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Long Mike

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Everything posted by Long Mike

  1. I don't go as fast or very far. I have no problem regaining my focus. But then, I don't fish tournaments.
  2. Welcome back Kyle! Contact bassin is addicting. I believe he has a cabin and is needing roomies. Is your dad coming also?
  3. Welcome! You will be interested to know that the ring tone on Glenn's phone is "I'm gonna miss her." BTW, as a newbie you may not know that Glenn is the founder, owner, and the Supreme Commander of this website.
  4. The only best rod is the one that fits within your budget and feels comfortable in your hands. You will get a lot of opinions, but only you can determine what is the best rod.
  5. Facebook likes? What the hell does that mean when it comes to being a successful fisherman? Get real! Above all else, as said above, your education must come first.
  6. I think this thread has run its course. Goodnight Irene.
  7. HEADS UP EVERYONE! Bassin Is Addicting is looking desperately for a roommate. If anyone has a spare bed then please speak up. The unwritten Road Trip mottos are that no one will be left standing on the bank, and no one will be left without a bed.
  8. Hands down, the best product on the market is StarTron. The more you use it, the better your engine runs. I know this from experience.
  9. I can't speak for the BPS spinning reels, but I have a couple of the BBS Extreme baitcasters. When broken down for cleaning, the parts are identical to my Pfleuger Presidents. And incidentally, each of them is about five years old. I still use them a lot, but I'm beginning to transition to Pfleuger Patriarchs.
  10. I have met Glenn, Keri, RW, 00Mod, and about a thousand other people. In my book they are/were all celebrities - except that soldier in Nigeria who stuck an AK-47 in my belly.
  11. There's nothing we can do about it, other than to refuse to allow some self-important tournament angler to move you off your spot.
  12. From one Older Fart to another, Happy Birthday! I raise a glass of excellent boxed wine in your honor. The chances of anyone having to bail you guy's butts out of jail are nil, but if incarceration occurs, I promise that I will bail you out within a week or so.
  13. By the tone of your post it sounds like you are dead-set on buying another glass boat. Any recommendations for aluminum would appear to be futile, so without further input from you, I'm going to rest my fingers.
  14. For those of you who don't have a boat, YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US. No one will be left standing on the bank.
  15. If anyone wants to go back through all of the pages of this thread, and I highly recommend that they do so, you will find that time and again I have said that NO MEMBER WILL BE LEFT STANDING ON THE BANK! WORD! Please come and join us. There's still plenty of time to sign up and book your room/cabin.
  16. On a side note, it's important where you place the emphasis in a sentence. For example: " I never said he took that money." Depending upon which word you emphasize, it changes the meaning of the sentence.
  17. 1. Never. I watch the line and I can feel the bite in my hand. 2. I have an 18 footer. Like Francho, my front deck is large enough for two people, but only for pitching.
  18. I'm coming up on 44. What's a honeymoon?
  19. The same applies to my boat, as I suspect it does to many others. BTW it's a lake, not a river, sorta.
  20. Stoopid is as stoopid does.
  21. It's not too late at all. We have cabins and lodge rooms blocked for our group. They will not be released to the general public until 30 days before the event. Come join us!
  22. I use the Duolock snaps on most occasions because I have a tremor condition with my hands that makes it very difficult for me to tie a knot.
  23. There is no "best" rod. The "best" rod is the one that feels comfortable to you and fits within your budget. Personalty, I would recommend the St. Croix, but put your reel on the rod and see how it feels. If you like it, buy it.
  24. OK, 7:30 is the new time.
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