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Brew City Bass

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Everything posted by Brew City Bass

  1. I'd have to lose another 100lbs and then I wouldn't be able to fish XD
  2. I'd have loved to get them all done at once, but I have no dental insurance and they wouldn't do a payment plan. I just don't have $1500 to spend on this right now. Even the initial $500 for this tooth really put me back. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of money to some people, but I don't have a whole lot of money to blow after I had to start paying my student loans this year. Probably going to have to sell a toy or two to build an emergency fund for these types of things. I guess this is growing up ?
  3. Thanks! It's been 2 hours so far and the anesthetic is wearing off. So far so good. I am just praying I don't get dry socket.
  4. The pain was so bad last night and I was on the boat, I tried to grab it with my index finger and thumb and pop it out, but it was in there SOLID. I realized I was being a dummy trying to be my own dentist. I almost thought about doing it Tom Hanks, Castaway style when I got home but my better judgement just told me to wait til the morning. Tooth pain is enough to make someone contemplate suicide if it gets bad enough lol.
  5. Well, I finally couldn't stand the pain and went and got my top right wisdom tooth removed. Operation went well and all, but the price made me want to cry... $500 for this tooth, and it's gonna be $1,040 for the other three. Take care of your teeth people.
  6. Right? Most I've ever spent was on a huddleston and I went swimming for it when I casted it off like a moron. Thankfully was on a sandy shore and only 6ft deep.
  7. This might be a new record. 7 years! haha
  8. Ditto. I am only 23, but all my friends are married or engaged at this point and they have to fight tooth and nail to even get out with me, let alone buy tackle. Yet their wives are buying shoes they'll never wear, Yeti tumblers they don't need, and $80 to get their hair and nails done ever other week. I can't fathom that. My past 2 serious girlfriends left me because I spend more time on the water than with them. I get it, but I am not the kind of person to spend a lot of time with a girl if it comes between fishing or hockey. It'd be instantly game over if one ever had a problem with me spending my hard earned cash on tackle. Guess I've just never been inlove. But I gotta say, I'm digging the single life a lot more than being with someone. I answer to no one. I fish 5-6 days a week, and play hockey the other days. I am home for maybe a few hours a day, and I work third shift. I feel I am living the dream but all my friends ask when I'm gonna settle down. Uh, not any time soon haha.
  9. So many better frogs on the market for $3-$5 cheaper.
  10. I miss my turbo eclipse every day, but man, what a basket case they start to be after you throw a few mods at them. Even going to a full turbo back exhaust is a nightmare of tuning and bigger injectors etc on most turbo cars. It was a great learning experience on the DSM but it was expensive and broke down often lol. Price of owning a "race car".
  11. These goats were a hell of a car. My friend regrets selling his.
  12. Current pride and joy. 1989 Firebird Formula 305 T-Tops. Nothing special, but a cool car to cruise in none the less. In my short 7 years of driving I've owned a 89 Camaro I-Roc, 91 TransAm GTA, 90 Camaro RS, 1997 Eclipse GS-T (this one was the fastest. 320whp on the dyno) and now the 89 Formula. All have been amazing fun cars. I've got a Jeep GC for towing and a motorcycle for commuting in the summer. Gearhead for life!
  13. Just gotta get out there and find out, like A-Jay said. Here in Wisconsin the water temps have been right around 79* and 80* in most lakes. Highest they've been all summer. Rain will drop the temps a few degrees, but the heat brings it right back up most days it seems. I still think we have another few weeks of "dog days" before the fall transition. I could be wrong, but I can tell you I'll know for sure whenever it hits because I am on the water 4-6 days a week.
  14. I definitely wouldn't rule out a whopper plopper man. I didn't buy one until this summer because I thought it couldn't possibly be any better than a buzzbait. I was wrong. I found one on sale for $10 and said what the hell. Later that day I went to the lake and threw a buzzbait for 2 hours. Didn't get a hit. Said screw it and threw on the plopper and went 12 for 15 on it. Would have never caught a top water fish on many days this summer if it wasn't for a plopper. It's a totally different bait. Different noise, different action, different profile. No reason not to have this tool in the tool box.
