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Long Mike

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Everything posted by Long Mike

  1. In my opinion a backlash, and the subsequent removal thereof, will not damage braid. I've had many severe backlashes, some of which took me over an hour to remove, and have never experienced any deterioration of line strength.
  2. In response to a question asked of me via PM, the CABINS rent for $104/$120 a day. The rate is not a "per person" rate. The more people you can stack in the cabin, the cheaper it gets for each.
  3. Welcome John! Please read the Forum Rules and FAQ's http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=boardrules
  4. The thought of rinsing meat before placing it on the fire never crossed my mind, but I've been cooking meat on a pit for only about fifty years. Maybe something has changed.
  5. I've never seen Sasquatch, but my dad has. At least I think so. He called me Sasquatch from the time I was fifteen until I got married.
  6. I would recommend the BPS Carbonlite 6'9"' ML coupled with a Pfleuger President. It's a great rig for what you will be doing and has enough backbone to handle the occasional much larger fish. One great thing about this set-up is that it is NOT a Shimano.
  7. Don't forget to check out Delaware Valley Tackle, one of our sponsors. Excellent work at a very reasonable price.
  8. Very nice review. Thank you!
  9. Just a reminder guys, the cut-off date for reservations is March 1. After that date all cabins and hotel rooms will be released to the general public. There are only ten cabins and we have blocked them all. They each have four double beds, and will sleep four heterosexual adults comfortably. At $104 plus tax Sun. thru Thurs. and $120 plus tax on Fri./Sat. they are a steal. With four guys splitting the cost, you couldn't get that rate at a Motel 6.
  10. I'm a catch and release kind of guy, but it's primarily because I hate cleaning fish. Twice a year I go fishing with my cajun buddies. Every legal sized fish we catch is taken home. The only caveat we have is that anything five pounds or greater will be released.
  11. Nice video. That's one I hadn't seen.
  12. I grew up in a small town in South Louisiana. I was the eldest of three hell-raising boys. My dad worked in the oil patch and worked ten days offshore and five days at home, so my Mom spent two-thirds of the time raising us by herself. Any time she could get rid of the three of us was time well spent for her. We boys were almost always outdoors. We were within a short bike-ride of several fishing spots, so fishing for catfish with a Zebco was the order of the day. As we grew older, hunting became a focus. Dad bought each of his boys a .22 single-shot rifle for their twelfth birthday, and a bolt action 20-gauge shot-gun for their fifteenth. I still have both of those weapons to this day. Oddly, I never started bass fishing until after I was married to my first wife. Her dad was an avid bass fisherman and beer drinker, and he invited me out with him on a number of occasions. I don't remember much about those fishing trips, except he always had me fish with a Lucky-13 lure (remember those?) I never caught a thing, but I drank enough beer not to care.
  13. I use the Stren Knot. To quote, "It's exponentially stronger than the traditional Uni-to-Uni knot." Google it for more info.
  14. Not sure how much this is worth, but the Lowrance uses a dedicated transducer for its downscan images. The 'bird uses software to accomplish it.
  15. I'm not sure. Kurt did mention that one pit is about ninety-eight percent complete and that another was about seventy-five percent.
  16. Revo, Upper Duck is much easier to get to these days, as there is now a gravel road that takes you all the way to the boats ... and then someone had a brain fart. They mounted the skids on a slope so steep that it takes a mountaineer to access them. The road has improved, but the boats are almost impossible to load, launch and retrieve. Unless TC has re-graded it, DO NOT go there. As for the Islands, it's probably the jewel in their crown and they do not realize it. I am dumbfounded as to why they do not try to improve access to that lake. It's like they get you almost there and then stop ..just as they did with Upper Duck
  17. Just got back from a two-day outing with Ghoti (Gary) up at Trophy Country. If you've never heard of it, it's a privatively owned hunting/fishing establishment located in NE Missouri. Between the two of us we caught about 150 bass in two days, with Gary catching a least two-thirds of them. I could whine and say Gary front-ended me the whole trip, but the truth is, Gary is a much better fisherman than me. Remaining true to its reputation for dinks, Trophy Country provided us with a "Trophy" of about two-and-a-half pounds. On the up-side, we were provided with the opportunity of fishing through non-stop rain on Saturday, PLUS the opportunity of loading all of our gear (including two batteries and a trolling motor) into and out of a boat parked on skids on a forty-five degree, sodden clay slope. Loading the boat was an ordeal in the morning, but at least were sliding downhill with all the gear. At the end of the day, having to move everything up hill in that slop,I felt that I was in the first day of Navy SEAL training. My only thought was to get to the top of the hill and ring the bell. Both Gary and I thought we were going to have a heart attack (he's already had one) before it was all over. The only thing left to do was to crank the boat back up the skids. We had already attached the strap, so ... we told the owner that if he wanted that friggin boat back up the skids he could do it himself. There's only so much fun you can tolerate at $100/day each. On Sunday, we fished a different small lake where the access to the boat was MUCH easier. In the morning, the remains of Isaac were still providing a cloudy day and we caught fish on seemingly every other cast. But then the sun came out and the bite shut off almost completely. All-in-all, a good day. For me the opportunity of fishing with a close friend, and catching a lot of bass far over shadowed the difficulties that we encountered ... but I will never go back to Trophy Country and fish that particular lake again. For those of you who have been there, that Lake is called "Upper Duck." It's a great fishery, but, until TC takes corrective measures, entry and egress is a MUTHA.
  18. Happy reading! http://www.bassresource.com/seasonal-fishing-articles#fall
  19. Thanks deep. I just saw the video. So, what did that guy do wrong?
  20. Darn! The video won't play! That just tears me up. NOT.
  21. I would suppose that the transom on a G3 is just a strong as the one on a Tracker. When I contacted them about the same issue, they replied with 10" max. I went with 6" because I didn't want to have to replace the throttle and shift cables with longer ones. BTW, my boat is a 2003 Tournament V-18 and my motor is a 150 Merc.
  22. There are two excellent charities that are focused on fishing for kids. One is Cast for Kids and the other is Tackle the Storm, founded by Don Barone, following the destruction he witnessed after a tornado demolished a town. Tackle the Storm is set up to help put fishing rods in kids hands after they have lost everything due to a natural disaster. Cast for Kids is fairly well funded, but Tackle the Storm operates on a shoestring budget. Whatever you want to donate to either organization will be very much needed, and is very much appreciated.
  23. Don't you mean "...for every time..." and "... could be misused...?"
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