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Everything posted by brotekind269

  1. +1. The channel going into Aquia has some good stuff to fish.
  2. You guys are awesome! ???
  3. Last year by this time i could give you a full report on what to throw and where to go. But currently I am also in your boat (pun?). With all the rain and my lack of time to get out there, i have not had a very good spring/early summer. The great part is i typically do better in one half the year than the other, so here's to fall! I'm planning on heading out twice next week and will probably stick to my bread n butter, dragging jigs and senkos (all day), to get something descent on the board. Not very helpful, but just wanted to be apart of the thread.
  4. I would greatly appreciate a little nudge, when its go time. I'll read any other updates or reports you feel like posting.
  5. Nice report.... I'm still waiting for the nice hot summer grassy (calm) days at Aquia. I have to be a little more selective on when I go out with my 1984 16ft aluminum. With those conditions, I would have capsized in the parking lot. Flowers are blooming, I think i'll hit the Rappa next week.
  6. If I know (without doubt) there are fish in the spot I will stay there until..... I am constantly switching techniques and cadences as i'm finding fish until I get bit. Once bit then I'll make the subtle changes to get better and bigger bites. I'm a finesse fisherman at heart so I love completely dissecting a piece of cover, but I also hate wasting time if there aren't fish there. I only fish pressured waters, so dragging a senko or slow fishing a jerkbait is my power fishing and dissecting an area with a finesse jig is my slow.
  7. IMO: The little fish are wreaking havoc on the newly formed ecosystem. It is a kind of a slot limit, the 12" and less are in abundance so they are "encouraging" keeping them. There is a good video on this site about pond/fishery maintenance. I went fishing there once in the summer and must have caught at least 30 12" or less. I pretty much stopped setting the hook on the obvious bites. Great place to teach someone how to use a plastic worm. It has been years and years since I've cleaned fish, but maybe it's time for a fish fry. Bout time i teach my girls also.
  8. I shouldn't give this away, but the community lakes at Kinnakeet Shores behind the Food Lion in Avon. I've already said too much. Enjoy.
  9. Went this past weekend and like the lake. Caught at least 30 bass, all around the 10-14" mark. Did find a 5 lb kicker, but the place is completely overpopulated with dinks. Make sure you have 4x4 drive if you are launching the boat. The ramp is shallow and the hill leading to it is steep with really loose gravel. The lake is extremely deep with tons of sticks and cover in the shallows.
  10. I have a 7 1/2" + dome and just got a pair of Spy Rocky. very light weight, comfortable, and fit fine. I also really like the "happy" lenses compared to my oakleys. I have tried on Spy frames in the past and many of them run small, but these are baller.
  11. I was thinking about trying out the Rappahannock River this weekend for the first time and was looking for any advice. My plan was to launch from Little Falls and do some bass/junk fishing up and down stream from there. I have heard it gets treacherous closer to the city docks so I probably won't go too far up stream. One person said that area below city docks is snakehead territory..??.. that isn't my preferred fishing, but would be willing to help rid the world of a few snakeheads. How much do the tides fluctuate there? I have aquia creek experience, so I am already planning my trip around the tides (if they have that much affect). Honestly, the ultimate goal is to find an area where I can get away from a few people on a weekend and it looks like the Rappahannock is long enough where I could find some space. If a few fish accidentally run into my lure than that would be a bonus. Any tips or warnings would be appreciated. Even species to target... I am completely in the dark and its hard to find info for this stretch of river.
  12. The one and only time I have been there this year, I believe in July. I caught a couple in the submerged grass bed in the shallow side (opposite dam). Used a june bug 10" ol' monster worm almost swimming it through the grass. There was something holding them in a particular spot and caught 3, but the wind pushed me off or they turned off and I couldn't find the spot again. Wish I had GPS, the grass is pretty expansive and hard to find the edges. I fished the crud out of the attractors and couldn't get a bite. got 2 pickerel off the dam. I will probably go back sometime this fall, seems like the other fishermen had pretty good etiquette. In this area I look for that almost more than fish.
