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Everything posted by jimmyjoe

  1. Yup. I don't like using small hooks. This is a #5/0. They get stuck, and they don't get off. jj p.s. - and that's why I like the Mepps Musky Killer for bass rather than the plain #5 Aglias. The Musky Killer has a 3/0 treble. A Musky killer in unobstructed waters, in silver with a black/white dressing is awesome.
  2. Absolutely! Ever "set the hook" on a texposed bait, fight the fish, fish gets away and the hook is STILL texposed in the bait when you reel it in? Big bass are chomp-meisters! jj
  3. Use the biggest hook you can fit to the bait without ruining its action, and swing for the fences! https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Hayabusa_WRM957_Offset_Shank_Hooks/descpage-HFOS.html jj
  4. In the first place, ABEC is about tolerances, not capabilities. Secondly, the whole world can get in on the RATINGS if they so desire. https://www.emersonbearing.com/products/abec-rating-guide/ jj
  5. That right there means everything! True on-the-water time, what I call "seeing things right in front of you", is the true test. I'm glad you're happy, and I'll bet everyone else is glad for you, too. Good luck fishing! ? jj
  6. Yes, they are. This, however, is more my speed:
  7. Once the OP figures out which equipment he wants to use, I think he'll figure the rest out pretty quickly. After all, he did start with "50 yards". He'll learn. We all did. It's part of fishing. ? jj
  8. Great! Now sit on the stairs, with your feet on the second step. This mimics the height above water level when you sit in the boat. Take a rod and draw an "X" on the floor in front of you. Whichever rod length allows you to do that the easiest and with the greatest control is the length of rod for you.
  9. We remember the words, but actions speak louder than words. Some of our Founders gave, literally, everything .... including their lives. How many of us, today, are so inclined? jj
  10. What @bulldog1935 said is correct; your best distance is with specialized equipment and heavy, aerodynamic lures. The flip side of this is that trying for that much distance with normal, usable bass fishing gear and regular lures will be fruitless. You mentioned "spinning lures". If you mean in-line spinners, the heavy Worden's Roostertails are the only ones I know that will go a good distance. And they have problems of their own. If you want to use Mepps-style or Panther Martin style lures, you can get distance ...... up to a point. A soaked Musky Killer might surpass 50 yards, but then again it might not. So much depends on your rod, your reel and your line. If you had the 7'-06" St. Croix Mojo Yak in MH/F with a 4000-size reel and the thinnest braid that you can buy that will tolerate the launch, I would say you'd be at the max for regular equipment. OTOH, if by "spinners", you mean spinnerbaits, then you've got a hard row to hoe. Spinnerbaits have a LOT of air resistance. Like a lot of new members here, you haven't told us where you are. It makes a lot of difference. If you're in a place where there are distance casting competitions, you've got a gold mine of info that you can tap into. You don't need to wait for Tommy Farmer to come around; most any of the competitors can give you lots of good advice. Surfcasters are the same way; lots of advice, and lots of demonstrations. These people might not be bass fishermen, but the knowledge they have can translate into a great advantage for you in regular bass fishing. Hope this has been helpful! jj ?
