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Everything posted by Lard_Bass

  1. One tip that I read that has helped my hookset is to lower the rod tip slightly when you feel that initial tug. Let the fish suck that worm in and then set the hook with a straight up jerk. I use 2/0 and had no issues with the hook being too small. Remember that going bigger on hooks will affect the fall of the worm slightly. I am going to use more lightwire hooks this year to give it a more natural / slower fall. Additionally, definitely make sure your drag is set right. The easiest tip I got from this forum is to fill a plastic bag of groceries set at 25% of your line rating. So, a 16oz (1 lb) can of soup for 4 lb test would do. Lift the bag slightly off the ground and the drag should start releasing line slowly. When I learned this tip, it helped me tremendously. Hope this helps.
  2. I was hoping to start a thread focused on SW PA (Pittsburgh surrounding area). I visit some other forums but most of them are not too active for this region and not devoted mainly to bass fishing. I was hoping people could post recaps of their outings, where they went, and any tips they would like to share for that specific spot. I live in the South Hills and will be hitting lakes such as Canonsburg, Cross Creek, Peters Lake / Dam #2, Dunlap, and High Point. I will make some trips to Lake Arthur and then hope to try some new lakes (I am relatively new to the area and will continue to explore). Also, if anyone spots any tackle deals, please share them. I have been hitting the Wally Worlds and buiying up Strike King 3x, FLW, and Waveworm soft plastics (.50 to 1.00 per bag). Gander Mt. had some nice Spro crankbaits for $1.99 and stone jigs $1.50. I will be heading out to Cabelas this weekend to check out their Spring sale. I will post a follow up if anything looks decent.
  3. What did you end up doing? I just got a spare spool myself and debating the same thing. I am going to load up one with #6 Yo-Zuri Ultrasoft but didn't know if I should go lighter or heavier. I know Roadwarrior swears by this stuff. I was thinking of going 10# (average break is 16.5) or 12# (19.5) Yo-Zuri Ultrasoft for some slop conditions (or is braid a better way to go?).
  4. I was thinking of picking up some waders and was wondering if anyone had suggestions. Stockingfoot vs. Bootfoot? Breathable? Neoprene vs. Nylon? I have read all about the advantages and disadvantages of each but was wondering if any of the gurus on this board had specific opinions. Thanks.
  5. I do not know squat about fly fishing but thinking of picking up a rod sometime soon to teach myself. Is there a specific situation where you would use a fly rod over a spinning rod? Are fly rods mainly for finesse techniques and when the bite is slow?
  6. I am amazed about how much of a lead T-rig has. No other method is a close second.
  7. KU, I am torn between the 2 as well. Right now, I am leaning towards the Minn Kota given the recent rebate. Let me know what you do as well.
  8. I would second that. St. Croix are typically underrated. So a St. Croix ML is more like a M. I have the 7 foot MLF St. Croix Triumph and really like it. I fish out of a canoe with it and have no problems. However, I also have a 5'6' UL spinning setup that is easier to use when seated in a canoe. I paired up my St. Croix with a Daiwa Laguna. I recently saw it on sale at Tackle Warehouse: http://www.***.com/descpageRLSDAIWA-DALSR.html I have used a lot of light baits with the 7' St. Croix. What I do enjoy is that it can handle some bigger lures (1/2 oz) too. When I am with my kids from the shore, I usually rig both my 5'6" setup and 7' setup. I will usually put a 1/4 rattletrap or spinnerbait on the shorter rod and t-rig the 7'. Thus, the lighter setup has the heavier weight and I can cast further. And my longer rod can cast the plastic further. One other tip if you are fishing with your daughter, rig her rod with a Johnson Silver minnow (1/8 oz). Add a grub (of her favorite color, probably pink like my duaghter likes). With the Johnson, you won't be spending time worrying about picking debris off the hook and she can chuck it a distance. My kids get bored with a bobber. After I started rigging them with spinnerbaits and the Johnson minnow, they are into bass fishing now. No more bluegills for them.
