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About Mi11er

  • Birthday 06/14/1977

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Independence Mo
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
    Largemouth & Smallmouth
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Basswood Lake in the Boundary waters canoe area
  • Other Interests
    Crappie fishing and Hunting of all kinds

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Minnow (2/9)



  1. I was just wondering what everyone does with their on board chargers? I leave mine unplugged until the night before I go and then charge all night then unplug in the morning. This is what the guy at the dealership told me to do, but I have seen that you should leave it plugged in all the time. So I am confused and wondering what the right move is in regards to this?
  2. Figured I would start a thread on catching, tips, pictures of crappie. What is working for you?
  3. Some of the things I have found about pike fishing: Always keep your tackle box/bag closed before casting again. Unless you want all your stuff spread across the boat. The small pike (folks sometimes call them hammer handles) go freaking crazy when you get them out of the water. So if you are using anything with multiple treble hooks I recommend using hook outs on them still in the water. My brother had a 4 lber go nuts on him and it threw a 6/0 treble hook in his thumb. Lucky it went all the way through and we were able to push it out and cut it with pliers. I love using the plastic grippers and a hook out tool for them, it seems to work out the best for me and the fish.
  4. Thanks for posting the videos...watching these at work makes work less....work What kind of set up do you use to film that? Go pro and some sort of bracket?
  5. Thank you everyone. She was stoked and very proud of her fish. She is ready to go back next year and both the kids are ready to go out to the local lake.
  6. Would not touch them due to them being made at her... That is classic!
  7. Was in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area for the last week and had a blast, Smallmouth, Largemouth, Walleye were on fire. My 5 year old daughter had a leech and bobber on and when we got back to the cabin to eat lunch she just threw the leech out on the dock waiting for everyone to get unloaded and she hooked her first fish. She hooked it and reeled it totally in by herself and it was a 3.26 lb Small mouth, great looking fish. She would not touch it , but did wave goodbye when it was released.
  8. Wow....a Abu for $40.... I would love to go back in time and buy 5 of those reels because I love them. Great find!
  9. Thank you for the tip, I am really new to the mapping software game and really do not have a clue really on how it works. I appreciate the feedback.
  10. Oh, well I figured it would have a lot more detail than the stock map on the unit. Not really a hidden stump but old roads and obvious trails that will go through through to parts of the lake.
  11. I am going to check out that Insight Genesis as I have a Lowrance. I can see now that it is definitely worth the price to get the mapping software, the $200 is a small price compared to the hidden stump that does not show up on the stock map.
  12. That is no joke.
  13. Fished Smithville yesterday and went to the Crows creek arm for most of the 9 hours I was there. Fishing for crappie and bass as I thought fishing would be slow so I thought I would just fish for what I thought would be there. I caught some bass with square bills in the flats in the backs of coves but honestly I caught more channel catfish, they were going crazy. I did catch some crappie on blue and char. slabbusters with a roadrunner head, it had to be blue and char as they would not touch anything else. I had minnows also and caught 2 fish the entire time on them, jigs were a lot better.
  14. Just courious what everyone does to get ready for a tournament and what they do to find fish? New water can be intimidating if you have never been on that body of water and trying to find fish so how do you close the gap on the big swag of putting fish in the boat?
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