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Everything posted by Lard_Bass

  1. Okay, all my gear is used on fresh water. What do I need to do if I expose it to saltwater? Also, which beaches do you recommend?
  2. I don't have time to really explore so I'll hit some of the canals. Any specific ones I should target and what lures would work? I would like to target bass but I have a feeling that I'll be catching a wide array of things in those canals.
  3. Hey guys, I am going to the Naples area this fall and was wondering if anyone can recommend some shore fishing spots for me. Also, are there locations where you can catch some peacock bass? Any recs would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Tokyo, Thanks for reminding me. I completely forgot to throw an x-rap. I have a clown and white/white ones. I didn't even think about throwing it out there. I figured if I only got one solid hit on a fluke, the x-rap wouldn't be much better.
  5. Fourbizzle, What did you catch that hawg on? I assume you are in a warm weather state. I have never heard of a fish that big up in my parts. Was it pre or post spawn? It's a fish of beauty. Your drag must've been screaming when that fish took the bait. Nice fish.
  6. Thanks all for the advice. I hit the lake and got skunked. There was a heavy fog when I got on but I started seeing some fish hit the surface so I tried a topwater. No luck. A buddy of mine got a dink on retrieiving a husky jerk so I switched to Mann's -1 crank. No luck. Then i thought I saw a small school of fish feeding, drove the canoe out to the middle of the lake, and threw a fluke. I got a solid hit but couldn't set the hook. Action died and couldn't find them. Then I hit a big fallen tree in the water. I threw a topwater, fluke, jig, toad and worm around it. Nada. Then I started slowly back to a launch ramp and threw a Rat-L-trap. Skunked. A bad day at the lake is better than a good day in the office.
  7. thanks. this helped clear up some things.
  8. I hear these terms used a lot but get confused because they seem interchangeable. I once heard that structure is what would still be present if a lake were completely drained. Everything else is cover. Can people clarify? Thanks.
  9. I am headed out tomorrow morning at sunrise. Air temp around 41 degrees and warming up to 67 by afternoon. A cold front just moved in here on Friday. I typically fish the coves in the morning and cast towards shore. I use topwaters and some shallow cranks. I was wondering where you guys would fish and what lures you would use?
  10. I think you're right on both counts. I've been told that Royalex is virtually indestructible and I know Kevlars cost twice as much. But I bought a Kevlar (Wenonah Fisherman) this spring. I felt I had no choice, as it had to be ultralight or I couldn't buy anything. At my age there's no way I can carry around and hoist onto a roof rack a 55# boat. As with you, I wanted a light canoe. That's why I went with the Radisson (34 lbs) which ran me about $500 instead of 2-3x more for either Royalex or Kevlar. I almost bought the Wenonah Heron and the Fisherman. Great canoes as well. But the Radisson was too good of a deal to pass up. I am taking it out next weekend and will post some pics. I take it out on some lakes around here that are either trolling motor only or 9.9hp regulated. The canoe has held up well. It has some dents in it (i took it shallow to retrieve some nice lures) but has not punctured. A buddy came out with me and was shocked by its stability.
  11. That's on the high side. Both the Wenonah Fisherman and Heron weigh 36 pounds. They're very expensive but that light weight doesn't come for free. my mistake. I meant to say many Royalex were 50+ lbs. Kevlar is definitely lighter but more $$$$. Also, I have been told that Kevlar is not as durable as Royalex. Anyone looking for canoe specs, I used this site to compare quickly: http://www.adventuresports.com/product/oak-orchard/canoeinventory.php Also, maybe you should consider a porta-bote: http://www.porta-bote.com/ I have read great reviews about this portable boat.
  12. A couple of months ago, someone recommended a website for USED bassboats. I can no longer remember it. I check Ebay and Craigslist often but was trying to find the one someone of this forum recommended. Any recs would be appreciated.
  13. I fish Peters Lake Park many times over the last couple of years and got nothing but dinks. I haven't heard of anyone catching anything substantial in that lake. I went out a couple of times with a canoe and fish finder. The deepest point was roughly only 25 feet and the terrain was flat. The lack of structure and deep water has probably hurt the fish population is my best guess.
  14. Thanks mackkie, nice ride at a nice price. I have been keeping my eye out on craigslist for a similar deal. My problem is that I don't know what to look for or how to judge if the boat is in good condition.
