I have no idea whether this "observation" is down the line of what you have in mind, but ........
When I was little (talk about Genghis Khan!) my Dad had a stainless steel Tru-Temper casting rod, with a Pflueger reel. The line was either cotton or silk, I don't remember which. The reel had a handle that would rotate backward on the cast. I don't remember whether the reel had what we nowadays would call a drag or not. All his lures were wood. Much of the stuff he used was hand-made, either by him or one of the two men he considered fishing companions. Among the lures that he had that were manufactured, I remember a Lucky 13, a River Runt, and a Champion.
One of those two friends of his taught me to flycast, in probably 1959 or 1960. I was just a little tyke, only 8 or 9 years old, but for some reason I was fascinated with catching crappie. The only thing I remember of what he taught me was, "Don't catch your ear!" I think flycasting lessons today would be a little more in-depth, and probably not aimed at 8 or 9 year-olds. ?
When I was 12, I learned to fish with my older brother's Heddon rod and reel, spooled with black braided nylon line. The same guy that had taught me to use a fly rod gave me some of his personal advice. "All you need is spinners, spoons and jigs." Not bad advice, not bad at all. The shiners for the jigs were obtained from the local creeks. I opened up a gunny sack, tied each side to hazel sticks, and went wading to net myself some bait.
I don't think I'd want to wade those creeks today.
I think my father looked upon fishing equipment as a sign of prestige, of accomplishment, of "getting up in the world". Having leisure time to fish instead of nose-to-the-grindstone 12-16 hours every day must have really been special. I think I take a lot of things for granted that my father viewed as hard-earned privileges.
Times have sure changed, haven't they? jj