  15. I'm sure they would. Tons of people throw big worms and similar baits. I could only assume they'd find a jig as well. I personally love to power fish, especially at night because I know the bass are more active. I only throw 3 baits at night. Colorado spinnerbait, Chatterbait with a big trailer, and a whopper plopper. I get crushed on everyone of those. Buzzbaits never seemed to work at night for me, but the plopper gets hit with a vengeance.
  16. Some lakes they only hit the WP for me. Other lakes they only hit a buzzbait. Fish want something different at every lake I fish. No rhyme or reason to it. I fish both.
  17. And the reverse configuration on the rack toms! Wow, you're just full of surprises! haha. My pride and joy kit is a 70's Ludwig clear Vistalites. My band kit is a middle of the road PDP concept maple kit. I am running some Dream's too for crash's and splashes. Ride is a really old heavy Zildjian. 22" I believe. With some NewBeat hats from the 80s. How do you like the speed cobras? I'd guess pretty good by how worn they are. I have been rather undecided on pedals for the past 3 years. Use to run DW5000'S then didn't like those. Switched to some direct drive PDP's and they feel better, but are obviously not made as well. I think some cobras would be smack where I wanna be. Just haven't pulled the trigger yet.
  18. May be the issue. I night fish 3 days a week all spring, and summer. I get to the lake around 9pm and get off around 4-5am. Usually from 9-11pm it's pretty dead. I'll usually be lucky to catch 2 fish in those two hours. But right around midnight the fish turn into animals and nail everything and anything. It dies down around 2am for an hour, then picks up again til the sun is over the trees.
  19. During the day I mainly throw colorado if I am slow rolling deep. I always throw colorado at night. I use willows / indiana for burning em over weed lines / shallow water.
  20. Boy, that is a sexy set up right there! Sure makes me want to go out and blow some cash on some pretty pedals. I am usually just running a tube screamer through my Mesa Boogie. Need that gain for metal! lol I do have a 1970 Twin Reverb that I found for a steal on craigslist. I re-potted it and I love the way it sounds, but it's sitting at my brothers house. It's great for that bluesy type stuff. Or some John Mayer. Tons of clean headroom. One of my favorite amps I ever owned was actually an old Randall Solid State. Was the same one DimeBag Darrel from Pantera used on most of their earlier records. Randall RG100ES, I regret ever selling that. And I regret selling my Fender Strat, but fishing took priority over music a while back for me lol. Hey! Ya don't see a whole lot of people playing traditional grip anymore! Beautiful shells and pies, too! What are they? You must chew threw sticks with those angles on the cymbals?
  21. At the time of when I recorded that video I'd been only playing for 5 years. I already had the hard part down from being a drummer (rhythm!) haha. But thank you very much for the compliment! That's some chops you have yourself! Nice lead work. What pedals / head were you running that strat through? The cleans sounded great!
  22. Guitarist / Drummer here. Been playing for 8 years on guitar, 12 on drums. I mainly play rock / metal on both but I love to good around on tons of other genre's. I am way better on drums than I am guitar. Guitar is just fun for me to fool around with. I don't stick a whole lot of time into practice. This a crappily recorded cover I did of a Killswitch Engage song from like 4 years ago.