  13. A single Senko, Green Pumpkin. Long ago, just a few months of getting into the world of straight tail finesse worms. Back when I didn't see a point in paying extra for a "do nothing" bait, especially when there are so many cheaper options (an not spending countless hours watching youtube). I held on to the Senko for a while before using it because even though I didn't pay for it, I didn't want to waste it. At a highly pressured pond, in the heat of the day, fishing a tree lay down from the bank. I probably hit the tree at least 25 times with a cheaper stick bait. On a whim, I decided to tie on the Senko to see a comparison with what I was using. Caught 2 bass from that tree. Now the Senko is one of the very few baits I am willing to pay extra for.
  14. Looking on the map, it looks like it launches into deeper water just above the dam. Is there a good stretch to fish before it gets shallow? The boat traffic is a problem, but when the water and weather gets cooler I plan on spending as much time as possible on the Shenandoah. It will be good to have a spot on the South Fork, which is about an hour from me. Thanks for the info,
  15. What boat ramp do you use? or nearest place on google maps.
  16. Where is Egypt Bend? I enjoy fishing the Main Stem where the south and north meet to the dam, and would love to find another launch with deeper water.. Fished there for the first time over the weekend and cannot believe how drunk and inconsiderate some of the speed boats are. I under stand the need to stay in the channel and there isn't a lot of room to pass (and having a few beers while on the water), but I had a boat pass at full throttle between me and the bank while I was at mid cast. We could have given each other a high five. I love that place and have pulled out some good fish, but it will strictly be a weekday thing.
  17. I remember a long-long time ago asking someone if they caught anything, and his reply was (in a southern draw) "caught-a-buzz." Ever since, I bring some beers with me so I always catch something. I, like you, have had more empty cans than tight lines this year. But I am spending all my time watching how to videos and all my money on electronics and setups, so at least I will be able to talk the talk and look like a pro. My best season is always the fall. I struggle all year then tear them up the last couple of trips, then I sit all winter chomping at the bit to get back out there. Which forces me to hit the Bass Pro spring sale in preparation for the next year. It is a vicious cycle. Does Bass Pro have the ability to turn on and off the bite? Hallmark invented St. Valentines Day so anything could be possible.
  18. Thanks for the info; Nitro, DC, and Crank. I really appreciate it!! since the Shenandoah is know for wading and canoeing, I am really having a hard time finding any information about boating. I am sure there are plenty of better places to fish ("should have been here yesterday"), I mainly need a place somewhat close to the house where I can run the outboard motor. I would hate for the motor to rot-out from lack of use. However for the electric motor, I can go 30 minutes in every direction and hit an "electric only" reservoir. I also have kayaks, which I can hit the north/south forks and Rappahannock. I am thinking about hitting Lake Anna, but that is a longer trip and the boaters down there can be just as dangerous. I am familiar with Aquia and may stick with that on the not quite as windy days (the wind never stops there). I will be very cautious when leaving out of the ramp and when approaching overpasses, those are excellent tips. I will probably stop at each overpass and really mark the territory bank to bank, so I know without a doubt where to cross and where to avoid. I see there is a ramp at the Front Royal Golf Course upstream from the rt 66 pass. Does anybody know about this ramp? Looks like it is past the hazards mentioned.
  19. Ok, after extensive research, I think I have figured it out. I am referring to the mainstem where the north and south forks flow together. It is deep and on a completely random kayak youtube video, there were ski boats "hauling the mail" towing tubers. If anybody has any fishing info great, but I will head out there in a couple weeks and figure it out the "fun" way.
  20. I have a new to me (1984 aluminum) 16' bass boat. Its got 55lb on the front and 40 hp on the back. Not sure the draft but it is extremely light and sits fairly high in the water. I was looking to run the outboard to keep it fresh and the closest place without restrictions is the Shenandoah. The Riverton boat landing is about 30 minutes from the house. Can that area be navigated with a boat? anybody know the depths and current? I haven't been but the section that bends under 66, is absolutely beautiful and I am pretty sure I have seen boats there.. I also know there are tons of shallow areas and boulders along the river, but if I can find a safe stretch and stay in the channel I would love to have a spot that close (even if the fishing is so-so).
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