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Spencer W

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    Lincoln, Nebraska

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  1. I have had one for a couple years and I really enjoy using the reel. I think its a good quality reel for the price.
  2. shad rap- crawdad,shad bandit 200-blk/chart,blue/chart,shad spinnerbait- white,chart ,black cavitron buzzbait- chart, white 7" power worms- tequila sunrise,red shad,black rat-l-trap type bait, blk/chrome,blue/chrome,chart senko type plastic, black,chart/white zara spook- blue/white,black/chrome mann's or swamp donkey frog-chart fat ika-blk/w/blue fleck
  3. I fished there a couple months ago, it is a peaceful small lake to go to. Water clarity was decent 1-2 ft, lake has some good depth and structure for a lake of its size. There are numerous rock piles, and some brush scattered throughout the lake. Here is a little info, if you haven't already researched. http://mdc.mo.gov/fish/prospects/lakes.htm#bilby http://mdc.mo.gov/areas/nwest/fish/bilby.htm http://mdc.mo.gov/documents/areas/nwest/fish/bilby.pdf
  4. I've been checked several years ago, just a boat check to make sure everything was good. Our warden's do a great job around here, but the state is understaffed and there are limited funds. When they do write a ticket the money from the fines go to the school system and not the game and parks. :-?
  5. I sent my Compre back a couple years ago, and about a week later I had a new rod. No questions asked. Lifetime Warranty is great.
  6. Quantum Accurist reel, didn't last a full season of use.
  7. I can tell you that there are a few submerged rock piles on the sw end of the d**n, I think 2 or 3 of them. I went out there when it was empty. Other than that I haven't fished the lake since they've done the rehab. You might try posting on here http://www.nefga.org/forum/index.php, some people might pm you with some info. Good Luck
  8. You'll love having it, the ease of pulling out the extension cord and plug it in. I've had mine about a year that I bought from Cabela's, you won't know what to do without one.
  9. Favorite is a buzzbait or frog, most productive is probably crankbait, spinnerbait.
  10. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/common/search/search-results1.jsp?QueryText=ultra+soft&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&Ntt=ultra+soft&noImage=0
  11. Yeah sorry I was going the wrong way :-[
  12. I don't live in Omaha but I live about 50 miles west of it. You should check out these sites for some info on Omaha lakes. http://www.ngpc.state.ne.us/fishing/fishing.asp http://www.nefga.org/forum/index.php
  13. I Live in Lincoln, they recently renovated Wildwood several years ago. You probably won't find any fish of good size there yet. But it should be a great lake when the fish grow a bit. If anyone ever needs a fishing partner shoot me a PM.
  14. Heres a few I have, some of me some of my fishing bud:
  15. That sounds like a great deal, especially if they are the older models with the triple grip hooks. I'd definately take advantage of that. I have really good success with the 100,200 series.
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