  11. Undoubtedly you'll notice that some people fish jerkbaits from a bass boat, standing up. Some people fish jerkbaits from a kayak, sitting down. And some people (like me) fish them from shore. Three different heights relative to the water, three different fulcrums. How do you fish? jj
  12. I heartily agree. I had skin cancer, and now I really don't give a rat's patootie whether it looks stupid to other people or not. I cover up. Have a good one. jj
  13. True ........ and many more to come! ? jj
  14. Cranking rods excel at tight line, steady retrieves with (almost) any lure that benefits from that style of fishing. Don't get pigeonholed; the moderate action rods are actually pretty versatile. jj
  15. I fish for pike from shore. As crazy as it sounds, you have to "call'em". Slap the water, like a fish in distress. Pike are curious; they'll meander on over to see what the ruckus is about. They have, after all, no fear. What @A-Jay said about deeper haunts in warmer water is true. I fish for pike in the Mississippi and its tributaries, so most of the water I cover is relatively shallow. I either wait until the late afternoon or cast (rarely and mightily) to deeper pockets. The vast majority of my pike come from the skirts of sandbars in shadowed waters. I assume they're there to ambush walleye, which we call "pike candy". I do not use bait for pike; only artificials. My favorite lures are spoons and spinnerbaits. 3/4 and 1 oz Dardevles, 4/5 oz. Cop-E-Cats and regular 1/2 or 5/8 oz. spinnerbaits produce well for me. Mepps spinners with #5 blades (like the Musky Killer) work well, too. Although I catch fewer, sometimes a Zonar works OK. I don't hop them; I burn them. I always fish tightline (steady retrieve) for pike. The 'tube has a video (somewhere) that shows a pike hitting and then letting go of a moving jig ....... in about one-billionth of a second. (I exaggerate. ?). I hope you have good luck for pike! jj
  16. Like an old guy said years ago, "Bass are fun. Musky are funner." ?? jj
  17. I have no idea what you might prefer, but ............. "Small" boat to me means the same type equipment as a kayaker. Small boats have (somewhat) the same stability characteristics, and the user has (somewhat) the same hookset problems, although less so. From your description, I would go with the St. Croix Mojo Yak casting rod, 7'-06", MH/F and 3/8-1 oz. rating. The length will let you cast a good distance without "pushing" the rod, and the handle is short for better comfort with short sleeved shirts. The weight is 5 oz., though. Some fans of lightweight rods find that too heavy. You need to decide that for yourself. The Tatula that @bulldog1935 recommended is a very good choice. The Magforce-Z cast control system that it has is excellent from the confined quarters of a small boat. Personally, I prefer centrifugal braking systems. I've used them all my life and I'm used to them. My choice would therefore be the Shimano Curado 200K. It's a workhorse of a reel. Either way, you won't go wrong. Good luck! jj
  18. Hand in glove. Your reel is important, but it needs to match the rod. Which rod are you using? Which line? As @Catt likes to say, "Rods cast lures. Reels store line." That might be an oversimplification, but it emphasizes the need to have the right rod. Has the reel been degreased and re-lubed? Have you measured the longest cast you can manage right now? The Tat is no slouch in the distance department, so I suspect a little TLC and system matching will get you some improvement. OTOH ..... new reels are always fun! ?? jj
  19. Don't you know, Monsieur T., that it's fake? They just buy regular bacon and then put the rind back on it. ?????? jj
  20. I don't know whether there's any way that I don't like eggs, but if there is, I haven't found it yet! I really like them scrambled with chorizo, and jalapenos curtidos on the side. I'll suffer for three days, but I'll do it anyway. ??? jj
  21. I used it in 6# and 12#. Handles great, casts great ...... but I used it in riprap and it has unacceptably low abrasion resistance for me. jj
  22. There's only one situation where you won't benefit from using a jerkbait. I just haven't found out what it is yet. jj
  23. manual transmission: underrated. (I'm old. I hit the clutch in my sleep, man!) coffee: instant is underrated. boutique is overrated Solunar Tables: overrated. Facebook: don't get me started! ?. fluorocarbon line: overrated. Crabcakes: I know how they're made. Overrated. Citizen Kane: overrated. WD40: overrated. Dogs: vastly underrated. Angels with 4 legs. Blond bimbos: underrated. Buffalo Chicken pizza?
  24. Hoppy's short arm in 5/8 oz. http://www.hoppyslures.com/spin.html jj
  25. I worked with a guy (now deceased) who was absolutely crazy. Not only was he fishing crazy, but he did things I never saw anyone else do. He got fish to jump out of the water to attack his lure. He did what we now call "flipping", but with a thick cane pole and braided nylon line. He could find fish anywhere, especially in rivers. I think he could have found fish in the middle of the Sahara Desert. He wasn't "nice", he wasn't polite and he wouldn't give you all the answers. But he would guide you, cajole you and harass you until you found the right way to do what needed to be done. One minute I thought he was the greatest guy on earth, and the next minute I wanted to choke him to death. But I never forgot his lessons. jj
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