hot spots and some one cruises in lets say it's a muskie guy and instead of using proper equipment he's using an ul but he put 30# braid on it so his line won't break when catching bass and then instead of having proper gear to handle the fish ( net mini bolt cutters long needle nose pliers forceps gloves and mouth spreader) you see all he has is a gaff to get bass in boat and a stick to get deep hooked fish off. ( i know sounds extreme but most guys dont have the correct tools for muskie) I would find it very disrespectful i hate to say it but if you cant afford the proper gear you shouldnt be fishing for them. I mean I wouldn't go hunting for deer with my 22 could it be done yes but it is very unethical and you would wind up with allot of wounded deer
  18. So I think I have it narrowed down to a few choices but wanted a few opinions on the rods as I am unable to find them locally to actually handle them the rod will be paired with a new tatula sv tws and used for poppers like splash it's, evergreen one bugs, popx, and pop rs so here is what I've narrowed it down to I'm just not sure if an ex fast fast or mod would be better. Also if anyone has any insight to the tatula that goes up to one oz that would be great that's quite a gap and that rod should be able to be used for walking baits according to the lure rating One...3 fate black 6'7"med ex fast 1/4-5/8 oz rated $99 Majorcraft 6'10" med ex fast 3/16-1/2 oz $119 Daiwa tatula 6'9" med lt reg 1/4-5/8 oz 149 Daiwa tatula 6'10" med xf 3/32-1oz $149 Hammer 6'9" med mod 1/8-1/2 oz $164
  19. dsqui


    If this is the net I think it is it also floats
  20. Those reels were all just for sale on this forum
  21. I think the only way it matters comes down to which way you grew up fishing. I've never seen a left handed zebco 33 so I've never under stood why people switched...or didn't switch there spinning reels unless they started with a spinning reel. Besides just like I've said before being efficient and getting more casts in means diddly when they are crap locations in a fishing situation old rather make a few less casts to a good target then more casts to nowhere I really want to be
  22. Oh I know the feeling it is just worse knowing they are sponsored by a place and that is what they let represent them
  23. Uh ya especially d heads sponsored by clear h2o Tackle up there was fishing for walleye at a local lake and these d bags had a tournament and came right in on me fishing a spot and started casting at my boat one bout got my boat with a swim bait had the wife and kid not been with me I would have boarded his boat and tossed him and his gear I did manage to snag one of his lines and bout ripped the rod out his hand though then I just threw my hands up and he left sad part is they were all meeting at launch when I launched my boat and some how my front tire about fell off wen I left someone loosened it up while we were on the lake no proof it was them just kind a fishy. Needless to say I now refuse to do business with a shop that sponsors such individuals.
  24. And to justify the ten dollars Ulf have that in materials doing it yourself that would end up going bad by the time u needed another one. It really comes down to what u really want sometimes that little extra satisfaction of doing it your self is worth a little more
  25. That was exactly my thinking as well thanks for the re assurance
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