Hey guys!
I am new to this board and was wondering if some of you would give me your feedback on something. I have just recently gotten back into bass fishing again. I fished quite a bit as a kid/teenager, but quit when I was about 16 years old. Never had much success as a kid. Never really had a great mentor to learn from, but had a lot of fun with my younger brother. I am now 34 and just became obsessed with bass fishing again. Caught about a 4 pounder a few weeks back in a privately stocked lake. IT WAS AWESOME! I need a boat now.
My question is this: I frequently hear that Indiana is not terrific fishing for largemouth bass at all. I also heard on a tournament I was watching on TV recently some comments made about a pro from the "Ohio River Valley" area and how he was not used to catching many bass where he was from. Is it a myth that the Midwest is worse fishing than the South (Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisianna, Texas, Mississippi, Arskansas, the Carolinas etc.) and then again in the North (Boundary Waters, Minnesota, Michigan, etc.) or is there a reason fishing seems worse right here in the middle? How did Indiana and Ohio get such a bad rap... if they did? Do Indiana and Ohio anglers just stink?
Another related question... If fishing is indeed worse in Indiana, how far do I have to go and in which direction before it gets a lot better? Missouri? Tennessee? I would love to not have to travel for forever for some amazing fishing. Thanks in advance guys!