Are you looking for a knot that you can use to break off a snag? If you are, good luck! Ain't no such puppy.
But if you're just looking for a good knot for fishing, do this: tie your braid off to a post with a knot .... any knot. Now take your rod and pull. Pull hard. Put your thumb on the reel so that the drag doesn't engage, and pull the rod over into a half-circle bend ...... Watch out that it doesn't break first.
Did the knot hold? If it did, it's a good knot to use. I don't care which knot you used. It held all the possible stress that you can put on your rod, reel, line and knot, and it held.
I once spoke with a rod designer from one of the major companies. I didn't even know it until after we had chatted for awhile. He said that different companies rate different ways, sometimes for different reasons. Company "A" might want to sell light weight, but feel they need to hit an advertising point in the market. Company "B" might build a little over rating to make a reputation for a really strong rod. Company "C" might get rods from overseas that are cheap and stiff, and they try to rate them according to flex, even though they know a certain percentage will break. They'll absorb the costs of replacement as a way of doing business. Company "D" has a rod that is rated with no margin for error, but it's light and super sensitive. Company "E" doesn't care. They make a rod that's almost unbreakable, and expect the fishermen to figure it all out for themselves.
This gentleman had just left his former employer and moved to a new rod company. The old company had hired a new person with "fresh ideas". So now the effect would be that both rod companies will now market rods that are different than what customers had been accustomed to for years.
So............. don't rely on last year's stereotypes. jj
If you think for one minute that I'd go fishing on Thanksgiving Day ..... you're right! I'll probably fish the river. Turkey at 5:00, nap at 6:00. ? jj
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