This has been a huge year for me when it comes to bass fishing. I have always hated the slow pace of plastic worm fishing so I never really gave it a chance, there fore never had much confidence in it. This year after going through the usual arsenal of baits I regularly throw(spinnerbaits, cranks, and topwaters) I figured what have I got to loose. Tied on a worm, first cast had a nice strike and missed it. Probably due to being suprized it actually worked. 25 fish later at the end of the day and many more successful trips since have totally changed my way of bass fishing. I still start out throwing the others to begin with but I always end up fishing the worm and it is always the top producer by far.
Before fishing worms my biggest bass was about 4lbs and that was about ten years ago. This year I caught a 6lb3ozer and a 5lb9ozer both on worms. Has been my best bass year by far.