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Everything posted by Bassonly

  1. Dampeoples, what are your bulk rates? As in, how much for 25 tilapia colored DD22s? What is the biggest topwater you make? If you have one over 5 1/2 inches I what one or 10. Email me at boone.powell@gmail.com Here is some of my work. Swimbaits and crankbaits soon to come.
  2. What is the depth range on the gold/black???
  3. Take a look at the SBR813. It is an awesom rod.
  4. 18. I think if I try back in a month or two I will be DEAD!!!
  5. I thought this one would be interesting... I broke off an 11 pounder on a jig.
  6. pardon the massive pic... this should be a bit smaller
  7. hey guys, thanks for the input. I now have the business going full steam, and I have used several of your suggestion. As to the rattle system, I am using two rattles that are attached to the back or the jig, and they create more noise by shaking back and forth. They don't extend far enough down the hook shank to interfer witht he hookset... but then again the Owner hook doesn't seem to let anything get in its way! I am working on getting the website up and running. Thanks, Bassonly
  8. Better? Are there any other suggestions you could make that would help me out? Thanks for the feedback, past and future, Bassonly :exclamation
  9. Hello, my name is Boone Powell. I am a sophomore in high school, and I am an avid bass angler. Many of the men in the fishing groups I am in look at me as somewhat fanatical about this pursuit of mine; not a hobby, but rather a lifestyle. I have always loved to fish for all species, but about three years ago I began to take more pleasure in catching bass. Admittedly, I was not very good. I started out with a Shimano Curado 200 B5 reel on a Bass Pro Shops Extreme rod. It was a MH action rod and not knowing any better, I used it for crankbaits, soft baits, spinnerbaits, topwaters, and anything else I could afford to buy. Now let's skip two years. As of last year, I had a collection of tackle including my original Curado, two more Curado Super Frees, and a Shimano Coriolis. I began reading all the resources I could get my hands on, and I began writing. Writing articles made me research. Research made me learn. Learning made me get better. I was published twice in the local paper, and I recently wrote an article for a man who owns a real-estate business. The article, which was about what gear to choose for a beginning bass angler, will go on his website. I invested $500 in a small inventory of soft plastics distributed by a company in Lubbock, Texas. I have a small business called Boone's Tackle Resource. There are several reasons why I did this. The first is that everyone kept telling me that I was a good salesman. When I bought my first G-Loomis rod I told everyone in the circle of fishermen that it was the lightest, most sensitive rod that I had ever owned and that it was price ridiculously cheaply compared to what the product quality was. The second reason I started a bait company was that I am doing everything in my small amount of power to buy a boat. I am waiting until the right one comes along. Another reason is that I love promoting a product that I believe in. Now I have expanded my business to other areas, and I have started casting my own lead bass jigs, which have so far been successful. I have developed my public speaking skills over the last few years with advertising a sponsor's product or services in mind. In doing so I have attended speaking conferences in Austin, Texas, and have been a member of speaking clubs in my area for a couple of years. I have had the opportunity to give a large number of speeches on the different levels of competitive bass fishing, and in doing so I was able to educate many people on this great sport. I continue to hone me speaking abilities, and to take classes on impromptu sales pitch, where I am giving a product which I have 2 minutes to sell to my audience. I was also a member of the Texas Master Naturalists, and helped in some on the water surveys conducted with a shock boat. I was a part of several state projects, and I believe it helped me gain a greater knowledge of the natural world we live in. So why would you want to sponsor me? Because fishing is my heart and soul. When I am not out on the lake I am practicing pitching and flipping in the front yard, or cleaning reels in the house. Even though there are not many people who love to fish that are younger than I am, I still try to notice them and help them in any way I can. I am a B.A.S.S. member and I will be competing in the '07 series of Junior Bassmaster tournaments. I believe in myself. I believe that I have what it takes to win state and go on to the Jr. Classic. My work ethic has been strengthened by various manual labor jobs, ranging from landscaping to working for ranches in central Texas. One way or another I will fulfill this lifelong goal, and I would be honored to be able to increase the sales of you products and services along the way. So please help me fulfill my dreams of becoming a professional angler. It starts right here. If you want to get in touch with me my email address is boone.powell@gmail.com.
  10. Rad lures makes a skirt like that for the Chatterbait.
  11. The smallest size I can make is 3/16, but I can put a 3/0 or 4/0 Owner in it. I will try the marabou idea. As to the rattles, I may use a double rattle strap system that allows the rattles to bounce all over the place and create more noise. I may look into getting a smaller mold. As for a trailer keeper, my jigs have a good barb, but that's it. Keep giving me some ideas. Thanks, Bassonly
  12. I am making football and flipping jigs. Any suggestions on what you would like to see more of in a jig? I wan to make the best possible, with no expenses spared. I am already wire-tying the skirt, and using an Owner 4/0 hook in the larger suzes, and a 3/0 in the smaller ones. I am using vinyl paint, because it doesn't chip, but I want to know if there is anything that you jig fisherman look for but don't find in a jig.
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