  15. Looks like a kayak. What's the difference? Also, can you stand up in it? You probably need outriggers if you do.
  16. I have a 12 foot Radisson Canoe (called Sportspal in Canada) that weighs only 34 lbs. There is a similar version made by Meyers Boats called Sportspal in the U.S. As you can see, both companies share similar names of Sportspal in their respective home countries. Sportspal in the U.S. is made a one sheet of aluminum while Radisson is made of welded sheets. I need to disclose this because if you google Radisson you'll see they make Sportspal but it is not the same Sportspal you'll find at sporting good stores in the U.S which is more expensive. I had the Radisson for about a year. You can see the specs here: http://www.bwmarineproducts.com/pointed_canoes.htm It has been a fantastic canoe. I can load it on my car and carry it by myself since it is very light. It is very wide (38 inches) and completely stable with stabilizers / outriggers (thank you Avid for that recommendation) and the sponsoons (foam bars attached to side of canoe). I stand up in my canoe almost all the time. I went out with a buddy last weekend and loaded it up with gear. My buddy who also has a canoe was amazed by the stability of the Radisson as we dealt with the wakes of many power boats. I got some seat backs and mounted a fish finder and rod holders to the outrigger cross beam. Every time I take it on the lakes, people are amazed by the little bass hunter that I have. It is rigged up with a 30 lb thrust trolling motor (trolling motor bracket is included with the canoe plus oars too!). So what are the downsides of the canoe you ask. I would never take it down a rocky river. The aluminum is too thin. I have run into submerged rocks and stumps and while it dents, it has not punctured (if it ever does, you can buy some JB Weld cement to fix it up quickly). I mainly fish lakes so fast moving rocky water is not a problem. The other is downside is if you really want to "canoe" I don't think this is a great canoe to paddle. It is very wide for stability. Its tracking capabilities do not bug me since I mount it with a trolling motor almost all the time. Also, the key to maintaining the weight distribution in this canoe is to put the trolling motor battery at the front of the canoe (a marine extension cable is only $15). I found my canoe in an off-season fall sale for under $500. Other canoes that I looked at such as the Wenonah Heron were going to run me $900+. I could've gotten a used canoe on craigslist but the problem with most canoes is weight. A lot of cheap ones out there weigh 75 lbs +. Even the lightest kevlar or royalex canoes would weigh 50+ lbs. You can find some used Sportspal or Radisson canoes out there but they are tough to find. I found one once and it was gone once the listing was posted.
  17. The current Avids are being discontinued for a newer model. Many stores, including BPS, are putting the Avids on clearance. Volpster, like you, I had to resist.
  18. Which fish & ski boat did you end up getting? Any brand recommendations? Thanks.
  19. Hit Cross Creek today. Water temp was 82 degrees. Caught several LM, the biggest one around 19-20 inches. Best fight of the summer for me. He crushed my topwater Pop-R. I love it when my drag lets out line. Caught the others on gitzits. BTW, if anyone is going to Gander Mountain, they have a bunch of outwear/raingear red tagged plus another 50% off. I picked up a nice waterproof / breathable fly fishing jacket that originally was $80 for $24. Strike King plastics were going for $0.99 as well.
  20. I have been contemplating getting a small bass boat. However, I was trying to think of boats where I could take the whole family out as well to cruise, sunbathe, grill, etc. I was wondering what boats could cover both fishing and family activities. Pontoon, deck, etc.? I currently fish on lakes with 9.9hp restrictions but would take it to bigger lakes and rivers. Any help would be appreciated.
  21. It usually does. I still fish even if I know I have an uphill battle. I may head up to Lake Arthur this weekend. Recent reports have been decent: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07194/801433-358.stm
  22. Welcome aboard puddlejumper! Where do you live?
  23. I hit Cross Creek with my son on Sunday. I caught a couple nice bass on Gitzits. Water was 79 degrees. Both my son and I had numerouse missed hits on the Gitzits before we had to call it a day (fished for only 3 hours). Other anglers I bumped into caught some nice ones as well. One guy said senkos were working for him. He had no luck with flukes (neither did I). Cranks didn't work for us either.
  24. Anyone been to Racoon lately? I am thinking of heading out there Sunday. HPBB, is there any bass in Donegal? According to PFBC's website, it lists only Mukie, Trout, Cats, and Sauger. Lastly, anyone been to Green Lick Lake? I see it's near Donegal. I fish Dunlap which isn't too far from either Donegal and Green Lick.
  25. Thread has been quiet latetly. Hopefully everyone has been fishing. I hit Dunlap Lake last weekend and caught a couple of bass (15-18 in) on flukes. How's everyone else fairing?
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