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Everything posted by NATHAN_JAMES

  1. all day while i was working, i thought, wow what a great day for fishing. And you proved it. fyi i live in RI too and was working near Barbers pond that day. nicely done.
  2. I would just like to say thank you to the Broggi's for setting up such a successful event for CAST two years running. I had a great time last year, and an even better time this year. Russ, thanks for the kind words and for taking point with CAST here in RI. With your dedication and enthusiasm I see CAST growing bigger and better with each year. Great job. What a day!
  3. <---- another Rhode Islander here. long time no see Russ.
  4. LbH tell them how you cooked it up for breadfast yum
  5. Nice vid!!! I'll deffinately be looking at this vid again come winter. Awesome morning of fishing, thanks Bob, thanks Russ.
  6. What's better than fishing? Fishing for a great cause! Delainey what a great idea to have this ice out tournament to benifit C.A.S.T. Thank you and all who helped you. This was me and (as LBH puts it) my posses first tournament. And although tin didn't win we weren't skunked either. All around it was a great day of fishing with alot of great people.
  7. Blade I like that idea, sick, but I like it. ;D
  8. Great video, Great stories, and a Great bunch of guys. Awesome!!
  9. Be sure to have your 2007/2008 fishing licence for this April 1st tournament
  10. Maybe they're bulged out so there is more room to fit food????
  11. that check engine light..anoying..it will go one 1. the O2 sensor or some other stupid thing 2 regular scheldual maintaince. Also the swith to turn that sucker off......tune in next week for the rest of the story....JK it's hiden behind or in the dash usually behind one of those little panels that looks like a spot where a swich could be in stalled. I had a mittzubishi and it was behind one of those panles on the right side of the steering wheel. Just pop that cover off and with a screw driver, the switch is resesed, reach in and flip the switch. BAMM your good to go....no more light....and no more mech's scamming you...
  12. SUNFLOWER SEEDS....you get to chew and spit and it should take care of your oral fixaction. plus your girl won't make you brush your teeth before you kiss her.
  13. I think it's a real nice piece. And it would look great in the fire house or in yours. heck go for it place a bid......oh and WELCOME to the board...
  14. Russ no doubt things are shaky at UPS. IMO I think its some kind of ploy by the company because it's a contract year. Dell bounce because they don't want service interuptions they're laying up and playing it safe. Also we make d**n good pay. I think UPS is trying to scare us into taking 1 a pay cut 2 a freeze, because alot of guys will take the pay cut or freeze to keep their job, which i can't blame them ,I've recently been slapped with the golden had cuffs. Fellas, if you don't know what golden hand cuffs are they're a mortage and a kid and a job that sucks but pays well. Russ I think you should keep working your internet sales things keep net working and it will all fall together, maybe soon than you think, and keep UPS it's the ultamate in safty nets, so get cracking we could use the volume right now..... good night all ....oh yeah russ me and pete are going to RWPark sunday if your up for a ride or what ever....
  15. Green beer yuk ..... around of GIUNESS for everyone! HAPPY ST. PATRICKS DAY ALL!
  17. Holy crap! That thing is awesome. You could use a calamari ring as hoola hoop. Where abouts did you catch that thing?
  18. Me and Pete are going by the park tomorrow to check things out and scope the area. Hopefully this weekend we can get a boat in there and do a little pre. I'm assuming the week before the tournement this won't be allowed, if it's more than that let me know.
  19. Russ you can count me and Pete in. And we're looking for more teams to join in as well
  20. Yeah I think my Manager was smoking with one of those spiders before he dispatched me ;D
  22. All those sound good. Corn, at least in RI is illegal , the fish can't digest it. I like rooster tails, cheese(brand is a secret) powerbait oh and crawlers, meal worms. it's all good stuff.
  23. taking a nap behind the couch. whats in the space between the paint and the wall?
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