I never could do that. ☹️ Even if I feathered the line, the spinning rig always gave me line with more slack in it. Manually tripping the bail took time, and the two combined meant there was a greater delay than the casting rig.
The guy who taught me to set the hook on a casting reel that way used the technique on downed trees and limbs, sharp cut banks and overhung rock piles. This was back in the '70s, and I had an Ambassadeur 5000. They had a retrieve ratio somewhere around 3.7, if I remember right, so keeping your thumb on the spool and using the rod to set the hook was infinitely faster than trying to use the reel handle.
He made the comment one time that he had used to use a stout cane pole and cheap, heavy mono to do the same thing. I fished for crappie at the time, and I knew dipping when I saw it. That's what he had been doing; dipping for bass. After he started using a reel, he liked the reel for the drag capabilities, but not on the hookset. For that, he always used his thumb.
It was a good few years before I heard the term "flipping". When I finally did, I realized that was what he was doing when he added the reel.
The high point of his fishing was to have the fish hit at the exact second that the lure hit the water, and even better was for the fish to come up out of the water to grab the lure. I saw that happen a couple of times.
He was an abrasive, opinionated and curmudgeonly old s.o.b., but he caught bass in river systems better than anyone I have ever seen. I hope the fish think I do even half as well as he did, old-fashioned or not. jj