  9. I know there a ton of ways to do it and each have their purpose. If I missed one, chime in and let us know how you like to rig. I am looking for your "go to" / confidence method. I am a texas rig guy (un-pegged, bullet sinker, no bead).
  10. The low end battery charger at Wall World is a 2/4/8 amp charger. I was wondering what do you guys charge your battery at? Should I look at getting at least a 10 amp charger. Avid, I will be getting the stabilizers based on your previous recommendation. Thanks for the heads up on the AGM battery. I was wondering if it was necessary and noticed that the EverStart battery is not AGM. With both the stabilizers and AGM, I would rather be safe than sorry.
  11. If the pros used lived bait, then their shirts would be patchless! ;D
  12. Since, I just bought one, here's what I know from reading. The formula is (boat weight + maximum weight carried) / 200 x 5 = thrust needed. If you go to Cabelas website, they say that for every 200 pounds of weight, you need 5 pounds of thrust. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/content/community/product_features/buyers_guide/pages/hardgoods/fishing/pf_ross_trolling_motor_guide.html I have read that both Minn Kota and Motorguide are bascially the names in the trolling motor field. I bought a Minn Kota given a recent Dick's Sporting Goods promotion. Hope this helps.
  13. Rattlin Chug Bug. I think that's all they make these days: http://www.stormlures.com/products/index.cfm
  14. After watching the classic this weekend and reading this forum the past several months, there's no doubt I will be tossing a shakey head / Alabama rig a ton this year. I bought some 1/4 oz spot removers but I am thinking that I also need something lighter for finesse. I was just curious what jig head sizes you guys use and for what depth. Chime in and let me hear those ideas.
  15. I just got a new Minn Kota Endura 30# transom trolling motor for my canoe. I am about to purchase a battery and charger. I already went to Wally World and they have a battery and charger that should run me $70. Before I do purchase, I wanted to see if the forum members had any recommendations for a battery and charger. Since I joined this forum, I usually see someone post a couple of days after a big purchase with a better idea. So, I am outright asking this time before I purchase it.
  16. I don't think color matters either. The one I found at Dick's was Natural Perch and used it in all water types. I bought a shad colored one over the winter at a Wally World that had it. I have the 1/4 oz versions.
  17. A salesperson last year at Gander Mt told me about the chug bug and how he ran out of stock mid-summer. I found one at Dick's and love it. The Pop-R and Chug Bug are my 2 favorite topwater baits. The one thing I noticed with the Chug Bug is that has more rattling noise. I fish both the Pop-R and Chug Bug with the twitch, twitch, pause method. Both produced very well for me. The one thing I did read is that the chug bug should do better with a little chop on the water. I am curious to see when one decides between a Pop-R and a Chug Bug.
  18. I just read over on Tackle Tour that they tried the Sizmic Toad as a trailer. I would have never thought of that. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewsizmictoad.html
  19. Do you guys use jig heads with flukes? If so, what kind and how heavy?
  20. Joe's are killer on trout. I have never used them for smallies. I usually use them by themselves but I read a recent tip to use a Joe's Flies with a splitshot about 14 inches above it for trout. You could try the same thing on the rivers for smallies I suppose.
  21. It's a mixture of both nylon and flouro. Here's the product link: http://www.yo-zuri.com/Products/ProdLine/Hybrid.htm Also, RoadWarrior did a nice job of convincing me to buy the UltraSoft on a previous thread: http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1169428805/0 Ultrasoft now comes in 2#. You can find the smaller spools at Gander Mountain. BPS and Cabelas sell small and large spools in-store and on-line.
  22. That's why I have hundreds of dollars in equipment trying to outsmart a creature that has a peanut for a brain! ;D (see my signature).
  23. I was wondering what everyone uses for deep diving crankbaits (greater than 20 ft in depth)?
  24. How do these compare to the Zoom Horny Toad? I was eyeing those up Also, when do you guys typically use frogs (season, time of day, conditions, etc.)?
  25. That's exactly the tip I read. Another suggestion was to add a splitshot on the same wire.
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