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  1. Thanks, all! It's rainy here in Richmond today but I believe I'll still probably head back out to the pond I fished yesterday. So many bites. I feel haunted. Must catch those fish!
  2. Was feeling the same way...until today! Recently took up bass fishing after a 20 year break. Fished a TON in the last week and a half (4 different rivers/ponds) with no luck. Hardly any bites, for that matter. Was actually beginning to wonder if bass still even existed, because it felt like I was on a snipe hunt! Caught 2 today and the bite was on fire, so it was a lot of fun. An experienced angler probably would've pulled in 7 or 8 at least. Keep at it and good luck!
  3. Well done! I've fished the James in a couple of different RVA locations from the banks with no luck in the past week. Did catch 2 small LMB today in a pond just south of the city, though. Nice catch!
  4. Hi, all. Been lurking for awhile and decided to join up, in honor of catching my first 2 LMB today. Have done a whole lot of saltwater fishing in my day, but have just recently gotten into freshwater fishing. I used to throw nightcrawlers in local ponds as a kid, but haven't done much freshwater fishing since. Appreciate these forums a great deal as they've been quite useful in getting properly geared up and out on the rivers/ponds!
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