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Brew City Bass

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Everything posted by Brew City Bass

  1. It's a 16ft fiberglass MonArk. Thank you, I'll take it in and see what the shop says.
  2. Well, I let my brother drive my new to me boat and like a doorknob he runs it into gravel and took two decent size chips out of the prop... How bad will this affect performance? It's a 1996 Force 75 hp outboard. Right now it's topping out at about 32-33 mph and I don't know the rpm. Is it better to just buy a new prop and forget it? If so, what would a cheaper prop run me? What pitch should I get? I am a complete newby when it comes to boat motors.
  3. I always buy frogs with a very soft body. I had a *** and it was garbage, super weedless but it had a stiff body. My Koppers live target is very soft. I probably won't hook up with 1 out of 5 fish on that.
  4. I've released bed fish and they swam off elsewhere, came back in an hour and they were back at the bed.
  5. If they're off their beds, the females are in their summer haunts resting and eating easy meals. Looks for points, ledges, places where they are deeper but can ambush prey easy. I find they suspend on deep drop offs as well.
  6. The spawn literally just started here in Wisconsin. We've been cold til this past two days. They are now moving up and beating their beds.
  7. In the big scheme of things.. With how many people fish and keep anything they catch, me keeping the very few fish I have kept would have made no difference. Everyone up here will keep anything that is the legal length..
  8. Well, I had did my first tournament yesterday, and it was a crap show. My co-angler and I were prefishing a few hours before the tournament and he looks over and says "Jason, we need to go NOW" I look down, water... Water everywhere.. I FORGOT THE PLUG! We're about 300-400 yards from the nearest dock or boat launch. Quick thinking I grabbed the plug I had in the parts container and I jumped off the transom and stuck it in and started the bilge pump.. Wow, I almost sunk my new to me boat... How stupid can I be!.... BUT WAIT, THERE IS MORE! Now it's 6pm and the tourney started... I bolt to my spot and start trolling and some asshat in a jon boat pulls 10 yards away from me and starts casting right next to my boat.. I give the hand gesture to say he's #1 and I bail... I shoot all the way down to the lower lake and I put the trolling motor down.. No power... Try to turn on the sonar... Nothing.. Only thing working is my radio and the main motor.. Now there is 2 hours left in the tourney and I came to the realization that we're out of this one... Trying to salvage the day, I position the boat up-wind and just aimlessly drift while casting. Hooked up on a few fish, none were keepers.. On my way back to the launch I get pulled over by DNR, no big deal, I am all legal. He checks our empty live well, life jackets, the usual stuff. Then he ask's if I have the title for the boat. I told him I just bought the boat and haven't gotten the new title back.. He held me out on the water for 30 minutes while lecturing me on not having the title with me. I DIDN'T GET THE NEW ONE IN THE MAIL YET! I swear, the DNR will hassle the good guys while the bad guys walk away scott-free.
  9. 4 rods. Three baitcaster's, one spinning rod. I tie on spinner, frog, jig, lipless crank. On the spinner, I usually have a t rig, or a drop shot.
  10. I can't stand wearing those masks when tearing down drywall, let alone having it on all day while fishing. I like to be comfortable while fishing. If my glasses start fogging, I pull my nose out of the buff.
  11. I like red for one reason, when my dummy brother throws his hooks on my boat carpet, I can see them before I step on them.
  12. Veritas M 7' spinning rod, paired with a lews speed spool casting reel.
  13. First senko I throw is a Green Pumpkin, if they're not onto that, second is one with the chart tail.
  14. Are you trying to catch bass with a net? I am confused.
  15. This is my first summer doing tournaments. I have yet to do a single tournament, but now that I just bought a boat, I am saying **** it and jumping in head first. My buddy is my co-angler and we're just gonna see where this season takes us. If we are good enough to place in the money, or close, we'll continue. If we come up short, we gave it our best shot and will return when we think we have the skills. You can prepare all you want, but if you don't just do it, you'll never know.
  16. When the going gets tough, the tough throw jerkbaits. Our Wisconsin weather hasn't been any better, I've been saving myself from getting skunked by throwing Shadow Raps. I do two jerks, then let them sit for 10-15 seconds, then three jerks. Rinse and repeat.
  17. Fowler is worth giving a shot. I've pulled some 4lbers out of the lake. They are in there. Most people I see there are casting for muskie, only ever seen a few fishing for bass.
  18. With water still below 60*, the females are most likely in deeper water staging. They aren't too far away generally, but they're feeding and sitting on ledges, points, ambush points like that.
  19. Daiwa Zillion rod / reel. Rod weight / action depends on what you're fishing.
  20. I got out to Fowler for a few hours, just got home. Fished right til it started raining, caught 3 bass, 2 northern in three hours. Biggest bass was 17" 2.5lbs.
  21. Was out from 5pm - 12am with no luck. Wind was terrible..
  22. Was in the boat for 9 hours, caught 4 all around 15".. What a grind. I am going to Pewaukee tonight as well.
  23. I just went out today. Only got to say 4 hear we goes.
  24. When I use to be big into ice fishing, sitting in out shanty waiting for a tip up, as soon as we saw the flag, all four of my buddies and I would come busting out fighting each other to get to the tip up first, all while screaming "FISH ON!" of course slipping and falling on our ***** all the way there. Or if you're my brother, just set the hook on every snag, weed, bump. I swear, he sets the hook if a fly lands on his rod tip.
  25. Surprised no one has mentioned Vicious.
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