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    North Dakota

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  1. A similar thing happened to a lake I fish here in the north country. But there is a bright side to fish die offs as hard as that is to imagine. They allow the system to replenish itself of much needed micro organisms such as freshwater shrimp. Not sure if them are found down in your parts but the result is much healthier(bigger) fish in the long run.
  2. Does Bassin' Magazine still put on the Big Bass Championships or is that a done deal? I looked for a web site but couldn't find one. If someone could provide some info or give me a link that would be excellent. Thanks a bunch!
  3. This has been a huge year for me when it comes to bass fishing. I have always hated the slow pace of plastic worm fishing so I never really gave it a chance, there fore never had much confidence in it. This year after going through the usual arsenal of baits I regularly throw(spinnerbaits, cranks, and topwaters) I figured what have I got to loose. Tied on a worm, first cast had a nice strike and missed it. Probably due to being suprized it actually worked. 25 fish later at the end of the day and many more successful trips since have totally changed my way of bass fishing. I still start out throwing the others to begin with but I always end up fishing the worm and it is always the top producer by far. Before fishing worms my biggest bass was about 4lbs and that was about ten years ago. This year I caught a 6lb3ozer and a 5lb9ozer both on worms. Has been my best bass year by far.
  4. After reading the 10lb bass thread, it got me wondering what you guys think the maximum size potential of a northern strain bass is? Are they capable reaching 10lbs. Or are most ten lbers Florida strain? Forgive me if these are dumb questions. Up in the northern part of the country where I live(ND) most all the state records are in the 8lb range. That including MN,SD,ND and MT. Just curious if they get much bigger. Thanks
  5. Al Lindner! Hands down. Seems like a real class act.
  6. I gonna go out on a limb here and disagree with the majority on here. I have a hard time believing anyone will make a million dollars off a WRB. Especially an average Joe. Maybe a big name pro could pull it off, but not some no namer. Granted, you will no longer be a no namer after catching the fish, but a million dollars? I'm not seeing it. Not even close. JMO
  7. Al Gore have something to do with this???
  8. Thank you very much.
  9. Can someone provide the link to this thread for me please? I can't seem to find it. And maybe some other helpful Ika links. Thanks fells.
  10. What happened to this being the most freindly bass site on the web? If you don't want to answer the question, then don't. If we want to stroke our own egos what is that to you.
  11. You guessed it.
  12. Less than 350 bass in three years ? :-? ........ that 's pretty lean dontcha think ? :-/ Are you kidding?? I bet Van Dam ain't even coming close to that. ;D
  13. Just out of curiousity I thought it would be fun to see how many bass we all catch a year. 07, 77bass 06, 184bass 05, 77bass Weird that I caught 77 bass both in 07 and 05. Oops, I guess this should be on the general discussion forum.
  14. The Missouri River runs right through the town I live in and it is pretty common to catch them while fishing for walleye. They are more of a nuisance then anything. I have probably caught 15 in my life. Anywhere from 1.5 to 4 lbs have been the ones that I've caught. I always heard they are good eating also till I treid one. Almost barfed. Stunk up the whole house on top of it all. The reason they call them poor mans lobster is because you would have to be awfully poor to eat one. If they really did taste that good everybody would be eating them. And have yet to meet someone that keeps them to eat.
  15. Top Raider or other similar topwaters are my fav to fish, but have caught the most on the old stand by black/chrome bucktail.
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