So you know leader knots, you're fishing from shore, and you want to use bottom contact techniques and live bait.
Other than the live bait, you're fishing the same way I did (until recently).
Yes, braid is sensitive .... on tight line. If you fish slack line, braid is not sensitive. It has no "body" to pipeline vibration to the fisherman. So for slack line techniques, I would not suggest braid. I would suggest nylon (or fluorocarbon).
Braid also has very little stretch .... so little, in fact, that some fishermen don't like it just for that reason. If you react too quickly, you can pull the bait (and the hook) right out of the fish's mouth.
But I think it's worth your time and curiosity to try braid. You may not like it, but you'll only know for sure after you've used it. And you might even like it. Many people do.
If you wish to use a 2500 size reel (as has been pointed out to me ?) you will probably want to try braids with 6, 7 or 8 mil diameter (.006, .007 or .008). Choosing braid by diameter, the casting characteristics are much more consistent than choosing by test. I would buy product from well-known, reliable companies, and I would avoid companies that are boutique, or have not been in business very long, or push product that is alarmingly cheaper than competitors. The old saw is, "You get what you pay for."
You might also consider hi-viz lines.
Hope this helps! jj
P.S. - I use the Shimano Stradic 2500 size reel. Very smooth, quite strong and very reliable. The current model is Stradic 2500FL. Some people like the Daiwa BG2500, which is cheaper. @bulldog1935 can give you advice about some Tica reels from overseas, if you wish to go that route. He seems to like them quite a bit. All of these are metal, whereas the Vanford that @jbsoonerfan mentioned is composite, and therefore much lighter. That may or may not be important to you.
I'm sure other fishermen who use braid will be along soon and give you their advice on other reels to consider.