  23. Find a parts schematic and tear it apart and see what's wrong. Or return it if that's an option.
  24. First thing I'd hit is that NE point in the morning and the North side shallow flats that say 5'. I'd work from shallow to deep. Start off in the 1-5ft range with the plopper. After that, I'd work that point heading deeper. It looks like it will hold fish. If you don't get any hits there and still have good morning left, run that plopper right along all of those lily pads. It's great that it's rocky. Go ahead and start banging cranks off those rocks! Spinnerbaits are also perfects for rolling through rocks. I almost never get a spinner hung up. It comes through about anything. That whole east shoreline looks like a nice area to be targeting. During the day I'd position my boat over 10-20ft and make cast's parallel with the contour lines. Just trying to really work those specific depths with a crank, spinnerbait, or carolina rig. Don't lose hope with the stickbait! It's amazing how a different presentation can work with the same bait. Carolina rig is all about dragging it slow on the bottom. Also, your 7ft Medium rod could double as a good dropshot rod. Look up how to rig one of those and you can use just about any plastic on that rig. I know powerfishing seems like most fun thing, and it is, but slowing down and throwing finesse can help turn a skunk into a 25lb bag day. Have to let the fish dictate what they want. I have some days where they won't even look at a moving bait, but if I throw a drop shot or carolina rig they go nuts.
  25. I never usually catch bass deeper than 20 or 25ft. I wouldn't worry about getting a crank that dives further than 25ft. A lot of times what dictates how deep a bass will live is something called a thermocline. It's hard to know what the thermocline is at if you don't have sonar in the boat. Google thermocline to get a better understanding of how that works and affects fish. For colors, I always go natural as I can. If the main forage of your lake is shad, go with a shad color. If it's bluegill, go bluegill. I love strike kings sexy shad color. Or a solid baby bass color. Bluegill always produces for me too, same with perch. Chartreuse is a good color as well, but not always a producer for me in a clear lake. I like it in more stained water. I don't ever change my colors depending on the depth. I almost always use the same color shallow or deep. I try to imitate the forage of the lake. The lunkerhunt Kraken may not be heavy enough. I understand money is tight, but if you can swing $5 go to Dicks and get a Strike King Banshee spinner. They're only $5 and come with a trailer hook already on it. I'd get it in 1/2 oz. I slow roll these up to 25ft all the time. Just gotta let it sink and reel slower than you think you should. Overworked means it'll bend too much, won't have any backbone to set the hook and the fish may control you more than you control the fish. It's important to have some backbone when fishing deep. Lot of resistance down there. I highly doubt it'd break the rod, it'll just make it hell on you for reeling and trying to set the hook. Good job on getting the skeet reese rod! I like mine, it's a work horse. It can be used for much more than cranks too. I use mine for carolina rigs, and jerkbaits. Which reminds me, if you want to drag something from real deep, like 30ft all the way up the drop off. Get a 1oz football jig. Throw a craw trailer bait on it and slowly use the rod to drag it up the drop off. Only use the reel to take up the slack. You want to really feel what the bait is doing and hitting. Same technique for carolina rig. Man, I am throwing a lot of information at you. Don't let it overwhelm you. It's all just spaghetti talk. You've got your whole life to learn these techniques. I really like to take one technique at a time and try to get confident in it. This fall is gonna be a great time to get comfortable with cranks and spinner baits. You'll be addicted to them soon enough. Spinnerbait bites can be absolutely brutal and almost yank the rod out of your hand! I'm the type of guy that'd sacrifice catching more fish, for catching topwater fish. I'd take that whopper plopper and run it parallel to the shore, along boat docks, any type of structure in 1ft-10ft of water. It'd be the first thing I throw when I get out there early. If I didn't get a single blow up by about 6-7am I'd switch to spinner bait and start working the 5-10ft range. Look for weed lines, downed trees, deep lilly pads etc. Vary the retrieve. Burn a few back to the boat, slow roll some, stop and go. Let the fish dictate what they want. If I didn't get hit on the spinner, I'd throw on something finesse like the stickbait. I'd probably carolina rig it and toss out in 15-25ft and work it fairly quicker, slowing down as I go if I don't get any bites. Drop offs and points are only good if they hold fish. A lot of the lakes I fish have so many points and drop offs that'd I'd waste a lot of time if I tried to fish em all. It'd really help if I knew what the contour of the lake you are fishing was like. You could PM the lake and I can try to get a look at it and let ya know where exactly I'd start. Or just post a topographic map picture of it if there is one.
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