Hi All-
I'm a bit of a noob here. I've been living right on a small lake in Massachusetts for a few years now and have had a bit of success, routinely catching 2-6# largemouth bass an occasional pickerel and various panfish each year. But when it comes to the bass, I've only caught them on soft, Texas-rigged plastics. No luck with frogs, spin or buzz baits, etc. The lake is 585 acres and is very shallow, with an average depth of 9' and a max depth of 13'. We get a LOT of algae do to runoff from the local cranberry bogs. In fact, the first year I was there, the lake was closed to swimming for a month because the algae grew to toxic levels. The town has been doing some things with the dam and water treatment and it should be better this year. I literally walk off my back porch to the private beach, so for all of its flaws, it's a pretty sweet spot. I've got a 12' boat with a small outboard.
In any event, I can't wait for the weather to warm and get out on the lake. If anyone has any suggestions for how I can expand my tools and techniques, especially as the water comes up from near-freezing in the next few weeks. I generally stay away from live bait. I watch a lot of YouTube videos, but they are mostly from other parts of the country and in different types of water. What's a good way to start to broaden my skills?