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About Absolute_St.Croix

  • Birthday 12/12/1970

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  1. I can't really believe this, but I think we may have another one folks. Above you state your digital Camera took a crap because it got wet. Yesterday you said that your sister took your digitial camera to college. http://www.bassresource.com/bass_fishing_forums/YaBB.pl?num=1161307454 Another one what? I bought a chepo at the mall for like 60.00 to take on a trip with my uncle and it got wet from the rain of all things! The wifes camera is the one that to go on a field trip to Penn State! LOL I think I'm pretty much Cut-Off with the family's cameras. Ya know what? I just read through this post.. Why are you guys so apt to judge every one? Are you insecure or was you abused as a child, whats the problem? I'm not sure either, but if you are interested in talking about fishing to a good christian man than I'm right here but if all your gonna do is cause trouble and bellyache over a few words then GO GET A LIFE!
  2. I agree. Also did you notice that REIGN line too? I'm not to shure about those either? I'll stick to the Avids and up. (I actually dont have an Avid but I would use them. They look great) I prefer the Legends and WIld River lines mainly cause thats what I'v been usin from St.Croix arsenal! LOL
  3. I fish for everything. I just get a few more smallies than anything. I really enjoy going out for pike! They have been hittin pretty good lately but I have yet to catch one larger than 11"! I know there in there too! as afr as Muskies go.. Thats fun but it takes forever and a day and about 3000 casts a day! LOL
  4. Ah, I think you thouht I was aiming that at you directly. I wasnt. I just meant you as in anyone. Sorry. Anyway here ya go. My bud Tom took a snap of my smallie from 2 days ago. Here it is.
  5. Here is my thoughts on the matter. I dont have a digital camera anymore since my 300 dollar digital camera took a crap cause it got wet this summer and anyway I don't lie. If you don't believe me then who cares! I don't need to prove anything to you anyway. Just my 2cents
  6. I never had anything too valuable stolen from me (thank God) but my buddy had all his tackle and one of his rod stolen lasst summer by a neighbor! We saw him fishin one day and I happened to notice his rod. I said "Hey Tom, is that your rod?" and so we called the cops and had that *** arrested and pressed charges! I said Good for ya, ya thief! I despise a thief!
  7. Really depends on what type of fishing I'm doing but mostly a good crisp fall day for fall trout/bass flyfishin and a warm summer evening for bank fishing for everything else. I'm going flyfishing this Sunday at the Pa. Grand Canyon. Wish me luck!
  8. Fly fishing is my bag so I may be able to help you out. Ok, first what weight of flyline are you interested in? I know that fly~line is expensive but if you get what you need the first time then it's all worth it. I use ORVIS WONDERLINE in a 5,6,8 & 9 weights ,weight forward sometimes a rocket taper. I see that SCIENTIFIC ANGLER has some decently priced line thats pretty good. You might wanna check that out. Try to stay away from that WalMart brand it's crap~ola. HOpe that helps you out some. If you have any questions feel free to email or PM me and we can get you all straightened out.
  9. I voted SHIMANO hands down the best made reels in the world!
  10. Last week I took my pup Buck to the river with me cause he loves the water and I was fishin with a rattle~trap by some weeds for a smallie and WHAM I caught an 11.5" Pike! I laughed and carefully took it of the hook and let him go. That was weird cause I have trouble catchin them when I'm actually fishing for them! LOL
  11. They are a decent rod. The only premier I own is a St.Croix Premier 8' Fly~rod. My dad uses an old beat to heck Premier 6'6" spinning rod though and they really are that light and very sensitive indeed. Just dont use a cheapo reel with it or you'll lose the proper balance point and lose some of your casting abilities. JMO.
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