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Brew City Bass

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Everything posted by Brew City Bass

  1. I recently decided to get my feet wet in the big swimbait world, so I ordered a Daiwa Millionwaire Classic and a Daiwa DXSB rod. The rod has been great, the reel not so much. I have it spooled up with 20lb mono and was tossing a 2oz huddleston. Every cast would get a backlash after about 50ft. I've been fishing baitcasters for years and have no issues with those, but this is my first round reel and this is aggravating. I've tried to tension knob dimed, or all the way loose and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I have no issues thumbing the spool, but I won't accept short casts for the sake of not backlashing. Is my line all wrong? I noticed when spooling the reel that the line went on kind of lopsided, will this affect backlashes? I really believe in this reel and doubt it's the issue, I'm sure I am doing something wrong. Any help is appreciated.
  2. When these companies first came out the boxes were extremely affordable. I was paying $5 a box for a while, but of course no company can keep that business model and make money. Then they upped it to $10 and was still somewhat okay, then $15 and I noped right out.
  3. I had the same problem. I ordered all the bass sub boxes and was always underwhelmed. I'd get everything I would never use for my lakes. And it seemed the stuff they did send I'd use was only a sample pack. So basically I was paying $60+ a month on boxes to only get 3 sample packs of plastics I'd use. I cancelled them all and now I just order what I want through tackelwarehouse. Never looking back. I now get everything I WANT, and nothing I don't. Everything I buy, I use. No sample packs, no weird ass topwater lures that you'll get 3 months in a row in a box.
  4. I find most of my summer fishing to be done during mid day, which means frogs are a no-go then usually. I usually keep 2-3 frogs in the boat and 20-30 cranks. It totally depends on the water though. If the whole lake is shallow they'll be more likely to smash a frog. If it's deep (60ft+) like most lakes I fish, I'm pretty confident fish will be holding on deep ledges and cover. Frogs are useless there.
  5. I am an absolute fan of the Gambler paddle tail swimbaits. I use em as trailers for everything and they're durable and the colors are great.
  6. If it's been a while since my last bite (an hour) I'll usually grab the biggest stupidest lure in my boat and cast it for a bit. Sometimes it buys a bite, other times I just laugh at it and the other fishers in the area giving me a weird look as I throw a double cowgirl on a lake with no muskie.
  7. It was 90 and humid today and I went through two 32oz powerades and 7 bottles of water during my 10hours on the water. I was peeing every 30 minutes. Basically if I stop peeing, I know it's time to drink another 2 bottles. It becomes a chore, but I'd rather be ticking 24/7 than be dehydrated.
  8. Happens every year for me, starts late May and ends late June. I still catch bass shallow when the carp are spawning still, they just tend to stay away from the immediate area and target the weed lines where the carp are not making such a racket. Usually by the time the carp are spawning the bass are done spawning and they move to their post-spawn haunts which tend to be deeper water though. My suggestion is go deeper if the lake has that. 10-20fow and throw a creature on a carolina rig, or a heavy t rig.
  9. Just going to have to remind her that the average lure is $5-10 compared to the $50-???? women spend on a pair of shoes.
  10. I wish this was the case near me! I live 5 minutes away from 2 marinas on Lake Michigan and they both are difficult to get to produce smallies. Forget even seeing a largemouth.
  11. What you did and bragged about was completely dishonest, so yeah, you're dishonest. Don't go bragging about working the system and expect everyone to pat you on the back.
  12. Hate to call you out, but returning an item to a store you didn't buy it from in the first place is a scam and just ruins it for the rest of us honest shoppers. I'm not a fan of basspro, but if enough people do this they will start demanding a receipt and it will surely be annoying for people who really bought gear there and lost their receipt. The WalMart by my house had a no receipt return policy that they just stopped offering because people would buy **** from ebay or buy it used and return it to the store when it wasn't what they wanted (like you did) and then walmart tries to re shelf it and realizes they never sold that product to you. Then they're basically out the money because they can't re-shelf it if it wasn't in their system to begin with. Try to be an honest person in the future please. It helps stores keep no receipt returns which help customers who actually buy from those stores. Unless you've gotten permission to do this from BP, then I retract everything I said. But I doubt that's the case at all.
  13. Bass still need to eat. I'd find out where they release the tournament caught fish and fish in that area the day after.
  14. Wisconsin summers can get brutal, or be great. I was out yesterday and it was 85* which is pretty warm for Wisconsin. I force myself to drink 2 bottles of water an hour, you're gonna be sweating more than that out. I also try to eat healthy snacks like nuts, and lastly, I'll drink gatoraid or powerade to resupply electrolytes.
  15. I am on a weekly Wednesday tournament now, and it's happened already.. I felt so horrible losing a 19" at the boat. I can't imagine how the pros feel.
  16. Megadeth for sure.
  17. Time to buy a left handed reel and get amphibious... Or is it ambidextrous?
  18. A guy in a house on one of the lakes always has his drone out hovering close to fishermen. I casted at it if he came within a few yards, but I saw a guy take it out with a cast before. Right into the water haha.
  19. Most likely. I've thrown senkos on a mat or on lily pads and have had bass crush them like a frog.
  20. I forgot how much harder they fight compared to largemouth. These are my second favorite fish to catch, next to largemouth of course.
  21. Unless it's the one tackle guy I've know for years, then no. Went into a new to me bait shop last week to get some fatheads for crappies. He asked "Watcha going for?" I said crappie, and he instantly said he had these new lures that were killing them or something like that. It was just an overpriced ice fishing jig. Nothing special, but with a $15.00 mark up. He recommended one of every color, I laughed and said I'd stick with the fatheads. Next person to walk in, he gave the same pitch for a different over priced lure. They're sales people, they make their money by selling ****. They don't care how well you're catching fish, they care if they are making money.
  22. Jesus H! Guess I can't complain then.
  23. In Wisconsin, the tickets are mandatory. If you don't pay, the car's registration is and the persons name on the title is suspended.
  24. So, I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and parking downtown for work is a *****... There is not nearly enough parking for the people who work / live down here. Last night I got a ticket for parking "too close to a crosswalk". It wasn't a designated crosswalk, no lines, signs, nothing. I was a good 10 feet away anyways, but the ticket says "must be 15' away". Such ***. What am I gonna do? I am gonna pay the d**n thing in dimes.. Supposedly the state doesn't have to accept anything under dimes for a fine above 25c. 300 dimes should work just fine. Anyone else have issues like this? I am tired of not being able to park for work without getting shafted by the man.
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