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About ThinkRSX

  • Birthday March 5

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  • Location
    Buffalo, NY
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lower Niagara
  • Other Interests
    Fishing for Steelies on a Center Pin.

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  1. I was there for about 4 hours yesterday... Not a single bite. Spent 2 hours throwing a buzzbait, then moved onto c-rigged soft plastics for an hour, and finished up my last hour throwing cranks, spinnerbaits, toads, spooks, and jerkbaits. The heat is probably a major factor, but I've also noticed the fishing pressure has increased greatly. I had never seen anyone throwing a buzzbait there up until Friday when I came across one and yesterday there were 2 more. I think it's time for me to find a new honey hole.
  2. Yes, there's shore access. I usually fish it everyday but I haven't been since Friday due to illness. The bite had been pretty steady, but when I went on Friday with jigger it was virtually non-existent. My go to lure has been a buzzbait for the past three weeks. When I encounter a bass who short strikes my lure, I'll follow up by throwing either an unweighted Senko or a c-rigged baby brush hog which does the trick.
  3. Nope, I don't fly fish. I do use a centerpin reel in fall/winter, but I haven't had mine out since March.
  4. I showed I showed up as they were down by the waterfall. You can't miss me. I'm the only idiot on the shore lugging around 3-5 poles and always have a black gloomis baseball cap on.
  5. I stopped at the outer harbor last night on my way home from my daughter's lacrosse game. I was only fishing for about 1.5 hours, mainly to practice with jerkbaits, but it was dead. No bites, no one else had bites, and the water was so clear you could see that there were no fish. I'm thinking about trying Lake La Salle in UB or Pilecki pond after work. I'm not to sure about the pond. One shoreline has houses along it (backyards) and the other shoreline is pressed up to the I-990. My hopes are that if I fish the 990 side and remain respectful of people's property (staying off of it), then I won't have any problems. It's doubtful, but I remain hopeful. Dave, you need to make an "appointment" to fish. Set it 2-3 weeks in advance and tell yourself and your family that nothing is stopping you from getting out there!
  6. Wait wait wait... "Mr. I go to Florida for fishing and don't show up again for another 3 pages". How was Florida? Got some pics of those Marlins you landed? I don't know that I'd trade fishing for Florida, but it doesn't sound like your time has been monopolized by chores or things of that nature. Today was the first day I didn't get out fishing in 2 weeks. It was just to hot. Jigger, I was going to hit you up yesterday, but it was 4:30 am when I was leaving my house. I figured you'd want a little more notice than that.
  7. Good luck! Bring us back some pics.
  8. Welcome Titus! I know exactly how you're feeling. I took my daughters fishing for the 4th of July last year, they enjoyed it, but I fell in love with it. That's when I caught bass fever and did all the things you've described. I'm always open for PM's. I may not be able to tell you how to catch fish as well as most of the people on here, but I can tell you some things to avoid doing based on my own personal blunders. i haven't had any luck at the overflow pond. I pretty much head to Hyde Park every weekday (thanks jigger) and on the weekends I usually head to a few ponds in Lancaster. I live in Kenmore, so nowhere is really that close except for the river. I like Hyde because I know that there's always going to be little 1 lb'ers there which gives me a chance to practice with a specific lure or technique. Id pick 4-5 types of lures and work on those before moving to others . 1. Soft plastics 2. Crankbaits 3. Topwaters (Buzbaits, frogs) 4. 5. Always try to talk to everyone you pass on the banks who has a rod in their hand. Use resources like bass resource articles for information. Also, if you're absent minded like me, write EVERYTHING down in a journal. Refer to it when uncertain or when bored on a conference call. Probably the most important thing I can say and the most frustrating... There's no "right" answer. There's no right way, just try everything and make your own assessment.
  9. Not sure, but he was the first to the dock. He was tied up with all sorts of phone interviews afterwards. I heard him, along with the cameraman who was on his boat say some interesting things about having alternate plans tomorrow. I managed to get 400 pics of all the anglers coming in and walking around the boat launch. I also managed to get a picture with KVD. It was a good day. I'm really disappointed with the local media coverage... Or lack there of. Couldn't they at least get a 10-15 second mention on the evening news?
  10. I sure hope so because I've been down here since 2:00 waiting for them to come back. Not sure I have the courage to ask for a pic with KVD, but thought I'd get some good ones of them coming in. Powronzik basically slapped BASS in the face with the stunt he pulled. Logically, it makes sense for him, but it gives BASS a bad look, leaves fans (in a sport desperately needing attention) with a bad taste in their mouth, and it happened on the one day in which the event was "nationally televised".
  11. That was them. Most of them fished strawberry island. Hite did really well against the grand island bridge pilings. I took a crazy round about way to work just so I could travel the 190 and see KVD out there on the Nitro.
  12. For Hyde Park, I know nothing about fly fishing but I had good luck with JustJiggers advice by throwing a T-rigged baby brushhog. I had even better luck once I swapped to a C-rig, but I think that has more to do with the angler than the preference of the fish. I was also catching a good amount on zoom lizards, zoom flukes, strike king perfect plastics finesse worms, and 5" Yamamoto seinko's. The colors I had good results with were Watermelon red flake, watermelon magic, Green pumpkin black flake. A word of advice, over the past week the vegitation has really taken off. Anything North of the bridge that crosses the lake is tough fishing off the bottom. T & C rigs get choked up with weeds on the weight. Drop shot seems to be the best chance, but I don't have the patience to fish a drop shot. If you stick to the southern end near the waterfall you shouldn't have those issue. That's where I've caught a majority of my LMB. I fished the two Lancaster ponds on pavement last weekend. Didn't have any issues, I've heard it's not as "enforced" as it used to be but i have no previous experience.
  13. Well have to go pinning this fall. I love pinning the creeks. I love the lower Niagara in the winter months but pinning there is a work. A 1:1 gear ratio when fishing a float in 20 mph current wears on the arms. Then you have to climb those god forsaken stairs which wears on your legs. By the time you get home all extremities are exhausted. I had better luck in the creeks with my pin. 18 mile and clear creek were the two that I frequented most often. I just started pinning this year. A friend of mine turned me onto it and sent me to see Danny at Colville's. That guy gives "world class service" a new meaning. I guess I've grown spoiled from the way he treats his customers because I have a hard time even walking into Cabela's now. How much more of a challenge is fishing from a yak? I've heard it changes the angles and not being on stable ground can turn some anglers off.
  14. Welcome Sean! Nice to see more WNY anglers on the scene. I fished the Upper Niagara at the foot of Ontario yesterday, got skunked, but no big surprise since the river always kicks my butt. Next week when the Bassmaster Elite are fishing the upper river, I plan to watch/record KVD's every move and hopefully gain a few new spots! Ha Tuesday I caught a few 1 lb'ers on a pond. The heat has decreased the bite rate, but it hasn't killed it entirely. Just have to go deep. Is there anyone in our group here who has a 2 kayaks for fishing? I was thinking about buying my own, but I didn't want to make that decision without ever trying to fish from one. I was hoping someone would have 2 and would be kind enough to spend an afternoon teaching me about 'yak fishin'.
  15. Skunked at my favorite pond. Going to head to Hyde Park shortly to get me a 4-5 pounder! Im surprised the fish at Hyde aren't bigger than that being as they have such a wide variety of trash to choose from when it comes to meal time. Yesterday I was pulling in plastic bags, trash bags,a sock, paper, cardboard, & paper towels. Your really need a hazmat suit of you plan on fishing there.
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